Might have to make something bigger for me now....
M_Oz foil board??
Foils? Meh. Would be an easy board to make though, its only gotta go thru the water briefly at slow speed. The bottom shape is almost irrelevant really
Anyway it goes alright:
I think he's a happy customer
Yes, Mark was kind enough to lend me one of his Quads whilst he repaired my Triwave last November. It was only the other day that I was telling my fellow QLD sailing mates how good his board was and the fantastic turns it enabled me to do. It was quite evident when I went back on my board- no comparison his board rocked! Well done M Ozzy!
Foils? Meh. Would be an easy board to make though, its only gotta go thru the water briefly at slow speed. The bottom shape is almost irrelevant really
Harder than it looks. Deck shape is a pretty big deal plus touching the water at speed. If you don't get the front part right, touch downs can be "interesting."
Love the photos - great work.