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Best things in windsurfing history

Created by pirrad > 9 months ago, 5 Jul 2016
NSW, 325 posts
15 Jul 2016 2:01PM
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Mark Paul also invented the 'rope universal' which IMO was bordering on genius design.

Back then, when the options were the heavy 'mechanical' Windsurfer universal and the easily breaking tendons and plastic rubbish at the time. These also broke boards - as the landing force from the rig was directly transmitted to the board....

WA, 3754 posts
17 Jul 2016 4:46PM
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Hausey said..

That link to is awesome aribenashner ! I had a look at the 1979, 1980 and 1981 photos and it's all there - the history of the windsurfing - and yes - I'd agree with you and Fast Eddy that Mark Paul was the pioneer of the short board!

The photos of Diamond Head in 1979, 1980 and Hookipa in 1981 show the evolution. How's the Australian 'speed board' in 1980 with the kanga cock - classic!

Your post above is correct - that is Scott O'Connor - I lived around the corner from him in those days and used to hope he'd stop when driving past when I was shaping my first boards (I used to shape them on the street as I wasn't allowed to do them in the garage) in 1982. I was in year 9 at the time and Midget Farrelly used to sell all the gear for the DIY board makers. My first boards were so bad (first one 9', second one 8'2") - though I put them in the 'Manly Daily' under 'Wavejumpers' and sold them both easily because short boards were only just evolving - and hot ticket items! I remember a guy rocked up in a Porsche and was desperate to buy them because windsurfing was so cool !

Those were the days....

I bought a couple of Scott's Hot Buttered boards soon after in 1982 - shaped by Terry Fitzgerald - one was based on Terry's Sunset guns. I took this board to W.A. on my first trip (for the '84 Windsurfer Worlds) and afterwards went to Lano, Gero and Margies - I could never ride that board! I think Scott was the first Australian wavesailing champion and the first 'pro' windsurfer in Australia? He would have probably been Neil Pryde's first team rider in Australia? I bought a Pryde Maui Tri-panel (which I think was the first Pryde / Maui Sails collaboration) off Scott back in those days and looked up to him and Rohan Cudmore who lived across the road from Scott - who also ripped!

Mark Paul used to be on the payroll of Sailboards Australia that had a big retail shop selling Bombora protos 'customs' near the factory in Dee Why where they were pumping out the rotomoulded Windsurfers and Bomboras..... Mark used to travel around the country in a new Volvo station wagon with BOMBAA numberplates. Several of the boards in the picture above used to be under his house at Long Reef.

Hausey, Yes. The Wilkings site has photos of WA sailors Peter Dans, Dave Sheen and many others.

Scott O'Connor he is the one I believe in the Wilkings Photo with the Australian Speed Board at 1980 Schweitzer Speed Trials, Maalaea

That looks evil...sinister, stepped hull..kanga cock fin.....somewhat Mad Max influenced.

What would appear to be a Scott O'Connor Hot buttered, (Terry Fitzgerald) quiver from around 1981..possibly earlier/later is below extracted from a 1982 Neva Griggs book "One with the Wind" but I suspect these are earlier than the one you acquired:

I believe Australian Sailing (edited by Bob Ross) in 1981 may have ran an article about the Pan Am cup and the post Maui Sailing and even mentioned the shortboard as well, possibly confirming the story re Mark Paul. Someone may have it still. Australian Sailing don't have back issues.

The Rip Curl Windsurfing Wave Classic- shame they don't run that one anymore.. Anyone with video of that event I would like to acquire it, particularly 1982 or 1983 or 84. Rip Curl's archivist can't find it..I saw videos at the Perth boat show in 1982 or 83 Mark Paul, Fraser Black, Robby Naish, Peter Cabrinha, Brendan Morgan...

Maui Speed Crossing early 80s video thats another one by Arnaud de Rosnay I think would be great if someone has that piece of history I would be grateful.

WA, 3754 posts
17 Jul 2016 4:49PM
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Hausey said..
Mark Paul also invented the 'rope universal' which IMO was bordering on genius design.

Back then, when the options were the heavy 'mechanical' Windsurfer universal and the easily breaking tendons and plastic rubbish at the time. These also broke boards - as the landing force from the rig was directly transmitted to the board....

I didn't like the rope universal you had to replace it every few weeks. It was easy to forget to do so...with swims in being an issue...

WA, 81 posts
17 Jul 2016 5:04PM
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This is the greatest invention in windsurfing history.

WA, 3754 posts
17 Jul 2016 5:06PM
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eyeMhardcore said..
This is the greatest invention in windsurfing history.

History repeating itself.

WA, 81 posts
17 Jul 2016 5:13PM
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aribenasher said...
eyeMhardcore said..
This is the greatest invention in windsurfing history.

History repeating itself.


WA, 506 posts
17 Jul 2016 5:35PM
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aribenasher said..

Hausey said..

That link to is awesome aribenashner ! I had a look at the 1979, 1980 and 1981 photos and it's all there - the history of the windsurfing - and yes - I'd agree with you and Fast Eddy that Mark Paul was the pioneer of the short board!

The photos of Diamond Head in 1979, 1980 and Hookipa in 1981 show the evolution. How's the Australian 'speed board' in 1980 with the kanga cock - classic!

Your post above is correct - that is Scott O'Connor - I lived around the corner from him in those days and used to hope he'd stop when driving past when I was shaping my first boards (I used to shape them on the street as I wasn't allowed to do them in the garage) in 1982. I was in year 9 at the time and Midget Farrelly used to sell all the gear for the DIY board makers. My first boards were so bad (first one 9', second one 8'2") - though I put them in the 'Manly Daily' under 'Wavejumpers' and sold them both easily because short boards were only just evolving - and hot ticket items! I remember a guy rocked up in a Porsche and was desperate to buy them because windsurfing was so cool !

Those were the days....

I bought a couple of Scott's Hot Buttered boards soon after in 1982 - shaped by Terry Fitzgerald - one was based on Terry's Sunset guns. I took this board to W.A. on my first trip (for the '84 Windsurfer Worlds) and afterwards went to Lano, Gero and Margies - I could never ride that board! I think Scott was the first Australian wavesailing champion and the first 'pro' windsurfer in Australia? He would have probably been Neil Pryde's first team rider in Australia? I bought a Pryde Maui Tri-panel (which I think was the first Pryde / Maui Sails collaboration) off Scott back in those days and looked up to him and Rohan Cudmore who lived across the road from Scott - who also ripped!

Mark Paul used to be on the payroll of Sailboards Australia that had a big retail shop selling Bombora protos 'customs' near the factory in Dee Why where they were pumping out the rotomoulded Windsurfers and Bomboras..... Mark used to travel around the country in a new Volvo station wagon with BOMBAA numberplates. Several of the boards in the picture above used to be under his house at Long Reef.

Hausey, Yes. The Wilkings site has photos of WA sailors Peter Dans, Dave Sheen and many others.

Scott O'Connor he is the one I believe in the Wilkings Photo with the Australian Speed Board at 1980 Schweitzer Speed Trials, Maalaea

That looks evil...sinister, stepped hull..kanga cock fin.....somewhat Mad Max influenced.

What would appear to be a Scott O'Connor Hot buttered, (Terry Fitzgerald) quiver from around 1981..possibly earlier/later is below extracted from a 1982 Neva Griggs book "One with the Wind" but I suspect these are earlier than the one you acquired:

I believe Australian Sailing (edited by Bob Ross) in 1981 may have ran an article about the Pan Am cup and the post Maui Sailing and even mentioned the shortboard as well, possibly confirming the story re Mark Paul. Someone may have it still. Australian Sailing don't have back issues.

The Rip Curl Windsurfing Wave Classic- shame they don't run that one anymore.. Anyone with video of that event I would like to acquire it, particularly 1982 or 1983 or 84. Rip Curl's archivist can't find it..I saw videos at the Perth boat show in 1982 or 83 Mark Paul, Fraser Black, Robby Naish, Peter Cabrinha, Brendan Morgan...

Maui Speed Crossing early 80s video thats another one by Arnaud de Rosnay I think would be great if someone has that piece of history I would be grateful.

Amazing boards the craftsmanship shows the passion that went into the making of the boards in the early days. Love the colour design of the early custom boards

WA, 3754 posts
17 Jul 2016 5:45PM
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eyeMhardcore said..

aribenasher said...

eyeMhardcore said..
This is the greatest invention in windsurfing history.

History repeating itself.


Thanks brother peace and appreciate the gesture. I should have said that was a good head dip. Thanks for your "half shaka" above.

WA, 81 posts
17 Jul 2016 5:53PM
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No prob shaka bra, grow a sense of humour bra

ACT, 548 posts
18 Jul 2016 8:09PM
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aribenasher said..
The Rip Curl Windsurfing Wave Classic- shame they don't run that one anymore.. Anyone with video of that event I would like to acquire it, particularly 1982 or 1983 or 84. Rip Curl's archivist can't find it..I saw videos at the Perth boat show in 1982 or 83 Mark Paul, Fraser Black, Robby Naish, Peter Cabrinha, Brendan Morgan...

^^^^ +1, I remember one Rip Curl video. I seem to recall it using some of Dire Straits Telegraph Road music with footage of Robby wavesailing.
there are a few Darrell Wong images online......

VIC, 873 posts
18 Jul 2016 8:39PM
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Is that Suzanne Gedayloo behind Robbie?

NSW, 3082 posts
18 Jul 2016 9:09PM
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Susan Gedayloo, Robbie Naish, Pete Cabrinha, Randy Naish, Maui Meyer, Craig Yester. Legends!!

ACT, 548 posts
18 Jul 2016 9:17PM
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....and Cort Larned

1972 posts
19 Jul 2016 1:11AM
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shoodbegood said..
Is that Suzanne Gedayloo behind Robbie?

Yep, the dearly departed S.G., she lived in my town in California, a very sweet lady, very popular, and very much missed.

190 posts
19 Jul 2016 2:26AM
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And Olaf van Tol (NL) realy in the back...

QLD, 1399 posts
19 Jul 2016 7:37AM
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The football fin, really helped stop spin out but when they did let go you had to virtually stop to get them back in. Broke a heap of these plastic ones.

VIC, 88 posts
19 Jul 2016 9:15PM
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The football fin was great at rotating the fin box after a big jump, back to trigger brothers for repair many times

Who was the chap that invented the rough deck? 10/10 early wave boards used wax for grip. Very slippery

WA, 3754 posts
19 Jul 2016 9:57PM
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I don't know who invented the rough deck, but historically Ken Winner is a leading innovator having invented most other really useful things in windsurfing, aside from the kite things he has done recently which I would suggest we overlook:

Innovations:2002 Designed the North Toro kiteboarding kite.
2001 Designed the North Rhino kiteboarding kite. Set several trends in kite design: Dacron construction, tip battens, segmented construction.
1999 Co-designed the “Longhorn” carbon kite control bar, one of the most popular high-end bars on the market.
1999 Produced the first serious kiteboarding how-to video.
Late 1990s Designed the Mistral WindGlider with Dave Johnson.
1997 Designed, raced and promoted the first modern wide, short boards, precursors of the current Formula boards.
1995 Developed and patented the anti-ventilation skirt, a device that improves the speed of shortboards in light to moderate winds.
1990 Together with brother Karl Winner, developed an automated, computerized speed trap for windsurfers.
1986 With Larry Tuttle developed “pointer” fins, the first spinout-resistant, highly efficient racing fins. This basic design won the pro worlds in 1986 through 1989.
1985 With Larry Tuttle developed the Tuttle box, fin box of choice among racers.
1981 Built some of the first “sinker” wave boards and was first to sail them at Hookipa, the sport’s premier surf-sailing venue.[note some, not the first- that is because Mark Paul did least some say he did anyway..!]
1981 Ken Winner developed the adjustable mast track.
1980 Co-authored a popular windsurfing how-to book.
1980 Developed the carving jibe, a maneuver currently used by all intermediate and advanced windsurfers.
1979 Developed the adjustable boom with Larry Stanley.

VIC, 873 posts
25 Jul 2016 8:39PM
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Maui by the look of GreenLeaders recent holiday posts!
Looks unreal doesn't it? good on 'em

WA, 1367 posts
5 Aug 2016 6:00PM
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The new long awaited THE FOX board.

Orange Whip
QLD, 1056 posts
5 Aug 2016 8:26PM
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Double concaves masterly invented by a sail brand for the first time ever in 2016

QLD, 4863 posts
5 Aug 2016 9:09PM
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Yes football fins , the first sensation of pushing on the fin while keeping the board flat. Major snappage problem , but thats why we needed thruster set up to get us home. It's this time I gave up sailing ( family , responsibility ) Now 25 years later and back into it . It used to be about surfing and carving off the back of the board , now it's all about pushing that fin as much as you can. Am older and unfitter but this new stuff is awesome , woohoo I'm back !


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Best things in windsurfing history" started by pirrad