The same topic has been posted on the QLD Kite forum and the kiters are not too happy about the development and want to do something with our support as well.
Check out the thread for updated info but below is a suggestion by me.
What your suggestion?
Thanks for your input main and your help over this! I have previously sent Dawn the presentation so she is well aware of the issues and tried yesterday to arrange a meeting with the following response;
Good afternoon Phillip I have received your phone message with respect to this issue – at this point Council is about to go into recess and I am afraid I have no time available. Nevertheless I believe Council is endeavouring to do what they can – the water is Queensland Transport.
As I said I have spoken with Jeremy and I believe he has the matter in hand Kind regards Dawn.
As you said Main we have a small window and now it has become even smaller with possibly a 6 week break? What do you suggest now?
I have some ideas but have already spent a LOT of time on this and not able to initiate the following but willing to help.
If anyone else has ideas it would be great to put them foward NOW.
Its all about numbers. While 50-100 users know it is a bad idea the 40,000 registered boat owners may think otherwise. We will need to do what council has failed to do and that is consult the general public on what they want. How?
Produce an alternate concept drawing of maybe a Lagoon Pool similar to Brisbane's Southbank area. (I may be able to get this done)
Raise public awareness of our issues (bulletin, radio interview etc) highlighting safety, lack of consultation and better park solution (who will do this?)
Organise an online voting website with an unbiased display of both the council and our concept drawing and collect votes (some of these sites are free but who will do the setup, investigation into suitability? who will pay for this if required to get full features?)
Get this vote to go VIRAL to the right people to counteract the boat owners vote. (every single water user will have to get involved in this, facebook etc)
Pound the pavement! Walk the area every day with both options graphically displayed in a unbiased format in the area where people will be most affected - along the broadwater foreshore area right in the heart of Dawns electorate. Maybe a hard copy voting option (who will pay or make displays and be willing to go on a roster???)
Send updates of the voting on a regular basis to press, councillors etc.Hope that the vote is in our favour by a long way and still no guarantee of success!
This is my last idea and a difficult one. A lot of people are complaining but who are willing to actually DO something- all the above boxes need to done by someone????
Hi guys,
The kiters plan to voice their opinion directly with Dawn so can you please spead the word and call Dawn NOW! before she goes on the christmas break.
ok guys Councillor Dawn Crichlow's contact details: w) 5581 6280 m) 0414 180 677 FORGET about the Cruise Ship Terminal this is REAL, FUNDED and going to happen unless we hassle Dawn into stopping the channel. If you kite at KFC take 2 minutes to make a call and protect your spot. If you don't kite at KFC take two minutes to protect it otherwise ALL those guys will soon be rocking up at YOUR spot!!! With the Alley now gone the remaining flat water spots are gunna be crowded.
Just rang Dawn and had a whinge. She just muttered some rubbish about already having spoken with the windsurfers and its all sorted. I mentioned safety and she flick passed to council officer Dan Skews. No answer from him, will keep trying. Could we all please call Dawn now.
I've called and left messages on both lines so hopefully she will call back shortly.
I have looked at the typography and existing services and feel a good compromise may be to shift the location of the ramp north and position it just adjacent to Loder Creek. Most people launching boats will be heading North to reach the seaway or wavebreak and beyond so locating the ramp on the northern side of the development seems to make sense.
1. Already search and rescue craft coming and going on the northern side of Loder Creek so ties in with existing traffic.
2. Better access to deeper water and desired waterways (seaway, wavebreak and beyond) as most powered craft are heading north.
3. Less car and trailer traffic in and around park users. Boats with trailers are particularly dangerous when young children are concerned due to their length and the inability for the driver to see in and around the wheels of the trailer.
4. Most windsurfers and kite boarders are running south of Loder Creek. Locating the ramp in the northern sector would keep the majority of the powered vessels separated from the non powered craft.
5. If a boat specific entrance is created off Marine Parade on the northern end of the development it will separate them from the more congested end of marine parade, which will ease any traffic issues involved with slow and hard to manoeuvre trailer boats.
It is pretty obvious the development is a given knowing the amount of time and money that would have gone into the project to get it to this stage so now I think the best action is to work WITH the planners to make the outcome a safe and amicable one between the powered craft and recreational users (swimmers, park patrons and non powered vessels including windsurfers, kites, paddleboards, kayaks etc.
I sailed there last Sunday while teaching a friend to sail and noticed that it has silted up a lot since the days when it used to be my local spot. I think we need to look at the positives that the development may have long term. If the waterways are dredged and maintained better because of the development it may result in a far more favourable spot to sail. It may even become a great place to hold freestyle, freerace, course and slalom events with its improved facilities and clearer channels.
Regards, Scot Farley (President WQ).
I finally got to speak to Dawn Crichlow but she was absolutely closed to discussions. I left the conversation saying I would write a letter so that there was information in writing so the responsibility of keeping our sailors would be back on her. She promptly gave me someone else's email but although I used that I still addressed it to Dawn so she is still in the hot seat.
Lets hope that although the development may go ahead the safety issues will be addressed and we may achieve a safer sailing area for everyone.
Letter enclosed:
Dear Dawn,
Thank you for your time on the phone earlier.
As we discussed I am the president of Windsurfing Queensland and a number of the members who sail at the broadwater have voiced their concern to me regarding the proposed development south of Loder Creek. As their spoksman I would like to put forward the following for consideration.
The sailors who use this area are mainly concerned that the added traffic a large boat ramp will add to the water way will further increase their chance of being hit by a powered craft. As we discussed a female windsurfer was struck there a few years back by a jet ski and left for dead in the water with concussion and a severely shattered leg.
I believe the development will in the long term benefit the sailors in the region but I would like to ask that the following considerations be taken into account when the planning is finalised.
I have looked at the typography and existing services and feel a good compromise may be to shift the location of the ramp north and position it just adjacent to Loder Creek. Most people launching boats will be heading North to reach the seaway or wavebreak and beyond so locating the ramp on the northern side of the development seems to make sense.
1. There are already search and rescue craft coming and going on the northern side of Loder Creek so ties in with existing boat traffic.
2. Better access to deeper water and desired waterways (seaway, wavebreak and beyond) as most powered craft are heading north.
3. Less car and trailer traffic in and around park users. Boats with trailers are particularly dangerous when young children are concerned due to their length and the inability for the driver to see in and around the wheels of the trailer.
4. Most windsurfers and kite boarders are running south of Loder Creek. Locating the ramp in the northern sector would keep the majority of the powered vessels separated from the non powered craft.
5. If a boat specific entrance is created off Marine Parade on the northern end of the development it will separate them from the more congested end of marine parade, which will ease any traffic issues involved with slow and hard to manoeuvre trailer boats.
6. Speed restrictions or no go zones for powered craft to keep recreational, non powered craft separated from the powered vessels.
It is pretty obvious the development is a given knowing the amount of time and money that would have gone into the project to get it to this stage so now I feel our best recourse is to work with the planners to make the outcome a safe and amicable one between the powered craft and recreational users (swimmers, park patrons and non powered vessels including windsurfers, kites, paddleboards, kayaks etc.
Best Regards,
Scot Farley (President WQ).
Article in the Bulletin today outlining issues with sailboarders and kitesurfers.
Some points lost in translation but still highlights the issues faced.
See link below;
Really need to document close calls with boats/jetskis and get some photos otherwise we have no hope in getting some resolution to planned increase in boat traffic!
Over the school holidays during this peak period will be an increased risk so take care!
The root cause of the safety concern is highlighted in the photo, powered craft not observing rules regarding proximity and speed. My observations of the Broadwater are that boaties don't:
1. want to go slow at any time
2. take alternate routes to avoid congestion
3. take early preventative course adjustments
4. observe speed rules when in proximity to other craft
5. obey power gives way to sail until such a time as there is a risk of a potential collision
6. want to pass behind you
I overheard a local boat owner living in a canal near the shearwater talking to another boatie and he said "...i don't ever slow down, cause it costs me $60 in gas to speed up again" he also mentioned he couldn't see over his bow and that he just relied on everyone else getting out of his way (perhaps the most childish thing I've heard someone say since "...our way is the right of way")
Increased police presence is always a deterrent (you only see people driving the speed limit and indicating for the mandatory 3 seconds when there is a police car), maybe mommy needs to take the rolling pin to some of these boaties?