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Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Sandstone Seabreezers

Created by Paddles B'mere > 9 months ago, 14 Nov 2015
QLD, 720 posts
21 Jan 2017 1:12PM
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Have to do some work today. I wasn't confident on the wind with the rain today.
Should be good tomorrow though.
Who's up for Bongaree? Perfect tide for there.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
21 Jan 2017 1:54PM
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There's plenty of wind Darren, but not really enough water for maybe an hour yet and it looks like a bit of a storm on the way on the radar too.

QLD, 197 posts
21 Jan 2017 3:15PM
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Is everyone still doing the washing and ironing? Its windy and heaps of water.

QLD, 500 posts
21 Jan 2017 3:58PM
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Thought you weren't going today???

QLD, 21 posts
21 Jan 2017 6:46PM
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Planned my weekend around the wind that was forecast on Sunday so I'm keen to get out tomorrow. If anyone goes out I'd be keen to join in.

QLD, 720 posts
21 Jan 2017 7:54PM
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How was it Lad's?
What's the goss?
Who's going tomorrow?

QLD, 197 posts
21 Jan 2017 8:09PM
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Was fantastic, see you all tomorrow!

QLD, 1087 posts
21 Jan 2017 8:52PM
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Bone's said..
Was fantastic, see you all tomorrow!

great afternoon. Got the Shark 150 working. Lifted my PB 26.24nts. Great fun swapping the gps watch around and doing runs.

Had a go on Adams Lescheter weed fin - smoothed the board down heaps in the chop.

Have fun tomorrow - i've got a couple more days up at the lake keeping pete company.

cheers jeff

QLD, 720 posts
21 Jan 2017 9:52PM
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No body's answering me. Tide's? Wind may not be there in the afternoon? Bongaree?
I'm thinking there may be a little east in it, but not a problem with our big board's.
The wind line won't be far out, and the tide is perfect (flat and shallow).
Peter N will be there too.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
21 Jan 2017 9:57PM
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I'm in for tomorrow Darren, but I'll be aiming for Sandstone on the high tide if the wind holds.

QLD, 21 posts
22 Jan 2017 11:09AM
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Paddles B'mere said..
I'm in for tomorrow Darren, but I'll be aiming for Sandstone on the high tide if the wind holds.

Are you still planning on getting out today? What time will you plan to be there?

QLD, 720 posts
22 Jan 2017 11:47AM
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I'm looking from Sandstone now, about eighteen knot's out back I reckon.
No water. Heading over to Bongaree. Pete's on his way too.
Will be a little more over there, and flat water. Perfect direction, sse

QLD, 65 posts
22 Jan 2017 11:49AM
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I have a bit to do this morning but might try for a late one if the wind stays in.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
22 Jan 2017 12:07PM
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Yep, I'm thinking it'll be 3 to 3:30 before there's enough water. Hopefully the wind hangs in there. Adam reckons he won't be down till late either.

QLD, 720 posts
22 Jan 2017 12:21PM
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Just died in the ass.
Hope it comes back. Maybe just some rain.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
22 Jan 2017 12:50PM
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Hopefully it's just the tide change and it comes back in.

QLD, 500 posts
22 Jan 2017 1:07PM
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Had a "ronerey" sail at Sandstone this morning. Probably 10 to 15 with a little more in the gusts.
Used delta fin and sailed till 9:30. Could have stayed out longer. Not a low, low.
Home doing some chores and will head back over again later.
Bones said he is going over early to get dragged around on his kite.
Hopefully once we get him down from the trees he might have a sail too.

WA, 734 posts
22 Jan 2017 4:18PM
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Hi from Elanda point, where the wind always blows and there's no tide ??
Been here a week and sailed every day on the plane from 5.2 to 9.0 conditions and no traffic, been bloody hot though, last night and today is the first relief we've had all week. Living the dream, probably stay for another week or so

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
22 Jan 2017 8:12PM
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Good to hear you're living it up Peter, it should be nice and quiet for a couple of days then Australia Day will hit.

Pretty steady sunday arvo down here at Sandstone, 10 to 12 knot gusts with lulls in between. Pretty good crew of Tony, Brad, Adam, Dave, Dennis and myself. Darren and Peter N dropped by later as they had been sailing over at South Esplanade. I summoned up the courage to use my 10m sail (after being heckled by Adam and Shawn the kiter). I've been scared of it because it's fekkin huge, but today when it's 10-12 knots this thing is awesome. Now I know why Stevie likes light conditions with huge sails, I'll definitely be using it again. It's a bugger to uphaul though, lucky i'm 100kg and can give it some.

QLD, 720 posts
23 Jan 2017 7:50AM
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Looks like gym this week, by the looks of the weather coming.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
23 Jan 2017 10:05AM
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Remember they don't allow thongs past 7pm at the gym ....................

QLD, 1087 posts
23 Jan 2017 12:05PM
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Dag said..
Looks like gym this week, by the looks of the weather coming.

Yep just packing up at the lake

home for 7 nightshifts - maybe a little bit of NE arvo action Think rest and recovery will be the plan otherwise

cheers Jeff

QLD, 720 posts
23 Jan 2017 8:08PM
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Paddles B'mere said..
Remember they don't allow thongs past 7pm at the gym ....................

Bahhaha!!!! After 7pm, I won't be at the gym,and I will have no shoe's on, AND,

QLD, 720 posts
23 Jan 2017 8:10PM
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Hey Brad, I'll probably have to settle for fishing this week.

QLD, 720 posts
23 Jan 2017 8:12PM
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Jeff, I think you've had enough fun.

QLD, 500 posts
23 Jan 2017 8:22PM
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Do you have any fishing gear Dags???
Looking like longboards at the Lake to me. Cruizin!!

QLD, 1087 posts
23 Jan 2017 8:50PM
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Dag said..
Jeff, I think you've had enough fun.

Yep. A little tired and achy. 9 days all up on the water and planing most of them

The best day was at sandstone on Saturday when I was home for rest day as there was minimal wind predicted at the lake.

Looking forward to more

QLD, 720 posts
23 Jan 2017 8:57PM
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Just a bit of gear mate, hehe. Still had a nice day on the water. The Old Man's 39ft Mariner,( moored opposite Turner's at Bellara), needed a bit of a clean on the bottom. Perfect day to nose her into the bank and use the hooker gear to get under her.
Then it was absolutely necessary that we take her for a run. Beautiful! Are you up at the lake?

QLD, 720 posts
23 Jan 2017 9:32PM
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Good on ya Jeff. We must have been writing at the same time. That's a great type of sore and tired feeling.
Yesterday was good on the Wally, then the 8.5, but I wish I could have sailed the day before as well.
Sound's like I missed a good one. Would'a, could'a, should'a. Life's still good.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
24 Jan 2017 12:34PM
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Dag said..

Paddles B'mere said..
Remember they don't allow thongs past 7pm at the gym ....................

Bahhaha!!!! After 7pm, I won't be at the gym,and I will have no shoe's on, AND,

Lalalalalallala ............... don't need to know ......................

Took interested gentleman Parso down to Sandstone for a go on the BIC this morning on the last of the tide. It was stunning out there this morning, only 5-10 knots and like glass. He did well and was able to cruise up and down the length of the beach twice and just jump off, turn around and uphaul to change direction. All that uphauling knocked him up a bit just like it did for all of us once.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Sandstone Seabreezers" started by Paddles B'mere