Got the windbug in 1998 .sailed every year since.hope l can sail until my body gives my late 40ts now hope all good for another 20 years.
Started in 1982. I had 10 year break but took it up again in 2011. Sailing encourages me to remain fit and I'll continue for as long as I can.
I've told my kids that when I can't windsurf anymore that have permission to apply the Tontine Therapy
I turned 53 in July, if I make it to next July I'll be 54 and the one after that 55 and if i'm still going it might be 56.................................but I could drop dead anytime so I recon I'll keep treating every session as it could be my last.
sail with two older gentlemen
one earlier seventies the other late seventies
hope to follow their example am just creeping up on fifty myself
so would be stoked with another twenty years.
mike and john...absolute legends...
A few 70+ sailors on the Goldie with one being 79 with artificial hip, knee etc and still not looking at giving it up!
Windsurfing equals freedom .
dieing is out of our control and when ..but its good to have dreams ...
how we go out ...basically ..we just have to wait our turn ..
lets not talk of the end ...but how we get there and how long we enjoy ourselves windsurfing ..
longer the better ...
we'll all get together 20 years from now and all sail together at a beach yet to be decided .as old folk soon .on location .
Great thread guys! Who do you think the oldest person is to sail Gnaraloo? I remember Tidal Wave Ted out there in the 80s (1980s that is) and he looked pretty senior then.
In the words (almost) of Charlton Heston - I will sail until they prise the boom from my cold dead hands.
According to actuarial tables that's a few years off.
Some inspirational stories. Keith Richards is always good for a quote; "Good to see you...Good to see anyone"
"Evolving not ageing"
Jutst hit the half century. Started Sailboarding as the patent dictated the sport was referred to aged 13.
after a hiatus.....A career, spinal injury and other fractures got in the way! I thought I'd never sail again, let alone wavesail. Getting back into the sport around five years ago has been a time of renewal and discovery. Modern gear makes a huge difference. Although I still sail a "Wallly" mainly as a coaching platform to teach my 9year old. Who will probably be out sailing me in a year. I'm staggered at how fast the learning curve is with h the new gear. He is planing after less than 10 hours water time!
For me the challenge of learning "New School" technique is ever present.
My motivation to keep in shape has returned. Former work mates who haven't seen me for a while do a "Doubble Take"
when they see me, in disbelief at how much weight I've lost and reckon I look younger!
Old friends and acquaintances renewed and new ones made.
Sure the hard landings hurt more and caution is required to avoid injury. I have snapped some tendons and torn some ligaments. Recovery from injury takes longer. Best to avoid them I reckon.
Has anyone got any dietary tips on maintaining soft tissue strength. I've got the excercise covered!
Hopefully another 25 years. A good goal at least.
Wow, that poster.
Rich Myers, my brother's room mate while he was living on Maui doing construction and windsurfing, they worked on jobs together.
Susan Gedayloo, a former neighbor of mine who also died of cancer.
But I'm still wet as is Rich and my brother. Damn I'm old, I fart dust.