I understand not everyone likes to compete, but i would hope that people would at least give it a go because nothing makes you better at your craft than racing. The trick is to not put pressure on yourself about having to be the best out there, and racing with friends always makes it more fun. :)
When i first started racing i was on freeride gear and around the back of the pack. After one season of racing my gybing went from 1 out of ten to 5 out of ten, and then each season it has gotten better to the point where i barely drop a gybe while free-riding.
You dont have to have race gear to be fast either. In the WA Slalom Series there are guys that are on no cam sails that can finish up the front easily due to technique and speed. I also race IQ Foil gear and like others said above i get smoked by the young-uns but i do it just to see how i go against the best.
The other thing is i find there are plenty of people who are happy to help you with anything you need to get better, like tips, techniques, gear fixes, strategy etc as the windsurfing community is a great one to be part of.
Just my two cents and if its not for you thats totally cool. :)
I don't because others with proper slalom gear (and lots of it) got too good, and my one and only no cam freerace sail and one board and a wave boom kit was not that competitive any more. It was definitely fun though, to compete, with no watch, just counting seconds after the last flag.
and 24 hrs after I gave it to Berowne for foiling:
Lets say that foil racing has a smashing learning curve...
That's why I haven't tried windfoiling. Too steep a learning curve.
I'd love to be good at it but I'm not prepared to go around the front all the time.
Not that steep of a learn for someone who is already a competent sailor. With the right guidance you'd be flying in control within the hour. Taking flights 5-100m and knowing when/how to touch down before it goes pear shaped. helping a wave sailor and he's smashing it on modern foil kit and old replaceable sails. 50+m flights and a huge grin, 2 seshes
Been windsurfing for 40 years, did a bit of Racing in Victoria early days (late 80's early 90's), but I didnt really enjoy it. Raced when I first got to WA (mid 90's) and I didnt really enjoy That either. Got into wavesailing away from slalom and racing, and I enjoyed that much more, I found my happy place. Then the GPS thing happened I gave it a try and found you could compete when where and how you wanted to. That got the competitive juices going for me, and that was enjoyable in not only competing against others, but also competing against yourself. I think Racing is an important part of the sport and I can see how some people really love it, and I'm all supportive of Racing and Racers. But evolution made us all individuals with different tastes, likes, dislikes and with unique personalities, and I'm one of those types that is not suited to the Racing. One persons nirvana is another person hell.
Edit? I suppose I should articulate what/why I didnt like racing. The fixed dates. The low wind/no wind days. The waiting around. The importance of having a lot of highly competitive gear for a variety of conditions which also meant spending a lot of money (For a low income earner in those days that was impossible for me) Some of the aggressive sailors I competed against (Not my favorite people aggressive types). Big egos. Those were the turn offs for me, and i understand some if not all of those variables are highly motivating for other personality types.
Did the Raceboard Nationals at Lake Cootharaba last week, I haven't done one for a couple of years and I really felt it the first day. By the end of the regatta (4 days) my body was feeling stronger and my technique was back into a groove.
I really enjoyed doing it, was great to catch up with all the old friends from interstate and overseas and being apart of an organised event felt like it gave my sailing a purpose again. So glad I entered.