Isn't this turning into every other shark thread
I'm right and everyone else is wrong
At least everyone that comments uses the ocean
Some of the comments/opinions you read in the newspaper obviously come from land locked self righteous peanuts who need to have an opinion because they think they are the all knowing
Isn't this turning into every other shark thread
I'm right and everyone else is wrong
At least everyone that comments uses the ocean
Some of the comments/opinions you read in the newspaper obviously come from land locked self righteous peanuts who need to have an opinion because they think they are the all knowing
Always the same especially if I turn up
Nothing puts a image and fear into people's minds/hearts like a shark attack, likely comes from deep in human history when we were part of the food chain getting killed and eaten was part of the deal.
That was a time when the environment was to humans limitless and if you read through this or any other thread that thinking still exists.
When I say thinking generally its emotional type responses hinged by personal insults with little or no rational thinking about the big picture, future just what I need now for my own gratifaction/greed.
Throw in the media looking for click bait.....more emotion.
This thread has been better than a lot pity about the bullying, ugly psychology for older men that gets passed onto their sons unfortunately.
One really weird aspect is no longboarder hand grenades
Isn't this turning into every other shark thread
I'm right and everyone else is wrong
My favourite part of these threads is bjshack saying Dave's product is great but the product of the competitor using the (for all intents and purposes) same technology sucks. Even Dave and the competitor don't say that about each other (much ).
YIp this guy rocked up to one of the company's tendering making personal threats to employees and there families.
Police had to be called and security cameras and locks put on the doors.
FACT JB but again I thought you didn't want to discuss this on SB.
Isn't this turning into every other shark thread
I'm right and everyone else is wrong
At least everyone that comments uses the ocean
Some of the comments/opinions you read in the newspaper obviously come from land locked self righteous peanuts who need to have an opinion because they think they are the all knowing
Always the same especially if I turn up
Nothing puts a image and fear into people's minds/hearts like a shark attack, likely comes from deep in human history when we were part of the food chain getting killed and eaten was part of the deal.
That was a time when the environment was to humans limitless and if you read through this or any other thread that thinking still exists.
When I say thinking generally its emotional type responses hinged by personal insults with little or no rational thinking about the big picture, future just what I need now for my own gratifaction/greed.
Throw in the media looking for click bait.....more emotion.
This thread has been better than a lot pity about the bullying, ugly psychology for older men that gets passed onto their sons unfortunately.
One really weird aspect is no longboarder hand grenades
Reference to the attack, I said he rocked up. Stop putting words in my mouth and that story hasn't come from the media.
So we will agree to disagree if you can.
Noticed you deleted your rant last night. Had a couple had you.
JB, I found the police identitykit photo of Old Mate with "Asparagus" Disease. Looks like a dangerous greeny to me.
Reference to the attack, I said he rocked up. Stop putting words in my mouth and that story hasn't come from the media.
So we will agree to disagree if you can.
Noticed you deleted your rant last night. Had a couple had you.
Sorry your 100% making up sh-t.. You've just made a claim that you have zero ability to back up..
Oh and you said he rocked up, you said police were called and you said cameras had to be installed. In fact, his officers to this day don't have any cameras, well not the two i've been in
I didn't delete anything last night, not sure what your on about, i don't actually drink
So you haven't been to the offices I speak of then.
You have assumed.
Caught out again just like that post last night.
So you haven't been to the offices I speak of then.
You have assumed.
Caught out again just like that post last night.
So you haven't been to the offices I speak of then.
You have assumed.
Caught out again just like that post last night.
Hey JB, would there be any circumstances that it would be ok to kill a shark?
Why kill the Sharks if we don't have to. If we put money into researching deterants we may find we can co exist.
Perhaps a balanced approach of killing a rogue shark when it's confirmed it has attacked a person and a sustainable fishery with funding for deterants to take the place of fishing once technology has advanced to a level where can guarnty safety.
So you haven't been to the offices I speak of then.
You have assumed.
Caught out again just like that post last night.
Hey JB, would there be any circumstances that it would be ok to kill a shark?
IF the science supported it, off coarse i would have no issue..
Ive said it all to often, im not a shark lover. But ill take my advice from the experts, not people who educate themselves from the media and news papers..What i have pushed from day one is still the same, i just want any money spent on the issue to be spent wisely. So many on here supported the millions spent on the last cull. Now many are supporting again million again to be spent on another drum line proposal..Nothing seems to change sadly.
The big issue is the shark problem has been a political football from day one and the media love to over dramatise the issue because it sells papers (Clicks and likes). Most people quote info that they have heard, but never bothered to investigate its validity.
All too often, people post the word FACT when in all honestly it couldn't be further from the truth..
With the greatest respect, and no offence to the illiterate, the following quote from your previous post shows why I don't actually believe you have looked at (let alone) understood the research JB:
"IF the science supported it, off coarse i would have no issue.." (My emphasis)
So you haven't been to the offices I speak of then.
You have assumed.
Caught out again just like that post last night.
Hey JB, would there be any circumstances that it would be ok to kill a shark?
IF the science supported it, off coarse i would have no issue..
Ive said it all to often, im not a shark lover. But ill take my advice from the experts, not people who educate themselves from the media and news papers..What i have pushed from day one is still the same, i just want any money spent on the issue to be spent wisely. So many on here supported the millions spent on the last cull. Now many are supporting again million again to be spent on another drum line proposal..Nothing seems to change sadly.
The big issue is the shark problem has been a political football from day one and the media love to over dramatise the issue because it sells papers (Clicks and likes). Most people quote info that they have heard, but never bothered to investigate its validity.
All too often, people post the word FACT when in all honestly it couldn't be further from the truth..
Cheers JB. Good to see you'd support the science. Given that, what in your opinion is the driver behind the increase in attacks and what would you recommend to mitigate the risk of further attacks?
Blah blah blah.
What a load of wank stain rubbish. The arrogant one sided dribble coming from "your" mouth just reeks of shark ****.
Go back to the valley kook.
There are way too many sharks stalking our beaches.
Answer... FISH THEM OUT.
Science studies, tagging programs, drum lines, shark shields are all bandaids just to avoid the only solution.
The poor minority are going to get upset but boo hoo.
Truth hurts.
End of discussion.
Blah blah blah.
What a load of wank stain rubbish. The arrogant one sided dribble coming from "your" mouth just reeks of shark ****.
Go back to the valley kook.
There are way too many sharks stalking our beaches.
Answer... FISH THEM OUT.
Science studies, tagging programs, drum lines, shark shields are all bandaids just to avoid the only solution.
The poor minority are going to get upset but boo hoo.
Truth hurts.
End of discussion.
In reality, id suggest your actually in the poor minority, so does the same BOO HOO apply to you also..
I guess after today you'll see just who the minority actually is..Remember their was around 6500 at the last anti drum line rally..
Thats because most of those 6500 people are just your standard SJW's with nothing better to do.
Soon enough we won't be in the minority when there are 30,000 4 and 5m white sharks off the West Australian coastline eating our childen and reproducing.
But never mind the shark detterent crew are onto it, but you never know they might have some real life testing on white sharks by then
Thats because most of those 6500 people are just your standard SJW's with nothing better to do.
Soon enough we won't be in the minority when there are 30,000 4 and 5m white sharks off the West Australian coastline eating our childen and reproducing.
But never mind the shark detterent crew are onto it, but you never know they might have some real life testing on white sharks by then