I' recently had a fault in my GPSTC Datafield on my Garmin 255. The watch started displaying speeds in what appeared to be m/s. I fixed the fault by going into the Datafield settings and changing speed units first to km/h and then back to knots. All good now.
I figured out how to download the FIT file to the phone through the connect web page. This means I can upload to KA72 and GPSTC before the long drive home.
I had a request from France to add the session best 1km and 10km speeds that they use in this comp
So I have added a new page to display the session best 500m, 1km and 10km.
Currently this feature is only in the non-Approved speed version.
The default is that this page will not be displayed, so for most users there is no change.
Hi everyone,
Thanks so much !!!
Your app is awesome ! To thank you, I'll put your logo at the top of the 2025 ranking with our sponsors and, of course, tell to my friends to use your app ;-)
Best regards from France !
Is there a way to export the FIT file without Garmin Connect compressing it?
Not that I have found. Except by plugging in the watch like a USB stick and simply copying the files.
This PC\Forerunner 255\Internal Storage\GARMIN\Activity
I downloaded the zip file to Android then extracted the fit file. It was pretty messy figuring out which file was which in order to send to KA72. .
I figured out how to download the FIT file to the phone through the connect web page. This means I can upload to KA72 and GPSTC before the long drive home.
There's a way to make it even easier. GPSSS has an an automatic Garmin upload function. As soon as you get off the water and are near your phone it is automatically uploaded to the GPSSS server. You can then use your phone to post the speed, then have it transfer the data to GPSTC and post it there. Much easier than trying to download files.