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Fangtastic Five and Flying Fangy Trophy Comp.

Created by fangman > 9 months ago, 30 Aug 2015
WA, 12444 posts
9 Nov 2015 11:38AM
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GOooooo Shannooooo, Thought he was out there for a long time, he must have been up to something.

WA, 1774 posts
24 Nov 2015 11:18PM
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So the first good sea breeze has Capn Calm stamping his authority on this gig and putting the young whippersnappers back in their place
FFT score of 278.39!
Great work Decrepit

WA, 12444 posts
25 Nov 2015 12:32PM
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Won't be long before some young gun is over 300, hope he isn't as sore as I am now!

QLD, 3242 posts
26 Nov 2015 5:07AM
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Ah the madness that is distance sailing! Impressive effort Mike

WA, 1774 posts
26 Nov 2015 10:37AM
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Peeps, I have been remiss and forgotten about the 5x10 trophy. Has anyone been keeping an eye on the scores? Just so I can post my own name next to a trophy I will say the bar is set at 35.049 knots by fangman. If you have done better let me know.

WA, 1774 posts
1 Dec 2015 8:45AM
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Well that didn't last long. Ladies and Gents, the new leader in the 5x10 Trophy is Stroppoo with a reasonable effort 39.232knots.

WA, 12444 posts
1 Dec 2015 7:15PM
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fangman said..
Well that didn't last long. Ladies and Gents, the new leader in the 5x10 Trophy is Stroppoo with a reasonable effort 39.232knots.

Is that with his %10 reduction?

WA, 1774 posts
1 Dec 2015 7:19PM
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Oh nice one Decrepit, I forgot about that. It's a good thing you are sharp as a tack! So with his % handicap Stroppoo is back to the 35's somewhere. So who was next highest - back soon

WA, 1774 posts
1 Dec 2015 9:21PM
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So if I have this right, Saltynuts is the current leader with 37.45 knots.

WA, 12444 posts
1 Dec 2015 10:40PM
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Sounds right.

WA, 734 posts
9 Dec 2015 4:14PM
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Just read this DOH!

WA, 12444 posts
9 Dec 2015 7:39PM
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stroppo said..
Just read this DOH!

I reckon you're getting let off easy with only a 10% handicap! you were much more than that ahead of every body else last year.

QLD, 302 posts
9 Dec 2015 11:27PM
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I agree My Capt'n...perhaps I should offer my services as Stroppo's new gybe coach....that'd bring him back ( or almost certainly "to the back") of the pack. I've got some moves he just won't believe.

Gonna be a close call this year methinks. There seem to be a truck load of very, very capable sailors out at Fangy's and it's great to watch.

WA, 1774 posts
14 Dec 2015 12:11PM
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Well the old man of the sea has decided to smash all the pretenders to the Fangtastic Five Trophy by posting a score of 322.679! Truly a fangtastic effort! Well done Capn Calm hardly seems enough praise for that score. Mind you I am hoping that in the fine print of the Rules section I will find that anyone who is not me is ineligible for the trophy.

WA, 12444 posts
14 Dec 2015 7:34PM
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Just wanted to be first to break 300, I certainly don't expect this to be a winning score.
I think Windxtacy is correct the winning number will be much closer to 400, maybe over it.
So it's a race now for the first to beat 350, I'm not in a hurry to try.

WA, 1774 posts
14 Dec 2015 9:38PM
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decrepit said..
.........So it's a race now for the first to beat 350, I'm not in a hurry to try.

Toughen up Princess

WA, 12444 posts
14 Dec 2015 10:00PM
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fangman said..
decrepit said..
.........So it's a race now for the first to beat 350, I'm not in a hurry to try.

Toughen up Princess

Saturday's looking good for it, steady strong ssw all day. But it may take me a bit longer to toughen up that much.

WA, 12444 posts
20 Dec 2015 12:02AM
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Yep Saturday was really good for it, but not enough juice left in my bottle to go for it, but Rod's knocked me off with a Fantastic Fangy Five of 329.222.
But I'd better go and check the rest of today's scores to make sure he's the new leader.
Well I don't see anything obvious, but I could easily have missed somebody if they weren't from MM, CST or Pinnars

WA, 1774 posts
20 Dec 2015 12:06PM
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Thanks for doing the numbers for me Capn. A bit of a dark horse in Rod from the coastal Nannas is the new leader in the Fangtastic Five. Well done mate
I am pretty sure Chris is still safe in the 5x10 on 37.45 knots, but if I have missed one let me know.

WA, 734 posts
20 Dec 2015 7:33PM
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The nannas are beating the pensioners how good is that go Rod top numbers so far and well deserved

WA, 1774 posts
24 Dec 2015 11:56PM
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Well it looks like the Nannas fell asleep in the rocking chair today. The Stretchy pensioner has put Grumpynuts down the laundry chute and posted 38.835 knots. Nice work Stretchy??

WA, 978 posts
26 Dec 2015 11:08AM
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Did I? I have have no idea how you score - I thought massive distance was required

WA, 4017 posts
26 Dec 2015 2:17PM
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Stretchy said..
Did I? I have have no idea how you score - I thought massive distance was required

Big distance is needed for the Fangtastic 5 trophy, but there is still the 5X10 trophy - which only needs a super fast 5X10! Everyone seems to have forgotten about that one. So last year...

WA, 978 posts
26 Dec 2015 6:36PM
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Windxtasy said..

Stretchy said..
Did I? I have have no idea how you score - I thought massive distance was required

Big distance is needed for the Fangtastic 5 trophy, but there is still the 5X10 trophy - which only needs a super fast 5X10! Everyone seems to have forgotten about that one. So last year...

Thanks Windxtasy, understand now. Now shhhh, before Stroppo hears!

WA, 12444 posts
5 Jan 2016 7:57PM
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Well big development Cheryl has laid down the gauntlet at Lilacs, with an impressive 324.271 + 10% = 356.698.
Doesn't qualify of course, so the big question is can she repeat the performance at Fangys and be the first over 350?

WA, 1774 posts
6 Jan 2016 11:06AM
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Wow that is impressive, well done Cheryl! (I guess Girlspeed was too busy polishing knicks out of fins to have a crack?)
In any case to clear up the confusion caused by my last post and as per Windxstasy:

Fangy 5x10 Trophy is currently being held by Stretchy with 38.835knots
=> simply your max 5x10 on any day at Fangys

Fangtastic Five Trophy is currently being held by Rod with a score of 329.22
=>the total of your top five numbers on any one day at Fangys across any of the disciplines. eg 2 sec(knots) + 5x10(knots) + alpha(knots) + NM(knots) + distance(km)= your score.

Note - previous winners get a 10% handicap the next year. The ladies get a 10% bonus.
eg IF last years winner Stroppoo posts a 40 knot effort his 10% handicap in the Fangy 5x10 takes him back to 36 knots.

WA, 1774 posts
1 May 2016 1:40PM
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The final siren sounded over the water at Fangy's yesterday, startling no one, given it was deserted. It's time to announce the winners!

Congratulations Stretchy - winner of the Fangy 5x10 trophy!

But, the Fangtastic Five Trophy has a twist... Decrepit's score is within 2% of Rod's!. So those two will have to play Anita's diabolical board game in order to decide the winner. The play off will be held here on the Fangy Estate on a date to be announced soon. (after I have finished exams.:-)
For those who are interested in seeing someone's hopes dashed upon the rocks of Anita's game of chance, I will let you all know the dates via team Captains.

(PS. Stroppo - Can you please drop the Fangy 5x10 trophy back to me so I can get yours and Stretchy's names engraved :-)

WA, 4017 posts
1 May 2016 6:31PM
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fangman said..
The final siren sounded over the water at Fangy's yesterday, startling no one, given it was deserted. It's time to announce the winners!

Congratulations Stretchy - winner of the Fangy 5x10 trophy!

But, the Fangtastic Five Trophy has a twist... Decrepit's score is within 2% of Rod's!. So those two will have to play Anita's diabolical board game in order to decide the winner. The play off will be held here on the Fangy Estate on a date to be announced soon. (after I have finished exams.:-)
For those who are interested in seeing someone's hopes dashed upon the rocks of Anita's game of chance, I will let you all know the dates via team Captains.

(PS. Stroppo - Can you please drop the Fangy 5x10 trophy back to me so I can get yours and Stretchy's names engraved :-)

Fangy, What were the winning scores ?
Looking forward to watching the game!

WA, 1774 posts
1 May 2016 7:04PM
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Fangy 5x10 Trophy is currently being held by Stretchy with 38.835knots
=> simply your max 5x10 on any day at Fangys

Fangtastic Five Trophy is currently being held by Rod with a score of 329.22
=>the total of your top five numbers on any one day at Fangys across any of the disciplines. eg 2 sec(knots) + 5x10(knots) + alpha(knots) + NM(knots) + distance(km)= your score.

WA, 12444 posts
16 Jul 2016 11:09PM
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Well the play off was played tonight, and I have to admit the deserving winner was Rod.
Thanks Anita for the fantastic game, (and trophy), that was great fun, had everybody in stitches.
Bring on next season.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Fangtastic Five and Flying Fangy Trophy Comp." started by fangman