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Forums > Windsurfing General

rigging guide for Hotsails maui GPX c 2017

Created by sboardcrazy > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2019
NSW, 8087 posts
23 Apr 2019 12:36PM
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I can't seem to find any info. I have a friend who's got one and we've rigged it a few times but it feels yuck so a decent rigging guide will help.
I'm not much help as I'm used to rigging cammed sails.

QLD, 14470 posts
23 Apr 2019 1:56PM
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are u using the right mast

2626 posts
23 Apr 2019 1:33PM
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Ask the guy who designed it.
Hot Sails Maui Forum -> Ask Jeffrey Henderson:

NSW, 8087 posts
23 Apr 2019 5:05PM
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Gestalt said..
are u using the right mast

It's a rdm of the right brand but it's a 430cm rather than a 400cm as stated on the tack. My friend wants to only have one board , one sail . When the combo was organised the plan was to have a longer mast so if he wanted he could get a bigger sail later and use it on the same mast...
He weighs less than me . Lately we have been setting it up in bugger all wind on the shore. He really needs 15-18kts to get going with that combo but we have only had patchy 8 - 15kts so he hasn't got going much.

QLD, 14470 posts
23 Apr 2019 5:30PM
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sboardcrazy said..

Gestalt said..
are u using the right mast

It's a rdm of the right brand but it's a 430cm rather than a 400cm as stated on the tack. My friend wants to only have one board , one sail . When the combo was organised the plan was to have a longer mast so if he wanted he could get a bigger sail later and use it on the same mast...
He weighs less than me . Lately we have been setting it up in bugger all wind on the shore. He really needs 15-18kts to get going with that combo but we have only had patchy 8 - 15kts so he hasn't got going much.

there's your problem then.

WA, 456 posts
23 Apr 2019 4:41PM
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Get the correct mast and a long extension. Some lightweights use a shorter mast than specified and it works well. When he gets a bigger sail all should be good using the 400.

NSW, 8087 posts
23 Apr 2019 6:58PM
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That's what I'd do but he's already not sure if he's going to continue. I'm pretty sure he won't get another mast..

SA, 3590 posts
23 Apr 2019 7:40PM
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Good question for Stroppo.
Hes been riding them for years. I think he uses RDMs on all his sails

WA, 978 posts
23 Apr 2019 9:00PM
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I have GPX 6.0 and GPX 7.0 for my son. We use 400 and 430 RDM flextop masts with these respectively. They set pretty flat when rigged correctly. I tried bagging them out a bit but found they handled poorly doing that, so I stick to the settings

WA, 734 posts
23 Apr 2019 9:30PM
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Well said Stretchy!

WA, 734 posts
23 Apr 2019 9:30PM
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Well said Stretchy!

NSW, 8087 posts
24 Apr 2019 7:14AM
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Maybe it's just that we haven't had enough wind? I have been pulling the outhaul on a cm or so. We set it up for the gusts but there weren't many of them.
re mast..
It's not ideal but it should still work as I think the luff is around 430cm ( haven't got the sail to check). I know it won't twist off as well .
I sailed my 5m with a 430 rather than 400 for years. It did have a turban top though.Now I have the correct mast for it I realise how much better it is but I got many PBs on it with the longer mast. That was a 4 cam sail though..
So how floppy do you set the leech on the 6m GPX? What are the visual cues that you have it right?

1312 posts
24 Apr 2019 5:31AM
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Hot Sails Maui, as a rule don't have a vario head, strap extension that allows a longer mast to stick out the top.
its possible without a hassle to retro fit, HSM will usually send one free.
sounds like 5.5m, a 6.0 takes a 430 luff, but does call for a 400 also.

my thought is the 430 is too stiff, and maybe have 14cm too much mast.

you can write Jeff at

this sail has a lot of range.

i dont think the sail knows knows how much the sailor weights, the sails too perform to its design want the correct mast.
HSM , are ok on SDM or RDM. The forum will have a recommended mast, of course the HSM masts. Rather on the soft top size is best.

NSW, 8087 posts
24 Apr 2019 8:57AM
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Sorry.The turban sail I mentioned was my own prototype 2009 severne overdrive..I've posted on the forum and the dealer is helping out too. He suggested taking a photo to show him next time it's rigged. Dur, why didn't I think of that..

NSW, 8087 posts
27 Apr 2019 6:13PM
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Rigged it with more downhaul today and it looked better. I still didn't go maximum as it was only 5 - 12kts plus occasional puff more so not enough for him to get planing.

QLD, 14470 posts
27 Apr 2019 9:31PM
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sue it will be interesting to hear what jonathon says about the photo.

when i rig my hot sails freestyle pro the scallops in the sail are smaller. i know its a different sail...
so to me as a guess the sail looks like it is at max downhaul. the leech at the top batten is very loose. something looks off in the bottom of the sail too. maybe batten tension on the 2nd and 3rd bottom batten or reflections in the image but it looks like creases through the draft. mast stiffness could be affecting batten tension and draft.

there is not much draft either. be keen to see the sail with 2cm less downhaul.

1312 posts
27 Apr 2019 9:07PM
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Between the battens, from the top one, between 2-3 the scallop is too large. Max do should be about half that. I feel you are killing the power of the sail with..

this IMO is happening because the sail is setting too early using the 430. You must have the excess mast at the bottom.

the predecessor of this sail I think was the liquid, which I had , 7 -7.5 can't recall. Very nice .

i wish someone on the HSM forum would answer you. I still suggest contact Jeff Henderson via email , also post photo on there.

QLD, 14470 posts
28 Apr 2019 6:48AM
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am i stating the obvious here. have you tried rigging to the dims on the sail?

SA, 2890 posts
28 Apr 2019 7:28AM
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I was told by Geoff years ago in Maui that the simple rule to rigging his sails ( no cam) was to look at batten above boom.
If it was half way across mast that was min down haul.
If it just cleared mast that was max.
out haul then just adjusted between min and max to your preference.
I set batten in mid position then outhaul to max position and that's it.
on a crappy bitser old north dropshape mast, SDM.
using RDM only seems to help in waves.
To me your pic says maxxed out.

NSW, 8087 posts
28 Apr 2019 2:17PM
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Thanks thats the sort of info I was after.
Jeff said -

So that size sails can be rigged on a 430 mast, BUT the pulley will not be able to be as close to the base cleet as the base part usually ads 5-7cm of length to the mast specification.

Other than that, the sail should be ok, and have a bit more pow wind power with the longer, stiffer mast.

It is important to downhaul the sail enough to get some loose leech. With a 430 mast this pressure will be increased a lot due to the stiffer mast. I strongly suggest a crank tool to set the proper downhaul.

Once the outhaul setting, the specificed amount should be fine until sailing in stronger wind, when you should be sure to increase the outhaul tension, even beyond the listed amount for maximum outhaul. This will allow better high wind control on this stiffer mast.

You'll have to expand the section above to read this post.
Sorry I stuffed up where I typed and it won't let me fix it...
I've sent another email asking if he has any visual rigging tips and since I took the pic I've emailed that through to see what he thinks. I'm waiting for a reply.

NSW, 8087 posts
29 Apr 2019 8:53AM
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Gestalt said..
sue it will be interesting to hear what jonathon says about the photo.

when i rig my hot sails freestyle pro the scallops in the sail are smaller. i know its a different sail...
so to me as a guess the sail looks like it is at max downhaul. the leech at the top batten is very loose. something looks off in the bottom of the sail too. maybe batten tension on the 2nd and 3rd bottom batten or reflections in the image but it looks like creases through the draft. mast stiffness could be affecting batten tension and draft.

there is not much draft either. be keen to see the sail with 2cm less downhaul.

Yes re the battens. I didn't notice the wrinkles while rigging ( too keen to get on the water ) but I noticed them when I looked at the photos.

NSW, 8087 posts
29 Apr 2019 8:55AM
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Gestalt said..
am i stating the obvious here. have you tried rigging to the dims on the sail?

Trying to but the mast is a few cms too long. I took the collar off to make that gap less. Is that a problem? Having the mast sitting directly on top of the extension ?

QLD, 14470 posts
29 Apr 2019 5:44PM
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no thats not a problem if you have a short extension.

everything else though.... BIG problem.

who advised your mate to go down this path. there is a valuable lesson here..

buy the recomended gear. rig to the sizes written on the sail.

your done.

go sailing.

any other path is flawed unless you really know what you're doing.

937 posts
29 Apr 2019 4:26PM
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No experience with this sail, but I have the HSM Firelight 7.5. My rule of thumb for it is if it feels heavy on the front hand, not enough downhaul. If it feels dead then too much downhaul. If the downhaul feels right, but the draft feels like it's moving around, not enough outhaul.

937 posts
29 Apr 2019 4:28PM
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Using that method I ended up back at the dimensions printed on the sail bag.

QLD, 4861 posts
29 Apr 2019 6:50PM
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I'm not so sure about rigging to sizes printed on sails , even with correct parts . They can be out and change with time .
Ive had a 2014 NP that was about 14 , yes 14 cm out of whack . An obvious misprint . I use correct mast and always rig to the crease method which is only sometimes perfect to the numbers .
Half of my sails have a my Texta number written next to the printed number , some over , some under . I have it so when max crease I have about one inch gap pulley to pulley , just in case I need a bees dick more . That gives me about two inches gap when underpowered .
Mabee I'm a bit anal but it makes me feel sick inside when I see on other peoples rigs more than two inches gap pulley to pulley
Please tell me I'm not alone or I may seek help .
I need to get out more

NSW, 8087 posts
30 Apr 2019 7:20AM
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Here's what Jeff Henderson said about the photo of it rigged.

Great start! Probably a bit too much downhaul for the lighter winds- that is more of a 20knots + setting. Add some batten tension to the #4 and #5 battens too, they seem a little under tensioned.
Thanks, you are very close!

QLD, 14470 posts
30 Apr 2019 8:33AM
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Imax1 said..
I'm not so sure about rigging to sizes printed on sails , even with correct parts . They can be out and change with time .
Ive had a 2014 NP that was about 14 , yes 14 cm out of whack . An obvious misprint . I use correct mast and always rig to the crease method which is only sometimes perfect to the numbers .
Half of my sails have a my Texta number written next to the printed number , some over , some under . I have it so when max crease I have about one inch gap pulley to pulley , just in case I need a bees dick more . That gives me about two inches gap when underpowered .
Mabee I'm a bit anal but it makes me feel sick inside when I see on other peoples rigs more than two inches gap pulley to pulley
Please tell me I'm not alone or I may seek help .
I need to get out more

cant say you're alone but i dont fuss so much. i rig and go sailng. sometimes ill tweak outhaul after first run occasionally i tweak downhaul when i get it really wrong.

QLD, 14470 posts
30 Apr 2019 8:34AM
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sboardcrazy said..

Here's what Jeff Henderson said about the photo of it rigged.

Great start! Probably a bit too much downhaul for the lighter winds- that is more of a 20knots + setting. Add some batten tension to the #4 and #5 battens too, they seem a little under tensioned.
Thanks, you are very close!

you should report back once you follow jeffs advice.

616 posts
30 Apr 2019 8:14AM
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Gestalt said..

sboardcrazy said..

Here's what Jeff Henderson said about the photo of it rigged.

Great start! Probably a bit too much downhaul for the lighter winds- that is more of a 20knots + setting. Add some batten tension to the #4 and #5 battens too, they seem a little under tensioned.
Thanks, you are very close!

you should report back once you follow jeffs advice.

Yes, & don't expect the sail to have allot of "static" shape. Hotsails in general use a fairly rotational design & appear quite flat until the wind fills in - quite allot different from your cammed Severnes.

QLD, 14470 posts
30 Apr 2019 12:18PM
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hey sbc i type too stiff mast in google and got directed to your seabreeze wrap sheet. ....

your severne, your sailworks and now your mates hotsail. stretches back to 2010.

i think an sbc intervention is required


Forums > Windsurfing General

"rigging guide for Hotsails maui GPX c 2017" started by sboardcrazy