Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

FangyFin MkII Theory for insomniacs

Created by fangman > 9 months ago, 20 Feb 2017
WA, 1774 posts
27 Apr 2017 7:42AM
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I really appreciate the effort there Wazza, but I am not sure " online confectionary mystery shopper" really counts as a day job.

VIC, 6154 posts
30 Apr 2017 12:46AM
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What can we learn from this unique view?

WA, 12441 posts
30 Apr 2017 1:39PM
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don't do facebook, so only seeing a bit of the vid, the rest is obscured by the sign up window. Is this a yacht centre board or a windsurfer fin?

In any case it demonstrates the vortex produced by high pressure water travelling to the low pressure side over the fin tip. Causing a loss of lift and increase in drag
I feel, this is negated somewhat by very heavy weed or very shallow water.

WA, 1774 posts
4 May 2017 8:55PM
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At last the final design of the 24 is done. It has been on a diet and lost as much unnecessary aluminum as possible and now comes complete with hollow in the foil. The base is Tuttle, but has the markings inscribed of a Powerbox to allow easy conversion. The 20 and 28 will follow and then off to the printers to get all the patterns ready for casting. More pics of the other fins soon

NSW, 2016 posts
5 May 2017 12:15PM
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looks fantastic fangy the first photo gives a better view of your concept, hope you can get the weight down

WA, 1646 posts
5 May 2017 10:24AM
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Were they able to give a % of weight reduction?
Looks great anyway.

WA, 1774 posts
5 May 2017 10:47AM
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Thanks Keef. Yoyo, the density of G10 and aluminium is similar, so I can say it's lighter than the same fin in solid G10. The drawings took so long I didn't want slow things down anymore by asking too many questions! Once they are all finished I will risk asking then. I am planning to pack the hollow with polystyrene, seal it and then weigh it compared to my Deltas.

WA, 12441 posts
5 May 2017 7:34PM
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Ross I have some two pack urethane foam here, it would probably be easier to pour that in and get good contact and adhesion over the whole surface.

WA, 1774 posts
5 May 2017 8:03PM
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Thanks Mike, I will come and check it out when the time comes

WA, 1774 posts
6 May 2017 9:09AM
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All three versions are now finished and off to be printed.






WA, 4105 posts
6 May 2017 12:15PM
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Who are you wise man of science?

WA, 1774 posts
6 May 2017 2:22PM
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hardie said..
Who are you wise man of science?

Thanks Hardie, It's been a bit of a journey, but very rewarding now it's starting to come together.

WA, 4105 posts
6 May 2017 3:30PM
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If only you applied your genius for good instead of evil

WA, 1774 posts
6 May 2017 3:50PM
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hardie said..
If only you applied your genius for good instead of evil

Imagine this in the manner of Seinfeld's Soup Nazi:
" No Fin for you!"
( but I can't argue with your premise and if I had a heart it would probably ache about now)

WA, 1774 posts
6 May 2017 6:14PM
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hardie said..
If only you applied your genius for good instead of evil

And if I find out who green thumbed this:
"NO fin for you either! "

WA, 4105 posts
6 May 2017 9:33PM
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Nooooooooo Not blacklisted by the Fin Nazi, OMG now I know hey they felt when the Soup Nazi banned them

WA, 1774 posts
10 May 2017 9:23AM
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A couple of shots of the fins showing the cross section of the hollow, in the 3D print software. Just over 80hrs to print the three fins.......
( No point in you looking at these Hards, oh and you green thumbers also - I have spent the past few days trying to hack SB - I have your IP's addresses now, not long before I figure out who you all are, then NO fin for you!)

Te Hau
489 posts
10 May 2017 10:24AM
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Very nice Fang, very close to growing these parts (and boards)..............which has to be the future.

WA, 1774 posts
11 May 2017 9:58AM
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A Webcam view of the FangyFin20 being printed. The bottom half of the foil is printed and you are viewing from the back of the fin. The box section is obscured by excess print material that is used as a support during printing. You can see the same thing in the cutout section.

And just about finished...

NSW, 2016 posts
11 May 2017 5:45PM
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this is a massive project fangy I can imagine how excited you are, is this the first fin to be printed and is it aluminum

WA, 182 posts
11 May 2017 4:35PM
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Interesting pics & info Fangy, gee they take a while to print!

Having Winnie the Poo doing the printing was a bit of a surprise

WA, 1774 posts
11 May 2017 5:15PM
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Haha, well spotted Morts! (and BTW the 28cm fin is close to 24hrs to print!)
The print material is plastic. The end result of the printing process is a set of 'perfect' patterns. The patterns then travel to the foundry where the moulds are made and the casting is done in aluminium. This process was done for the prototype MkII24. However, this time the printer is a much better,( both the machine and the operator! ) and the foundry has more experience with pouring the shape. All three patterns will be cast in quantities, so I might have to try and find some room in my shed for a lot of pieces of ally pretty soon. Ideally, I wanted to print directly to a usable fin and do away with the casting altogether. It is do-able, but unfortunately, there are no hard/strong material options available at a realistic price...yet.

WA, 978 posts
11 May 2017 7:19PM
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Very cool stuff Ross

WA, 1774 posts
11 May 2017 8:20PM
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Stretchy said..
Very cool stuff Ross

Thanks Stretch, but unfortunately it looks as though you are one of those bullies, who green thumbed Hards cutting and cruel post a bit earlier. NO fin for you!!
On the other hand Keef is a good bloke. Fin for you!

NSW, 2016 posts
12 May 2017 8:29AM
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fangman said..

Stretchy said..
Very cool stuff Ross

Thanks Stretch, but unfortunately it looks as though you are one of those bullies, who green thumbed Hards cutting and cruel post a bit earlier. NO fin for you!!
On the other hand Keef is a good bloke. Fin for you!

it took me a day to lay a fin up and pop it out of the mold and 3 weeks later I'm still trying to get the foil and the mods rite, foiling and modifying fins isn't easy, this one would be to much for me I think I would have given up and put it in the to hard basket

WA, 4105 posts
12 May 2017 7:07AM
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Hey Fangy, that wasn't a permanent ban from buying fins from you was it? How about I line up properly with due respect, hand over the money, then take 3 steps towards the cashier and gratefully accept my packaged fin, and make no complaints if you don't give me any free bread, and bow with deference as i leave the fin store?

WA, 1774 posts
12 May 2017 8:31AM
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hardie said..
Hey Fangy, that wasn't a permanent ban from buying fins from you was it? How about I line up properly with due respect, hand over the money, then take 3 steps towards the cashier and gratefully accept my packaged fin, and make no complaints if you don't give me any free bread, and bow with deference as i leave the fin store?


No Fin for you. Come back One year!

NSW, 8088 posts
12 May 2017 10:46AM
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Glad you made a 20cm as the rest will probably be a bit deep for Budgy most of the time..

WA, 1774 posts
12 May 2017 9:02AM
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sboardcrazy said..
Glad you made a 20cm as the rest will probably be a bit deep for Budgy most of the time..

Sue, I have done a bit of experimenting and the 24cm can be cut down to 20cm happily enough.The fin is solid ally in that part of the foil.There is a slight loss in efficiency, but it becomes a really grunty 20cm fin. I expect to be able to do the same with the 20cm, that is, cut it down to 16-17cms. The intent was that the three fins (and an angle grinder :-) would cover every possible length between 16-28 cm, with lots of grunt for bigger sails on moderate - lighter days.

WA, 8773 posts
12 May 2017 9:32AM
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how is the accuracy on the printer?

I spoke to a printing company about achievable tolerances looking to make fin molds and they advised that they weren't able to get near a 0.1mm tolerance is this still the case?


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"FangyFin MkII Theory for insomniacs" started by fangman