Hi All,
I would like to invite all raceboard fans to participate in training organised by me. I would like to help out all of you preparing to the Worlds in Brisbane this November.
The trainings would be free of charge.
I will target the most common areas such as: pumping and starting in light to moderate winds. Racing and speed testing in moderate to strong winds.
Please let me know if you are interested. From what I know, Dave Sterling is keen ;).
The schedule for the first training on Saturday 21.05.2016:
10:00 - arrival to RQYS - "loo with the view"
10:00-10:30 - rigging
10:40-11:00 - briefing
11:15 - ready on water
11:15 - 11:30 grass drills - pumping
11:35- 13:00 - drills on water with marks and motorboat
13:15 - 13:30 - debrief
I am looking forward to hearing what you would like to work on. Please let me know if you intend to come. Will be easier for me to plan on drills if I know how many people are coming. See you soon!
Max Wojcik
"When do you come to WA with you training school?"patience - this is the next step, first things first. We (the QLD group of people involved in Learn To Windsurf) need to test and improve the windsurfing program to seed it across Australia. We will succeed and share the know-how with WA was soon as possible - PROMISE!
What is the best club that has the infrastructure to be involved in Learn To Windsurf in WA? Below are 3 most important conditions to apply for Learn To Windsurf Centre:
1. It has to have shallow water nearby the club,
2. have easy access to storage place for windsurfing gear,
3. have Tackers program already in place
"When do you come to WA with you training school?"patience - this is the next step, first things first. We (the QLD group of people involved in Learn To Windsurf) need to test and improve the windsurfing program to seed it across Australia. We will succeed and share the know-how with WA was soon as possible - PROMISE!
What is the best club that has the infrastructure to be involved in Learn To Windsurf in WA? Below are 3 most important conditions to apply for Learn To Windsurf Centre:
1. It has to have shallow water nearby the club,
2. have easy access to storage place for windsurfing gear,
3. have Tackers program already in place
4. Awesome volunteers.
Some shots of the Raceboard Team soaking up Max's coaching. Great day on the water. Learnt loads thanks Max.
Thanks Simon,
Here is a video of Jo's technique with a bit of my comment:
Great initiative Max - I wish I could have joined in. Simon could have used that pumping action up at Lake Cootharaba for the States - Dave will now have some serious competition.
Thank you Max for running today's clinic. The blustery westerly gave us all plenty of opportunity to identify areas for technique development. Really looking forward to speed testing next week, along with spiking my water with some juice to measure sugar-hydration benefits we discussed today. Well done!
Beautiful SUMMER! day in RQ and great lessons. You are right Mark - hydration is the first step to making your body listen to your mind. Great to have you, you were flying there (I bet you would win the prize for smashing 30 km on water!). Time to recap:
Another excellent session Max, got loads out of today and quite a few bruises.....
Thanks soo much, looking forward to next week.
Due to the Gale Force Wind warning I need to CANCEL Saturday's session (4th June). The racing on Sunday from frostbite series is still on.
Some new videos from today's training:
upwind light wind pumping
Some stills of the Raceboard Training this weekend.
Very steep learning curve as always!
Thanks heaps Max.
video from today!
body vs sail by Ray ;)
Hi All,
The session today (Sunday 19.06.2016) is CANCELLED due to front coming our way.
Feel free to come if you want and have a sail, but there won't be a training organised.
Take care and see you next Saturday!
Sunday's session 26.06 will be a frostbite session - racing only so anyone who would like to have some practice, please sign up for that. We will not have our regular session at 11-13:30.
Here is a video from today, thank you Shari for brilliant demonstration ;)
Hi everyone,
It is late but as they say, better late than never! - I will run tomorrows session on shore - I will have a 30 minute window between taking care of youth bic techno group and youth week competition. So whoever is interested in doing some simulator work on land and then practising it individually on water is welcome to come to RQ and have a go at 10:00-11:15.
See you there!
Hope today's tacking and gybing tips will prove to be useful in competition!
Tomorrow - Sunday 3.07 I will be engaged in youth week and will not be able to run the session. Having said that, please come to have a go in light winds, pretty sure there will be a couple of guys who will be keen for some speed testing.
All the best and see you soon!
So this is it! Thank you gentlemen, it was a pure pleasure to sail and train you. Simon, special thanks to you. I love the card. Really appreciate the camera and all the positive feedback.
I am back to do more trainings in early November. Keep sailing!!! Cam... NO MORE PROTEIN MUFFINS!!!
All the best guys!
Its still going on Cam...he's left the country and its still going on!!! :)
I know he registered his son as a competitor but do you know if Cam registered his little brother as a crew member? Could be a protest on?
so this is what it feels like to be cyber bullied.
I know I should just turn off the computer but we can't.