Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Garmin Advice

Created by K888 Sunday, 12 Jan 2025
WA, 12315 posts
Yesterday , 14 Jan 2025 10:30PM
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Thanks Rob, that should give the boffins something to chew over.

162 posts
7 hours ago , 15 Jan 2025 5:11AM
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End of a long day and I'm not really over my COVID infection, so just a couple of passing comments.

I sometimes see these sustained periods of repeated speeds suddenly start mid-session, then often times stop again and the rest of the session can go back to normal. So the big question is whether in the last quarter of the session did it start because of the sleeve, or would it have happened anyway? Would it have gone back to normal if allowed more time? Something tipped it over the edge, but was it simply chance, or was it genuinely provoked?

It's an interesting observation that occasionally the speed is not frozen. I also see something else on rare occasions, whereby the doppler-speed is zero but positional speed is fine.

I'll look more closely tomorrow and perhaps find time to do some testing with impaired signals.

Additionally, reporting to Garmin would probably be a good idea in the near future. Perhaps after a little more fact finding, something clear and unambiguous can be worded, but need to choose the wording carefully. I know a developer who asked for the doppler speed to be written to their GPX files (since they have a GPX extension for it) but the support team said they'd never heard of Doppler speed.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Garmin Advice" started by K888