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WA Adventure Tips

Created by Gestalt > 9 months ago, 13 Jan 2020
WA, 3479 posts
29 Jan 2020 11:07AM
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Gestalt said..
Is lucky bay near kalbarri any good for windsurfing?

Lucky Bay is one of the river sailing spots in Perth on Melville Beach Road... There is another Lucky Bay down near Esperance in Cape Le Grande National Park. That's the one with the Kangaroos on the beach. There are a few camp grounds in Cape Le Grande but the one at Lucky Bay is often booked up for months on end by grey nomads.

Kalbarri has some flatwater windsurfing on the inlet but I think the wind is gusty there. I have heard of people sailing over the sand bar near the river entrance opposite Chinaman's Beach...

Jacks Point is a local surf break ... again I have seen pictures of people wave sailing it but it's not an easy spot.

Most people go to Kalbarri for the fishing and the National Park ... specially Natures Window which is a bit like a mini Grand Canyon.

VIC, 1508 posts
29 Jan 2020 5:27PM
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stehsegler said..

Gestalt said..
Is lucky bay near kalbarri any good for windsurfing?

Lucky Bay is one of the river sailing spots in Perth on Melville Beach Road... There is another Lucky Bay down near Esperance in Cape Le Grande National Park. That's the one with the Kangaroos on the beach. There are a few camp grounds in Cape Le Grande but the one at Lucky Bay is often booked up for months on end by grey nomads.

Kalbarri has some flatwater windsurfing on the inlet but I think the wind is gusty there. I have heard of people sailing over the sand bar near the river entrance opposite Chinaman's Beach...

Jacks Point is a local surf break ... again I have seen pictures of people wave sailing it but it's not an easy spot.

Most people go to Kalbarri for the fishing and the National Park ... specially Natures Window which is a bit like a mini Grand Canyon.

You might have to contend with this at Lucky Bay, which is the one you mean (just north of Gregory):,114.1638021,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPbeiZ2gm5DR22JWOiZ1dk1aerGGtmaIs6PKAeq!2e10!3e12!!7i3992!8i2992!4m5!3m4!1s0x2bdbfd971081cb9d:0xeed79357e74616fd!8m2!3d-28.0488519!4d114.1638024

Looks great for camping and fishing!

The closest good windsurfing close to Kalbarri that I could find on my WA adventure a few years back was Coronation Beach. Err, a friend tells me you can get there pretty quick along the deserted back roads.

Had a bit of a sail in the inlet @ Kalbarri, but yes, patchy. Outside the river mouth is way too dodgy. Razor sharp oyster-covered reef. You're in big trouble if you get it wrong.

I did sail just near Jakes Point at Wittecarra Creek, but it wasn't anything special. Just a safe launch.

QLD, 14470 posts
29 Jan 2020 5:12PM
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yep that's the place. low tide. looks like a speed spot.

WA, 62 posts
30 Jan 2020 11:34AM
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Gestalt, just stick with Gero in general mate. Plently of options in town plus Corro just 20kms up the road. More to do & see in town for the family plus flat water @ St Georges & inside Pt Moore if req'd.

QLD, 2064 posts
30 Jan 2020 2:46PM
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.... with all this driving you are planning to do, and turning up to the LT comp... you wont have time to do any windsurfing.

WA, 12440 posts
30 Jan 2020 1:09PM
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TD55 said..>>>plus flat water @ St Georges & inside Pt Moore if req'd.

Some of the best DTL wave sailing I've had at Gero was at St Georges, but it has to be a big swell. Sunsets, can be better though, just up the road a bit. Corros is great fun, usually gets a better wind than in town, but I haven't had good DTL sailing there.

WA, 14907 posts
30 Jan 2020 1:32PM
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mathew said..
.... with all this driving you are planning to do, and turning up to the LT comp... you wont have time to do any windsurfing.

He will have his family with him, so he can sleep in the motorhome while someone else drives. That's how it works right? A driver to take you to your windsurfing destination and then back, and with coffee and meal breaks inbetween?

That's how it works surely?

My vote, Safety Bay, but I always say that. At least its close, but not as windy as the north.

105 posts
30 Jan 2020 4:50PM
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This intel is about 15 years old, but when I went to Shark Bay/Denham I found a nice little place called Little Lagoon. I just went there for a looksee but the wind was cranking 35knts with barely a ripple.
I had a set of wave and slalom gear so used the fast board and a 6.5m and did some crazy fast speed runs.,113.5556676,6540m/data=!3m1!1e3

NSW, 6451 posts
30 Jan 2020 9:03PM
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WA wind is not what it use to be 10 years ago due to global warming and rise in sea temps. Now weeks of marginal winds a lots of no wind weeks are very common.
That is way most sailors over there now ride LT's and foils only,

WA, 114 posts
30 Jan 2020 6:17PM
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lotofwind said..
WA wind is not what it use to be 10 years ago due to global warming and rise in sea temps. Now weeks of marginal winds a lots of no wind weeks are very common.
That is way most sailors over there now ride LT's and foils only,

Dunno about that. I think someone is trolling.
If anything, the seasons have just moved back about a month, with November having poorer sea-breezes compared to 10+ years ago, but January and February being winder than what they once were. No stats to support this, just personal observation living in WA.

QLD, 14470 posts
31 Jan 2020 7:30AM
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mathew said..
.... with all this driving you are planning to do, and turning up to the LT comp... you wont have time to do any windsurfing.

Don't sweat it. There's plenty of time as the driving is not that extreme so far. All the places are only 2-3 hours apart max 4 for a big day. On the east coast I've driven 7 hours to go windsurfing and do 2 hour one way day trips pretty regularly.

QLD, 605 posts
31 Jan 2020 7:32AM
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Three weeks flying with all kit and family and hiring a van with racks and keeping family happy.... **** good luck that's a lot of demands
Either go for a windsurfing trip solo and travel round or go somewhere and have a base house (like in gero) and sail corros, pt Moore etc

last time I went to WA we just went straight to margs and had a house - way easier. I flew with one board and one sail. 99 quad and 5.3 - but as others have said it's windier north of Perth, but south is better in my option (g'loo excluded)

anyway three weeks not not long enough to go north and south of Perth pick up or down and enjoy where you go. It's not exactly scenic driving in WA

QLD, 14470 posts
31 Jan 2020 7:34AM
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decrepit said..

TD55 said..>>>plus flat water @ St Georges & inside Pt Moore if req'd.

Some of the best DTL wave sailing I've had at Gero was at St Georges, but it has to be a big swell. Sunsets, can be better though, just up the road a bit. Corros is great fun, usually gets a better wind than in town, but I haven't had good DTL sailing there.

Thx guys.

At the moment I've got 5-6 days in geraldton which will be split between air bnb and bush camps. Plan to sail corro and Georges and depending on swell sunset.

I'll be taking it easy in the waves and looking for flat inside sections tho as its not my forte and port tack jumping feels a little weird to me. I'm much more comfortable on starboard.

QLD, 14470 posts
31 Jan 2020 7:46AM
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Yes the family is in. They voted camper and free camp but I'll sort some nicer places every 3 days or so.

Initial plan is start in perth and head along coast to denham and back. Leap frogging spots up and back to reduce driving.

In perth we'll sail the river (Lt) and then safety bay while the girls are at penguin island.

Major locations to windsurf are

Safety bay
Shark bay.

There is a lot of tourist stuff to do as well, quad bikes in lancelin is high up the list. Am surprised at how much excellent stuff is around kilbarri so well need a couple of non windsurfing days There.

I'm keen to smash as much into the trip as possible and intend recording as much as possible cause the kids will be leaving home eventually and this is our epic adventure.

QLD, 14470 posts
31 Jan 2020 7:55AM
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Gestalt said..
yep that's the place. low tide. looks like a speed spot.

Turns out 4wd access only.

WA, 896 posts
31 Jan 2020 9:54AM
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If you're in Perth and on the river, you should come sail foils with us. You can wave to the LTs as you go past.

QLD, 14470 posts
31 Jan 2020 2:48PM
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Maddlad said..
If you're in Perth and on the river, you should come sail foils with us. You can wave to the LTs as you go past.

200+ on the start line has it's attraction too.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"WA Adventure Tips" started by Gestalt