Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

help! Uphauling foil board

Created by RegistedName > 9 months ago, 26 May 2020
233 posts
7 Aug 2020 9:26PM
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CYVRWoody said..
How about a carry handle at deck and hull?
So as you decrease length do you increase thickness to keep the same volume?
More volume in bow vs aft or more volue in aft vs bow or uniform.
Would you ever uphaul a 4'2" and if not I assume you'll you'll use the same sail size as finning for waterstarts?

I have no real science to the volume I just wing it with what looks good for me. The volume is definitely thick in the rear of the board as my front foot is always in the strap from the time I waterstart on. I don't uphaul and my sail size is a meter smaller then I would have finning and with my little fat boards I can waterstart to my knees then stand up if it's lite. As far as the board in the picture (RRD) for my style of riding it is backwards as I what the wide point in the rear from the foot strap back to help with sloging and water starting. Also with the wide point forward the board catches when you're carving on the swell so without the nose you can turn sharper on the bottom of the swell without hang the board and if it does touch down it's so fat it just bounces back up.

In the picture is the 4'9" as you can see the tail is thick almost 5" up to the front strap and without cutouts it looks funny but works well for me.

As far as a handle it's not worth the work it install it.

Sorry about hijacking the thread but I figured I'd answer the questions.

QLD, 9 posts
10 Aug 2020 7:12AM
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Hi! I saw this thread and edited a small clip from some exisiting footage to show how I uphaul on the small wizards. A visual summary of the many of the tips outlined by everyone else. :)
Hope it's useful for some!

2407 posts
10 Aug 2020 1:10PM
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Emiltron3000 said..
Hi! I saw this thread and edited a small clip from some exisiting footage to show how I uphaul on the small wizards. A visual summary of the many of the tips outlined by everyone else. :)
Hope it's useful for some!

this is good

WA, 368 posts
10 Aug 2020 1:13PM
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thedoor said..

Emiltron3000 said..
Hi! I saw this thread and edited a small clip from some exisiting footage to show how I uphaul on the small wizards. A visual summary of the many of the tips outlined by everyone else. :)
Hope it's useful for some!

this is good

The more how to videos the better

145 posts
10 Aug 2020 4:58PM
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Emiltron3000 said..
Hi! I saw this thread and edited a small clip from some exisiting footage to show how I uphaul on the small wizards. A visual summary of the many of the tips outlined by everyone else. :)
Hope it's useful for some!

Thank you Emiltron,
Exactly what many of us windfoil newbies have been begging for!

All the hxrdcore veterans on this site keeps posting one amazing windfoil video after the next. Where they show how easy they keep flying in near zero wind. Or how amazing jumps or jibes they now master with their windfoil gear.

And we newbies are still left behind, wondering how best to even get the sail out of the water to get going!

Would be great if more would post videos of this like you.
Definitely looks like it needs some good balance skills and technique to master it as 'effortless' as it looks like when you did it here.
Thank you again for sharing!

QLD, 9 posts
10 Aug 2020 7:47PM
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Glad to hear it's helpful and my pleasure :)

2407 posts
11 Aug 2020 12:04AM
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Emiltron3000 said..
Glad to hear it's helpful and my pleasure :)

Please add a downwind 360 instructional video to your todo list

WA, 61 posts
13 Aug 2020 9:19AM
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Emiltron3000 said..
Hi! I saw this thread and edited a small clip from some exisiting footage to show how I uphaul on the small wizards. A visual summary of the many of the tips outlined by everyone else. :)
Hope it's useful for some!

Good video, interesting technique.
What's the size of the board you are on?

QLD, 9 posts
14 Aug 2020 7:18AM
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I'm on the soon to be released Wizard 90L

25 posts
17 Sep 2020 10:28PM
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I came across this on another foiling forum. I rarely see the uphaul sequence of a foiling session on posted videos. Uphauling isn't generally very glamorous so I understand the lack of presentation in video. It is obviously really tricky in choppy bay waters as I have rediscovered while learning to foil on a Wizard 125 / Infinity 76. I haven't had an uphaul on a windsurfing sail since 1985 so it's been an adventure to uphaul a sail again. Flat water uphauling is no problem on the 125 but add chaotic chop and I would rather waterstart. Though if I can master a reliable uphaul method in chaotic chop then I can use smaller sails and not be overpowered when on foil. This video shows a quick "clean and jerk" style. Emily's uphaul video is super helpful as well. Visuals are helpful for learning, thanks to all for the technique and tips videos that have been posted!

Uphauling the 86 litre 152cm Horue Femto

from on

WA, 48 posts
18 Sep 2020 3:52AM
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I would like the chance to up haul a small sail. On my local river, with the current going against the wind, we have sizable chop that quickly develops. I don't find it easy at 205 pounds dry, to up haul a sunk 7.0 sail on a 140 board. Its my least favorite thing about foiling.

92 posts
18 Sep 2020 3:11PM
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Emiltron3000 said..
I'm on the soon to be released Wizard 90L

Hello Emiltron3000 is the Wizard 90L really more difficult to up haul than the wizard 105? I actually ride the 105 and weight 74kg and did not have much issue up hauling and wondering to switch for the 90L to winging also.

WA, 1633 posts
19 Sep 2020 12:50AM
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Uphauling any board--any board--requires volume and center of float.

First, based on your weight you need enough board volume to float you. Should be obvious.

Second, move your feet fore and aft until you have your center of weight (including the sail) over the center of float. Wherever that ends up being, that's where you stand. No preconceived prescriptions are necessary, such as straddling the mast base. Just move your feet fore and aft until you find it. That's your spot.


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"help! Uphauling foil board" started by RegistedName