Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Windsurfing Learning Curve

Created by Dwbh > 9 months ago, 3 Jan 2014
NSW, 8088 posts
2 Dec 2015 8:57AM
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Jacko51 said..
Hi Morgan,
Have a look at these three Clips re early planning. Just confirms my thoughts that you have your Boom too high ( Clip 2 ). ( I notice a few others have commented on this ).

Also have a look at this thread
The sailor with the Purple NP Firefly not planning ( boom too high ) everyone else low boom front arm parallel with shoulders front leg straight and planning. (Wish I was there ).
Just my observation of your clips and photo's. There a few tips in the video's that I will take on board as well.
Keep at it, you are an inspiration to all of us, not just the newbies that you inspire.

I went to a Guy Cribb clinic and his advice is put the boom on so that standing on the beach it just fits under your armpit. Then when it's on the board that will raise it a bit more.
Also higher boom ( few cms) helps early planing as it gets your weight off the board . I probably need to raise mine more . Lower it a bit if overpowered ( gets more of your weight on the board).

SA, 221 posts
2 Dec 2015 10:51AM
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Some relevant tips here.

QLD, 829 posts
5 Dec 2015 7:22AM
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Thank you Jacko51, Jazzy and Jase, Sue, Simon (off line) and Jeff (off line) to all who have offered advice and videos - I have watched them all and read all advice with great interest.

I have moved the front straps to the next setting out and put another set of straps on the back. Will be careful of boom height - keep the rig big and point further down wind and see what happens today at RQ

Going to head there around 2 ish should be around 15 knots fingers crossed

See you out there


QLD, 1087 posts
5 Dec 2015 7:38AM
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Have fun morgs - it will come

QLD, 829 posts
8 Dec 2015 10:23AM
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Went out Saturday at RQ there were a few out good to see :-).

My board of choice was the AtomIQ but struggled to get on the plane. Set up was 6.6m Avanti sail, 50bp fin. Was out for about an hour and still couldn’t get it planing.
Did the down wind thing, almost there, but not quite – others around me with smaller sails planing no worries. Came close a couple of times but no cigar – bit frustrating for sure (where is the Rio when you want it).

First things first I came up and moved the front straps back to the centre position to see if that might make it easier for me. No joy here, unlike the weekend before I bought a spare board the Naish Kailua I new at this point I probably should be getting bigger sail – but others were planing around me smaller gear. Must be technique, should put up the 7.5 or change boards to the Naish and see for myself technique or equipment and what equipment. So I decided to come in and swap boards just to see what I could do with the Naish…. with the 37.5 bp fin.

Mal was feeling it as well and came in and changed from 5.4 to 6.7 NP sail and was away planing like a son of a gun woo hoo, you go you good thing. Looking forward to seeing the video.

Mal was flying on the Shark the kiters were flying at one stage a learner with 3m sail passed me time to change something.

Once on the Naish, it didn’t feel a whole lot different at the start so I made a couple of adjustments – everyone else was flying but me….. go figure. Not going to give up on this.........

Pushed her down wind and pushed down wind and low and behold KAZAM!!!! I was planing (only one way) but planing woo hoo this is the reason why I go windsurfing. I fell into a pattern of being able to get on the plane heading toward shore but not heading out – fell off alot. That will only be practice and technique I just have to figure out what I am doing wrong heading in that directions and fix it.

Managed to get planing and clock a 19.7 knots Happy Days


QLD, 189 posts
8 Dec 2015 12:39PM
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Changing upto the 6.7 did the trick. Only got planing a couple of times with the smaller sail. Managed to get some video.

Also managed to get out on Sunday (the grass can wait) to Victoria Point. Was a couple of other boards out. Trouble was it took a bit of a walk to get fin depth. The wind managed to get up nicely for the 7.8 and had a great afternoon. Up at Golden Beach for a few days from Wednesday. Hoping for some decent conditions. Also made another video (& yes I managed to film a gybe (of sorts).

QLD, 668 posts
8 Dec 2015 12:56PM
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great video, shows me you ride both boards different,if you look at your feet on the atom you put your feet in the straps way to early. the boards not planing and start to get a bit of speed you then lift your front feet with out weight on the rig witch puts weight to your back foot and sinks the tail , looses fin grip and rounds up .work on keeping your front foot forward untill you can put more weight on the rig pushing the board of the wind ,as you pick up speed and are planing then start to put your front foot in, as you pick up more speed work your back foot in to back straps and start heading up wind. also if you are going to use your naish tape up the center board slot. you seem to let the naish plane before you move your feet witch is what i mean. pm me if this don,t make sense

QLD, 1087 posts
8 Dec 2015 3:53PM
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Hey Mal you're smashing it

Just love your videos - gybe is good

cheers Jeff

QLD, 1087 posts
8 Dec 2015 4:03PM
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From offline discussion with some editing...

Been re watching your video. - who would have thought the Naish would get going and on a smaller fin? Any ideas on what's going on? The IQ looked so close, more power or some pumping? - me I'm always a meter bigger sail than the boys who know how to get going by pumping

Really amazed Naish with same sail has surprised me in the difference in getting going!!!!

Your results suggest the Naish is better planer - again who would have thought?

Give the IQ back ;-) or let Anita have it?

Looking at video to me suggests you are still loading rear foot up too much as you get going - not sure if short fat board are more sensitive to this?

Mal went up a metre to 6.7. You at 20+kg more was trying to get going on 6.6?? Again the amazing and encouraging thing is you got the Naish going- very impressive.

With IQ you had 50 fin - ? Too much drag for 6.6 marginal winds plus bigger fin is harder to turn downwind?

Have you considered sticking with the Naish for a bit as the longer rocker line/length helps us big boys get going

Cheers Jeff

SA, 240 posts
8 Dec 2015 6:26PM
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Dwbh said..
Went out Saturday at RQ there were a few out good to see :-).

My board of choice was the AtomIQ but struggled to get on the plane. Set up was 6.6m Avanti sail, 50bp fin. Was out for about an hour and still couldn’t get it planing.
Did the down wind thing, almost there, but not quite – others around me with smaller sails planing no worries. Came close a couple of times but no cigar – bit frustrating for sure (where is the Rio when you want it).

First things first I came up and moved the front straps back to the centre position to see if that might make it easier for me. No joy here, unlike the weekend before I bought a spare board the Naish Kailua I new at this point I probably should be getting bigger sail – but others were planing around me smaller gear. Must be technique, should put up the 7.5 or change boards to the Naish and see for myself technique or equipment and what equipment. So I decided to come in and swap boards just to see what I could do with the Naish…. with the 37.5 bp fin.

Mal was feeling it as well and came in and changed from 5.4 to 6.7 NP sail and was away planing like a son of a gun woo hoo, you go you good thing. Looking forward to seeing the video.

Mal was flying on the Shark the kiters were flying at one stage a learner with 3m sail passed me time to change something.

Once on the Naish, it didn’t feel a whole lot different at the start so I made a couple of adjustments – everyone else was flying but me….. go figure. Not going to give up on this.........

Pushed her down wind and pushed down wind and low and behold KAZAM!!!! I was planing (only one way) but planing woo hoo this is the reason why I go windsurfing. I fell into a pattern of being able to get on the plane heading toward shore but not heading out – fell off alot. That will only be practice and technique I just have to figure out what I am doing wrong heading in that directions and fix it.

Managed to get planing and clock a 19.7 knots Happy Days


Hey Morgan,
It might be my eyes. But your sail doesn't look like it has much depth in the video. A bit to much outhaul maybe. That will make a bit of difference in borderline wind conditions.

SA, 221 posts
8 Dec 2015 8:21PM
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Great vids again guys. I notice Morgan you have lowered you boom. Looks better. In stronger winds try a bit lower. If you do not like it, put it back up but no higher than in this clip.
Looks to me you both need to lengthen your harness lines. Both sailing with bent arms which means when you try to sheet in you have no power in your back hand and the boom ends up close to your chest which then translates your weight to the windward rail causing the board to point into the wind. Longer lines will also allow your front hand to push the sail away and sheet in with the back hand to bear away to get on the plane. There are plenty of articles around re harness line lengths and position.
I was always loosing the fin until I read an article about moving the lines back until you find the sweet spot. Rarely spin out now.
One question for you guys, what connection are you using to attach the camera to the boom. Home made job or a bought one?

QLD, 703 posts
8 Dec 2015 8:47PM
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jirvin4505 said...
From offline discussion with some editing...

Been re watching your video. - who would have thought the Naish would get going and on a smaller fin? Any ideas on what's going on? The IQ looked so close, more power or some pumping? - me I'm always a meter bigger sail than the boys who know how to get going by pumping

Really amazed Naish with same sail has surprised me in the difference in getting going!!!!

Your results suggest the Naish is better planer - again who would have thought?

Give the IQ back ;-) or let Anita have it?

Looking at video to me suggests you are still loading rear foot up too much as you get going - not sure if short fat board are more sensitive to this?

Mal went up a metre to 6.7. You at 20+kg more was trying to get going on 6.6?? Again the amazing and encouraging thing is you got the Naish going- very impressive.

With IQ you had 50 fin - ? Too much drag for 6.6 marginal winds plus bigger fin is harder to turn downwind?

Have you considered sticking with the Naish for a bit as the longer rocker line/length helps us big boys get going

Cheers Jeff

Jeff dont like to contradict you but drag from fin has nothing to do with it...the iq has a shorter rocker line which makes it a bit harder to get the board to release. The main issue is to small a sail on that day the easing of outhaul would of made quite a difference. One good day on the right sail and i am sure it will all come together

QLD, 1087 posts
8 Dec 2015 9:03PM
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Yes was just wondering looking for the differences between the success of the 2 boards.

Really do accept that the fin was a minor issue - sorry just wondering . People keep telling me to put in smaller fins because of less drag?

Looks like it's all down to the length of the rocker line then? Interestingly in reviews in the English mags the question was asked - given how good and versatile the IQ is why keep the Carve in the lineup?? This was answered by saying that the slightly longer rocker line of the Carve is of use for passive planing.

Which is certainly interesting given the difficulties ive had getting Carves and the modern GOs based on the carve platform underway - I know very much a beginner in these things

Cheers Jeff

QLD, 829 posts
9 Dec 2015 7:42AM
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Grich62 - thank you for your input - the plan with feet early in the foot straps as I was accelerating was to lift weight off the board - plan b next time. To me I really tried to do the same with both boards - the difference was the Naish got over the lump which I couldn't get the AtomIQ over with the sail I chose for the session. I will keep those feet away from the foot straps until I plane - John 340 said the same. Maybe I am trying too hard - just need to relax a bit more with it.

K Penny - That was the adjustment I made with the Naish I let the out haul out - just made the difference as the Naish was very similar until I did that.

Jacko51 - Will put up a photo of GoPro attachment this week end - it is a bought one.

Jeff - I love you man - it is a pleasure to be learning this great sport with such an enthusiastic counterpart. I am sure it is our bouncing bits back and forward and watching each other's progress that really encourages us to continue with such a frustrating sport, but a sport that gives rewards like no other sport. There has been times I have almost, just given it up - family pressure, too hard, sick of falling off but then something happens like the Rio Longtail, best learner board ever (Thanks Simon - nice choice) or like on Saturday, 19.7 knots MAN WHAT A FEELING!!!!

Jeff, you and I are a tenacious pair of old over weight, unhealthy buggers still keen to have a go lol. Doesn't seem to matter whether we get it right or we get it wrong we can always count on encouragement from not only each other but from all those great guys and girls with whom we go windsurfing. Not to mention a little competitive spirit lol

The IQ has become a bit of a mission - I have had it planing once - keen to tame her again - I hear, had I have got it going on Saturday might have been 20 or 21 - GAME ON....


Jeff, Tony, MalJ, AntsC, Jaye, Brad, Ken, 2 noobs with Jeffs crew, Ella, wind draggon and his friends there was another couple at RQ on Saturday, Josh, Merissa, Chris and others - there seems to a few of us now and most heading for Elanda at Christmas for some quality windsurfing time together can't wait.

The windsurfing community as a whole is great and full of very friendly helpful people. Hard to understand why more people don't windsurf


NSW, 8088 posts
9 Dec 2015 9:42AM
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Morgs - yep maybe harness lines need to be longer as your standing on the board pretty upright and it would be hard to get your weight out onto the lines and off the board.Good save at 1.06 . Getting along nicely and in the straps at the end..
I'm keen to borrow a go pro and analyse my stance to see what I'm doing wrong..

QLD, 829 posts
12 Dec 2015 6:11AM
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Heading to RQ this morning - tide - wind - nice company - what else does a man want......

See you out there

QLD, 1100 posts
12 Dec 2015 2:27PM
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hey Morgs, hope to see you at WW at lake W on Sunday, forecast is for wind if this rain buggers off!

I reckon there is just a couple of small tweaks you need to do and your away all the time, I'm kid free this weekend so will come for a sail with you and have a look,

Make sure you bring some 30/32 inch lines if you don't already have!

Don't think its an issue with the board (atom) as they are passive and stable in non planning winds and will fly as soon as the wind picks up ...IF you sail off the wind hard first, 'Google Shauna Crops' Maui based coach and she has written a really good article on pushing off the wind, and waiting and reading the wind so you do this at the right time not wrong time....makes a big difference to your 'planning sailing time' and energy! If you know when to give it some welly and when not!
Sailing off the wind is key to quick entry into the straps....

It's always hard to progress in light winds, as everything has to be spot on to plane in light winds, mistakes in technique, gear size etc are exaggerated when you are trying to get going in light wind, strong winds you can get away with more, so in some ways it easier to progress in med to strong winds.

The comments prior about weight etc I don't buy into too much, as the best windsurfers in the world are pretty big blokes like 90-100kg! They just use boards and sails one size up.

The exception to all of the above...still need some decent wind to put it all into play!

QLD, 829 posts
12 Dec 2015 10:20PM
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Go pro mount

QLD, 829 posts
18 Dec 2015 5:09AM
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<div class="post-961 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-learning-to-windsurf">Sunday at Lake Weyba – Awesome day. I took the AtomIQ and struggled big time again set up with 50 fin and Loft Switch blade 8.5m.

Man it is sooo hard to get that board planing I had been out for over an hour and had managed to get on the plane once (quick :-)) no reading because forgot my GPS and wasn’t walking the, what seemed like 1/2k, back in to get it. Jeff had a go and said “all is forgiven” I was going to come in and grab the Naish at this point but Jeff said “we know the Naish works” and it was about the AtomIQ today, so I persevered for while longer then Michael aka Jonesy came by and was very helpful, asked what the problem was and tweaked the rig for for me and took it for a sail – I didn’t have enough down haul on the sail which made it extremely over powered in the gusts. I came in and swapped it for the Naish Noa which I picked up from Simon during the week. mmm I don’t think I gave it enough downhaul either but not to worry lets see how it goes. Had a few runs and very nearly got on the plane but no cigar….. It would have been at least 2 hours of banging away and banging away on both sails. I was just about cactus and thought I am going to take the Naish for a spin, like last week and see how I go.

Totally different story on the Naish I was away first run on the plane and in the straps – should have changed the fin from the 280 free ride fin that came with the board.

One thing with the AtomIQ I have learnt more trying to get it onto the plane with all the tips and tricks from everyone than I have in a while. I was very spoilt on the Rio Longtail..

What a great day – plenty of people turned up for the event – great to see. Anita baked some yummy savoury muffins and Date loaf Niiiiice.

OOPS!!!! forgot Anita’s Sails still sitting in shed ready to pack. Mal came to the rescue with his Severne 5.4 Thanks mate. After about an hour in the water Anita decided it was too heavy and the up haul broke 5 times (frustrating) – enough is enough. She had a go at the Harness and did ok. I am thinking we are going to have to have a look at RDM set up for her.
Wind Wanderers Christmas event with a great group of windsurfers from all levels. Thanks WW for another great day Looking forward to Free Race in January at the Lake


NSW, 8088 posts
18 Dec 2015 2:56PM
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Going well Morgs. You did well to correct that spinout.. I always find that exhausting..

QLD, 829 posts
19 Dec 2015 7:58AM
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Maybe Sunday at Wello by the looks

WA, 734 posts
19 Dec 2015 5:49PM
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Anita's cooking is exemplary, good on you Anita.
Funny thing this windsurfing, the more you learn, the more challenges you set yourself.
It never stops either, in a little while you will be complaining that you can't stay on the plane all the way thru your gybe.

QLD, 829 posts
23 Dec 2015 7:38AM
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<div class="gallery galleryid-983 gallery-columns-3 gallery-size-thumbnail">

20/12/2015 – Last sail of the year at Wello (Wellington Point Qld) – Jaye had a blast in marginal conditions.

Wello is one of our local spots Jaye and I both agree that it is our favourite in a northerly wind – smoothish water nice location for onlookers to sit under the trees, Anita likes it as well.

Jaye – Naish Nitrix 135, Naish Noa 7.8, BP 37.5 – chasing gybes and did well happy with his runMe – Naish Kailua 180, Loft Switch Blade 8.5m, Nitrix 42 fin – Chasing planing and did well happy with my run. Got some major spin out though need a bigger fin for the bigger sail

Two milestones – first ever deep water water start (in video woo hoo) – thanks Jeff for showing me how to get the sail out of the water. Only up hauled half a dozen times – nice. AND made the back foot straps, twice – board seems to accelerate once in them.. I really like being in those ones – something to work on.

It was tough with the spin out often to get going but good practice I thought if I can stay upright and keep going and hold onto the outfit in spin out I should progress

Simon cruised by – Nice to see you mate – went in for debrief and fin for Naish.
Great place to sail Wello in a North Easterly – parking is a pain though
Have a very Merry Christmas everyone
Morgan and Anita

QLD, 189 posts
23 Dec 2015 9:44AM
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Looking good Morgan. Good work getting proof of the water start.

Couldn't make it out last weekend - the conditions looked good in the video - I had a Christmas function last Sunday (plus had been out on the water about 10 of the 14 days before that so was feeling pretty tired)

Have a nice Christmas - hope Santa visits.


QLD, 3242 posts
23 Dec 2015 1:11PM
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Morgam, any pointer fin between 46 and 50 should sort you out with the 8.5

QLD, 829 posts
27 Dec 2015 1:17PM
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Had a couple of excellent runs chritmas day and boxing day. Managed to get planing in the rear straps on the Naish. Chrissy day clocked a 20.7 woohoo happy with that.

Anita went out boxing day on the Rio managed foot straps and harness. Not quite together though. More practice.

Jaye clocked a 23.8 on Nitrix with Noa 7.8

QLD, 1087 posts
5 Jan 2016 10:34AM
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Any more updates Morgs

QLD, 829 posts
15 Jan 2016 5:12AM
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Found my Windsurfing Mojo

Sailing with friends

Windsurfing at Lake Cootharaba I found my windsurfing MOJO

I ended up sporting a very sore hip and ankle – Why? Not really sure

Last time I was out, full noise or close to it back straps left hand and leg forward – I had massive pressure on my right leg and ankle to the point I had to come in. mmm new stuff……to figure out. When I listen to the people who have been windsurfing for many years they all say get comfortable – there was nothing comfortable about that. Any guesses on what was going on to cause such injuries.

Sailing with a great crew here at Cootharaba – Andy, Jill, Tammy, Kerry, Peter and Sam De Laet, Jeff, Jane and Max, Kellie, Peter from Bribie, Denton, Lungs, Duncan, Greg (Townsville), Richard and Sue from Bundaberg, Burnie, Jaye of course – nice to be able to stay with him for a change….. a few newbies out there this time as well man the lake was busy with sailboards NICE

Anyway I have been having an absolute blast the penny finally dropped – my goal was to crush the 20.98knots which I had achieved last January 14 in 30 knot winds on the Rio Longtail – I have been trying to bust it since then.

Diary notes for the holiday

Christmas day went out to get this done and ended up with a 20.7 knots pretty happy with that, Naish Kailua loft 8.5 S11 Back straps a few times – was struggling to get on the plane at the start but after an hour or so had it organised. Must be listening after all

Boxing Day – 18.27Knots 8.5 loft sail Naish Kailua and s11 fin nice planing runs back straps. The day was much like the previous and bit of chugging with some nice planning runs amongst it


27th Monday by passed 21 straight to 22.4knots Naish Kailua, Avanti 6.6 and 41 fin taken twelve months nearly but got there – 23knots next.

28th Tuesday wind is still here – woohoo really trying to work on my technique – with the wind there was no trouble getting going into straps. I could get on the plane with my feet already in the straps – TOO COOL. Just showing off now lol. But still not getting into back straps all the time Andy applying some pressure to lose my safety straps (front back straps) These are my security blanket or training wheels so to speak. I chose to leave them on will put some footage up when I get home of the foot strap shuffle. Richard also started to give some good advice on boom height and harness strap length mast foot location – which I tried and hey presto 22.4 must have worked. He also let me have a go on his Bic 160L – nice thanks mate.29th Thinking I may have been reaching the boards limits – must admit it felt a bit like it but on Wednesday after some repairs to the tarp over our camp site which had been copping a caning in the blustery winds. 22.8knots and climbing

Really starting to work on Technique I seem to have too much pressure on back foot. Need to find out what to do to get comfortable – getting on the plane ok not early but getting there on the Naish.

Greg (Townsville) offered me a go on his F2 Xantos 139L in the winds with a 6.5 ezzy managed to get it on the plane - seem like taking a water ski for a sail though lol. Richard also let me take his Bic 160 for a blast – Nice..

30th 23.1 knots seem to getting fairly consistent with the 20+ stuff. I am liking this J

31st 23.6 knots Avanti 6.6m, Naish Kailua 41 fin. This is the run I am talking about at the top. I started to experience some spin out so pulled up and made some adjustments – mast foot forward to front, boom up and harness lines shorter. Seemed to fix the spinout not sure which one or if it was the combination. Whilst it was excellent doing those speeds it was rather uncomfortable – back hip and ankle canned.

1st Happy New Year everyone and may the winds be with you in 2016. 22.4 Knots Naish Noa 7.8m sail

Then there was no wind for 6 days rest time.....went for a ferry ride to Noosa with Jeff, Jane, Xena and Max - had a great adventure on the river

7th 21.4 Knots Loft Switch Blade 8.5m, Naish Kailua 180L 41 fin – in marginal conditions but managed to get planning, with a couple of good long runs in the morning and Gybing practice in the afternoon. In between times Andy had encouraged me to remove my training straps and Greg from Townsville and I talked about moving front strap back 1” – I had forgotten about doing this and had no problems.

Some experimenting going on today Mast track all the way forward – was getting on the plane fairly easily in the gusts. Pulled in and moved it back a bit and what a difference – couldn’t get on the plane. Moved it maybe 2cm so fixed that – put it back.

I nearly got planning on a 122 Futura but a bit of a sinker for me

I think I have found the solution to the sore hip thing – 100% commitment to harness and keep both knees bent slightly to take the impact from chop away from joints. No sore hip or ankle today – Nice

Jaye smashed out some nice PB's 27 knots - he is very happy with that on the Mistral video to come

Anita broke a Uni joint - must be working it had a couple of days on the water on the old faithful Rio Longtail even managed to get to the foot straps Nice.....

Last day today – Pack up time

I must say that this was the best windsurfing holiday of all time for us so far. There were so many really nice people there windsurfing all of whom made the holiday exceptional. Some travelled as far away as Townsville. If you get a chance to get to Elanda Point for a windsurfing adventure do so because it is great. Elanda Point is on Lake Cootharaba just north of Noosa.

Looking forward to our next holiday there in Easter.

Some videos coming…….

QLD, 1087 posts
15 Jan 2016 5:28AM
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Great write up Morgs

Love the photos

Cheers Jeff

QLD, 500 posts
15 Jan 2016 6:58AM
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Nice work Morg's. I thought there would be some good times in there, you looked to be flying.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Windsurfing Learning Curve" started by Dwbh