Forums > Windsurfing General

Do you spend most of your money on gear .or have you hit a happy spot .

Created by Tardy > 9 months ago, 25 Nov 2018
190 posts
29 Nov 2018 6:35PM
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Al Planet said..
When I see somebody struggling with mismatched gear or stuff that doesn't suit their skill level I think that maybe some "investment" in newer gear is a good thing thought there are plenty of people out there having max fun on older equipment, some people like new cars some like new windsurfers. I think the tally in my shed is north of the 5 board mark ...well north.

"struggling with mismatched gear or stuff that doesn't suit their skill level" is the problem not that is isn't hot and new ...

NSW, 4521 posts
29 Nov 2018 10:50PM
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Bought 2 boards and a 5 sail quiver about 12 years ago. Don't see the need to replace any of it yet.

VIC, 6149 posts
29 Nov 2018 11:38PM
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He who dies with the most toys, wins!

I have no plans to die anytime soon, but I already feel like a winner.

I just got to keep using those toys and wearing them out so I can get more.

3777 posts
29 Nov 2018 10:01PM
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im like harrow dont replace it if its not broken. got kidsnow misses full time mum so not mr richy rich. bought a secondhand quiver about 8 years ago and spent 2 years putting my head the the sails and destroying it etc now just got a couple of boards and like 3 reliable secondhand sails. replace bits like rope uni and harness lines each year. think all up spent about 5 grand. been half way across western australia and had a ball. can still have alot of fun running older equiptment but the downside is the loss of performance and reliability. but for me just getting out and having fun is my goal. not being the best looking or fastest or maddest dog around

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
30 Nov 2018 9:34AM
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NelsonFoils said..

Al Planet said..
When I see somebody struggling with mismatched gear or stuff that doesn't suit their skill level I think that maybe some "investment" in newer gear is a good thing thought there are plenty of people out there having max fun on older equipment, some people like new cars some like new windsurfers. I think the tally in my shed is north of the 5 board mark ...well north.

"struggling with mismatched gear or stuff that doesn't suit their skill level" is the problem not that is isn't hot and new ...

I guess if you were a good GPS sailor on older gear there is always a temptation to wander over to someone with shiny new kit but less experienced and point at your awesome numbers and say "your so slow" or find some beginner who has a shinny new Pink JP and remind them that they could had learned just as easily on an old polly board available for free on "hard waste collection night" or wait at the traffic lights in your aging Subaru WRX waiting to burn of the mums doing the school commute in their Mercedes Compressor, I am sure we have all had moments like that.

TAS, 113 posts
30 Nov 2018 11:26AM
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I think I have a problem, my storage room is too small... Still collecting though

5094 posts
30 Nov 2018 9:59AM
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js68 said..

I think I have a problem, my storage room is too small... Still collecting though

Always room for 1 more

nice collection ..

WA, 2329 posts
30 Nov 2018 3:05PM
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js68 said..

I think I have a problem, my storage room is too small... Still collecting though

you need a rack so you can still shoot pool.

14 posts
30 Nov 2018 5:55PM
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The ideal number of boards is the one you have plus one :)

VIC, 6149 posts
30 Nov 2018 8:59PM
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NikolasGr said..
The ideal number of boards is the one you have plus one :)

Spot on. But, does this not apply to every toy


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Do you spend most of your money on gear .or have you hit a happy spot ." started by Tardy