Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Raceboard trainings on Saturdays at 10:00 in RQYS

Created by Maksior > 9 months ago, 15 May 2016
QLD, 335 posts
30 Sep 2016 1:50PM
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No racing at RQ Saturday but what a great opportunity to get in some training.

May I suggest that we warm up using a lawn rake to rake up the loose stones on the rigging lawn.

Extra warm up can be had by using a steel rake to rake up the stones on the beach.

Equipment required, rakes of course.

Now that we have warmed up we should do some Racing Skills training.

Hope all you raceboarders can help prepare for the Worlds in 7 weeks time.

19 posts
30 Sep 2016 1:58PM
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Good Idea Ray.
We have a team windsurfing session from 9.00-12.00 tomorrow.
Look forward to doing a bit of a tidy-up.
Still will be plenty of time for a cruise in the afternoon (hopefully 12-15knts of northerly)

QLD, 1 posts
30 Sep 2016 4:22PM
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I'll be there !!

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
30 Sep 2016 4:26PM
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So what time is the raking? I'll be soon after for sure.

How's 1300 to rake and 1400 for sailing?

I have a couple of other things to discuss but can do that rake in hand (council style).

(^Apparently this new guy Mortensen's can do a power of work )

QLD, 4036 posts
30 Sep 2016 4:33PM
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Dodgydave said..
Good Idea Ray.
We have a team windsurfing session from 9.00-12.00 tomorrow.
Look forward to doing a bit of a tidy-up.
Still will be plenty of time for a cruise in the afternoon (hopefully 12-15knts of northerly)

See you there at 9.00

QLD, 355 posts
1 Oct 2016 7:47AM
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See you there.

QLD, 72 posts
14 Oct 2016 9:50PM
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Hey Max! A bunch of Windsurfer One Design sailors are going to crash the party next Saturday 21st. Hope that's ok. At least it will make it busier for the Raceboarders practicing for the Worlds heh?!!?

QLD, 4036 posts
16 Oct 2016 8:19AM
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awesome, its cool watching old school freestyle tricks being performed as part of the pre start maneuvering

QLD, 72 posts
24 Oct 2016 8:39AM
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Sorry we didn't make it guys. I double booked myself and don't think anyone else made it?
We'll be back there in a month - just before the worlds.

The Pom
QLD, 137 posts
6 Nov 2016 8:28AM
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After the success of last weeks group speed training session, its on again.

1pm rigging from Off The Beach Rigging Area.

Only a couple of weeks left until the worlds....

Cameron....come for a sail and Demuffin!

QLD, 4036 posts
6 Nov 2016 11:18AM
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see you there

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
6 Nov 2016 12:08PM
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Ha ha De Muffin

QLD, 1471 posts
6 Nov 2016 9:17PM
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Who is racing next Saturday?

The Pom
QLD, 137 posts
7 Nov 2016 9:55AM
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Hey Julian,

I'm in.

Pretty sure All Bran (the muffin man) said he would be there.

Leo in normally there

Mark W

I think its Brandon's week off to so he might be a show.

Ramming Speed is normally there too and don't forget State Champion as well.

Poss both the OB girls?

Getting near a full house.


QLD, 1471 posts
7 Nov 2016 12:49PM
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Sweet! I got an rsx rig so I just need to grab a board somewhere. It will probably be an rsx as well so hopefully a windy day

QLD, 57 posts
8 Nov 2016 9:45PM
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Hi All!
Welcome back in Australia!
I hope to see everyone on Saturday racing as well as the next day... on SUNDAY TRAINING! I am there for you to ask all the questions accumulated through the time I was practising insomnia with my new born son.
I will bring the scale to double check you guys were not on muffin diet...
So lets meet at 10:00 and do the briefing at 10:45. Any suggestions on what you want to work on?
See you soon! :)

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
11 Nov 2016 6:42PM
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I will be racing there tomorrow for sure.

I am also going to have dinner at the club (after the usual debriefing that is) if any ladies or gentlemen would like to join for further RB Worlds discussion.

QLD, 72 posts
16 Nov 2016 12:05PM
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Hi Max,

Congratulations on the birth of your son! Awesome times!
Will you be training this weekend Saturday or Sunday? Cheers Josh


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Raceboard trainings on Saturdays at 10:00 in RQYS" started by Maksior