Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Legions surf report :: Daily updates..

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2010
WA, 1097 posts
20 Feb 2019 9:25AM
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Zuke said..
Huey and I are friends again.

Not sure where you are located Zuke but that looks like the wave i was riding solo sunday morn!

901 posts
20 Feb 2019 7:42PM
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^^^^ You did well to score something like that to yourself on a Sunday CAUTION. I don't do weekends and that was a good head and a half.

WA, 1097 posts
21 Feb 2019 8:44AM
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Zuke said..
^^^^ You did well to score something like that to yourself on a Sunday CAUTION. I don't do weekends and that was a good head and a half.

wave looked like that, but was waist to chest. haha fun all the same.

WA, 2503 posts
21 Feb 2019 9:41AM
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GPA said..

smicko said..

GPA said..
I was surprised how cold the water was at Rotto last week snorkelling. The surf was flat, although there were a handful of guys out near Salmon Bay getting 10m rides over shallow reef

Were you snorkelling north side or south side?

Mostly West (Salmon Bay) and North (City of York, Little Parakeet Bay, and The Basin). South side was on shore even at 8:00am.

Usually noticeably cooler on the North side, the Leeuwin hits West end and spins anti-clockwise down the south side, it's amazing the difference sometimes.

8266 posts
21 Feb 2019 10:58AM
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Surprisingly very few in the water today considering the huge jump in swell. Frothing for some good old 90's rock'n roll this weekend

WA, 2520 posts
22 Feb 2019 6:59PM
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smicko said..

GPA said..

smicko said..

GPA said..
I was surprised how cold the water was at Rotto last week snorkelling. The surf was flat, although there were a handful of guys out near Salmon Bay getting 10m rides over shallow reef

Were you snorkelling north side or south side?

Mostly West (Salmon Bay) and North (City of York, Little Parakeet Bay, and The Basin). South side was on shore even at 8:00am.

Usually noticeably cooler on the North side, the Leeuwin hits West end and spins anti-clockwise down the south side, it's amazing the difference sometimes.

Yeah, the old guy giving the lighthouse tour explained it very similarly... and the difference was definitely noticeable - even just by the time it took to feel cold. Cheers for the explanation.

WA, 6913 posts
22 Feb 2019 9:07PM
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Finally managed a few afternoon novelty waves locally this arvo.. Very very happy

WA, 3028 posts
28 Feb 2019 11:09AM
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Weekend lookin okish

WA, 2520 posts
2 Mar 2019 6:54PM
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DARTH said..
Weekend lookin okish


Fingers crossed for tomorrow...

Buster fin
WA, 2581 posts
3 Mar 2019 7:11AM
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Same again.

WA, 6913 posts
3 Mar 2019 7:10PM
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Managed just over three hours today, with mostly only around 8 or so. Burnt to a absolute crisp

Worst part was i grabbed my 14 year olds wetsuit and lets just say it was tight on me

2224 posts
3 Mar 2019 7:50PM
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North north of the city chest/head height windy as early than an hour of glass

WA, 2520 posts
4 Mar 2019 1:18PM
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quick sess picking the best of the close-outs south of Trigg with 200 of my surfer mates! Was busy but OK at 8:00am, but by 10:00am it had got so busy that I essentially paddled in for fear of hitting a swimmer that was ducking a wave... the car park and road out of third carpark was at gridlock back from Cleggies (Yelo for those of you too young to know). What is normally a 15min drive home took 35 minutes. Complete chaos !

Water temp was perfect though .

WA, 934 posts
4 Mar 2019 4:21PM
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Saturday - fast closeouts at Secret Spot X just up from mismanaged new car parking venture by the Stirling Council (ps 4hr limit in vogue....waiting for 2hour limit then paid parking next)
got a couple that may have held up for 20m 3/10 (generous because it's Perth with no banks)

Sunday 300+ km round trip.....parking council could make money up here today!!! Counted 60 vehicles parked on the usual stretch!!!! Again fast closeouts but got good every now and then as the rips and tide took effect...some 60-70m rides 4/10

Today same 300+km round trip a lot less punters again fast shoulder to head closeouts but clean closeouts enabling some barrel time before coming one with the lip and the odd long ride with turns and closeouts reo/floater options. Had two sessions before the wind swung. The beach access is not going to be available after the next big swell/high tide section having to go up high onto a ledge of sand and vegetation about 10m wide with the waves lapping at its base undermining the stableness... 6/10

had to wait nearly 3min at the turn off before a large enough gap to join the prosession of traffic heading back to the city!!!! Luckily only a few knobend manoeuvres witnessed on the "highway of death"

2224 posts
4 Mar 2019 4:40PM
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Just got back myself mocha today was actually pretty decent where we were, still quite a few cars but a lot must of taken off this morning.
few waves were three turns or two and a floater pretty fun.

Buster fin
WA, 2581 posts
4 Mar 2019 7:39PM
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Started with a totally lack lustre surf at the costal parking nightmare of Scabs early on Sat and progressed to solid clean empty lines. This morning was delightful with uncrowded gems amongst the fools gold. I had a blast. Cheers to all concerned.

WA, 585 posts
5 Mar 2019 5:44PM
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Went for a surf Sat with all my mates, mates 1000 mates.....actually quite mellow any way was thinking Tuesday I'll be rocking and all this mob with be working, any one still work in Perth on a Tuesday FFS.

Swell was a bit of a let down had a couple of nice ones but.............

WA, 6913 posts
6 Mar 2019 1:43PM
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Last night surfed locally with some rather heavy wedges, snapped boards but worst was the 50 plus bodyboarders..

Sometimes as much as 6 on a wave, managed a few fun waves, but sadly only a couple on my own..

I just took advantage of some sunlight to fix a quick repair from last night, took a few minutes to clean the hair out of the ding first

Buster fin
WA, 2581 posts
6 Mar 2019 4:23PM
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jbshack said..
..., took a few minutes to clean the hair out of the ding first

WA, 7608 posts
6 Mar 2019 9:15PM
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Going off!

WA, 64 posts
6 Mar 2019 10:02PM
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WA, 585 posts
7 Mar 2019 5:19PM
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Smoking Mousetrap

WA, 543 posts
9 Mar 2019 12:27PM
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Just spent a couple of weeks on the boat over at the rock.
Surfed a few different waves, collected an assortment of ref cuts on the feet, legs and hands. Also a few nicks from the cray pots, but I'm way ahead on that score.
Anyway S'bay on the Monday public holiday had a few crew out, but it was fairly mellow. Tuesday comes around, sou'east breeze, increasing swell, liked my chances. Arrived on my treadly, no-one out....
Walking across the reef to start the paddle out when my favourite piece of reef took another chunk out of my foot... Bleeding will keep it clean. Start the paddle and a fin cruises past. was it a dolphin or fish with teeth? So I'm halfway to the peak, halfway to the hungry reef, looking around to see if the fin pops up again to get a better look. Do I continue or head back in. What would Elvis do?
After a nervy 30 seconds, a bunch of fins pop up, and it's a pod of dolphins just hanging around. So I'm set.
With adrenalin kicking in, I catch waves non-stop for 30 minutes. Time for a breather, so I just sit out here, and the dolphins are back. The mind then says: "so, those dolphins, are they just hanging around for the fun of it, or maybe protecting you from a bitey like you once read about in Readers Digest?" The mood was broken, for the next 30 minutes, I couldn't find the peak, couldn't catch a cold.
On the paddle in, hit my favourite rock again, another chunk.
All in all, a good session..

8266 posts
9 Mar 2019 2:41PM
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Was gonna post this in Surfers of Bali's last video thread but I'll post it here, "Booties are your friend"...I always feel better with dolphins around, they're the absolute coolest creatures on earth. My favourite piece of reef was mostly covered in sand last Tues & great fun after the wind stopped, swell finally arrived & before the word was out

WA, 6913 posts
10 Mar 2019 12:22PM
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A photo from earlier this week ??

Buster fin
WA, 2581 posts
10 Mar 2019 1:14PM
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You're telling the story.

Buster fin
WA, 2581 posts
17 Mar 2019 5:45PM
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Huey. Why have you forsaken us?

WA, 934 posts
18 Mar 2019 5:41AM
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Saturday new "swell"
early morning, most of the stretch between the Point to Brighton under heavy attack from 630am onwards!!
King on at the Point
SurfLife comp Scarbs
meant that car parks were chokkas from early AM

early surf HORRIBLE x 10
ankle deep, backwash, rips, sus wind shapeless and crowded

2nd surf after Taj Burrow inspired heat at KOP...scores 8.1 on his first, 8.4 on his 2nd then a 10 on his 3rd

my surf HORRIBLE x 5
wind clean, closeouts cleaner, knee deep, backwash, rips and even more crowded

did score some QUOBBA fins at the KOP though.....when Huey obliges I will give a report....or if you see my name and or vids on the interwebs WSL etc assume they work

WA, 3028 posts
18 Mar 2019 7:45AM
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Got a couple yesterday, not bad really.

WA, 543 posts
18 Mar 2019 8:15AM
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DARTH said..
Got a couple yesterday, not bad really.

Yep, I was there with 10 000 of my closest mates. Managed a couple. Clear, warm water. So the air that I punted when the backwash sent me into a near earth orbit, can I claim it?


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Legions surf report :: Daily updates.." started by doggie