I think we may suffer from TO MUCH water this summer! Have too many of us been doing deals with the devil?
When, or if, the water does drop to a good level, the windy season may be all over.
More good news.
Bureau of Meteorology's (BoM) climate prediction services manager Andrew Watkins, (and long time Sandy Point sailor) says the bureau is predicting (among other things):
" Warm waters in the central Indian Ocean may result in higher pressures, south of Australia, resulting in more easterly winds, keeping the west drier than average."
full report here: www.stockandland.com.au/story/4892503/hold-on-rains-coming-to-the-east-says-bom-forecaster/?cs=4786
You know what that means don't you?
Dry conditions to lower the level of LG over Spring and Summer, and a return of the famous LG Easterly wind cycle.
At least I sure hope so!
Great news for PJ and others who sail there if it eventuates. Could also mean a better season in Albany if strong highs are parking in the bight