Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Volume of board for a 53 year old guy

Created by coaxial > 9 months ago, 26 May 2020
626 posts
9 Jun 2020 12:55PM
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Lot of discussion here on length and volume, age fitness, design features etc.

And a lot of good intuitive association of what works and what does not.

One thing not really raised is the energy equation and variables.

All, and yes regardless of marketing hype, all surfboards are displacement hull forms.

Anything that moves on to or through the water is displacement. Until sufficient energy is applied to plane.

And which hull is best for an individual or the conditions that exist is the $64 question.

WA, 883 posts
9 Jun 2020 7:57PM
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too much thinking and not enough doing

to begin a a bit of xtra length and volume for wave catch ability

then reassess were you are at - better performance shortboard mal sup foil knee board

626 posts
9 Jun 2020 8:49PM
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bolgo said..
too much thinking and not enough doing

to begin a a bit of xtra length and volume for wave catch ability

then reassess were you are at - better performance shortboard mal sup foil knee board

Thumbs up, have a crack and re-evaluate.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Volume of board for a 53 year old guy" started by coaxial