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sboardcrazy said..forceten said..sboardcrazy said..Gestalt said..hey sbc i type too stiff mast in google and got directed to your seabreeze wrap sheet. ....

your severne, your sailworks and now your mates hotsail. stretches back to 2010.
i think an sbc intervention is required

I have learnt though.. my sails now have the right masts..

What did Jeff say about the 430 length VS the 400?
IMO You have now the partial right mast.
I posted this earlier but it was hidden and you had to expand it so here it is again
So that size sails can be rigged on a 430 mast, BUT the pulley will not be able to be as close to the base cleet as the base part usually ads 5-7cm of length to the mast specification.
Other than that, the sail should be ok, and have a bit more low wind power with the longer, stiffer mast.
It is important to downhaul the sail enough to get some loose leech. With a 430 mast this pressure will be increased a lot due to the stiffer mast. I strongly suggest a crank tool to set the proper downhaul.
Once the outhaul setting, the specificed amount should be fine until sailing in stronger wind, when you should be sure to increase the outhaul tension, even beyond the listed amount for maximum outhaul. This will allow better high wind control on this stiffer mast."
Jeff I did not see that before. Jeff has said , it's ok on a 430, in detail, how to rig the extra stiffness.
to add dh and outhaul , it will detune the sail, where at some point it kills the effectiveness.