That's the only foil board I have owned, so cannot compare, but it works well for me as a learner freerider. It has stability, the straps in the right place, both a channel and a deep tuttle box for different foils. I also have used it a few times with a big delta fin in light wind and shallow weedy water and it's ok if you don't expect the performance of a slalom board.
all my sessions with the board here:
I have the same board 2020 Stinger 140 - super versatile, super easy and fun, find myself pulling it out SO often these days - I'm using SB Supercruiser with footstraps inboard if there is swell to play in - with straps outboard, use anything you want, loose/wave, freeride or freerace style foils, anything up to the SB GT-R would be sweet - plus use any sail from 3 to 10!!- full on race foils could work ok if not overpowered, never tried it, but 140 at "only" 85 wide is not really designed for it
Has anyone used the stingray 140 with the Slingshot i99? Does it balance properly without too much back foot pressure? Im really tempted as the Slingshot boards are so expensive, and somehow 150 or 160 seems too big and 125 too small (90kgs on freshwater).
What board bag do you use with Stingray 140? I'm having an hard time in finding one that perfectly fits. Thanks
I have the Stingray 140 LTD for my 195 lb weight. I use a LP or AFS-2 foil mounted in the DT box. It balances out very well with the footstraps and sail mast base. In strong winds with a 5.0 it does not get blown around at all. The volume and width are excellent for my sloppy transitions and for uphauling.
I got a Epic Gear 240 x 85 board bag for it. Fits perfectly.
For finning, I cut down an old formula fin to 50 cm. It works well. Not quite optimized for finning, but plenty good enough. If I am sailing with my wife, she uses the SR with the fin, and I foil with my old L6 formula board.
With the dual tracks it is future-proof.
Thanks to Andrew and Georgio for help with my setup on the Stingray, swapped the tuttle head to plate(Naish 1150 foil setup) and moved the mast forward in the tracks, straps inboard. Only managed to get a couple of flights wind died out to nothing but was wrapped how balanced everything felt, board lifted onto the foil smoothly and just trimmed nicely felt so balanced.
Board is too narrow to cope with the power - need 91+ ideally to get enough leverage on the rail ...
But it might work OK if you use smaller sails (7m not 8+) and/or don't sail it too powered up ....??
Peter...Interested in that last comment...I see wingdingers on much narrower boards with Axis hi aspect wings that are 1120 in length. Why could you not use a 1000 wide front wing on an 85 wide board?
Hey Martin, enjoying your OFF project!
it's not the wing size, I use Supercruiser on 140 all the time with 1700 front wing - it's the fuselage length that creates so much power at speed ... these are my impressions, but there are way better foilers/engineers out there than me who can advise
think Formula windsurfing - with huge sails and 70cm fins it needed 100cm wide boards to control the lift - similar equation with 115cm fuselages in my limited experience, especially if the wind picks up
And like on Formula kit the Race foils are about upwind/downwind angles, even the pros are on the edge of exploding getting them to beam reach - hence 95cm fuselage option on iQfoil
Vicsa asked about race foils on the Stingray 140. I have tried to use my Moses Race with it. I have to stand in front of the fully-front footstraps to balance since the race wing on the very long 115 cm fuselage is MUCH FURTHER FORWARD than that of freeride wings on 90 cm fuselages. Straightforward geometry here.
I did some measurements at the Event Site one day. My front footstraps are mounted fully forward. The back end of the front strap is 20 inches from the front fin bolt.
On two custom boards with race foils mounted, the back end of their front strap is 26 inches from the front fin bolt.
Eureka and Voila!!!
This explains how they could balance the race foils with small sails (6.0) for freeride foiling.
As always, it's still all about balance.
So what am I doing about this in my particular case? I use the Stingray 140 only for freeride foiling with freeride foils. On my old formula board I am installing new footstap inserts way further forward to use with my Moses Race foil.