Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Ezzy Wave 2021

Created by frankfinn > 9 months ago, 25 Jul 2021
376 posts
21 Aug 2021 8:30PM
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Yes, made to suit fat Graham. I used a 5.7 Elite for years and really liked it but it was apparently atypical. I also have a 4.7 and 3.8 that are pretty good but the wave 5.8 is more like a typical Ezzy - made for fatties.

1275 posts
21 Aug 2021 11:16PM
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What you looking for in a sail?
I have sailed both the banzai and ezzy elite.
I'm light and both were powerful. The Banzai depowers more but the big difference was that the ezzy is autopilot cambered sail feel.
Durability is roughly equal, they both got killed under a lip.
Both were quite nice looking :)
Maybe Goyas are more CC mast friendly now.
My experience with Ezzy is that yes they are a touch heavier than other 100% competitors but are much more difficult to snap. Halves can be interchanged which is super nice.

NSW, 323 posts
2 Sep 2021 6:50AM
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stonny said..
Big Daz has the new ones but I don't think he has got them wet yet. I am positive he will post a great review here as soon as he used them.

I do indeed!!! 4.2 4.7 5.2 Picked them up after our season finished and I'm still waiting to get them wet. Looks like a potential window this week if the forecast holds.... can't wait, I'll post a review after I've had a few sessions on them - looking forward to seeing how they feel compared to last years, because I loved those. Sorry my pics don't do them justice, they look sick in person, colours are awesome

NSW, 323 posts
11 Sep 2021 3:40PM
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DunkO said..
I always thought ezzy's were a lot like my vacuum cleaner, has a boost power button. But the bloody thing is jammed on.

Maybe the old ones, newer models are much friendlier, still lots of usable power but top end handling I'd greatly improved.

NSW, 323 posts
11 Sep 2021 3:44PM
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bigdaz said..

stonny said..
Big Daz has the new ones but I don't think he has got them wet yet. I am positive he will post a great review here as soon as he used them.

I do indeed!!! 4.2 4.7 5.2 Picked them up after our season finished and I'm still waiting to get them wet. Looks like a potential window this week if the forecast holds.... can't wait, I'll post a review after I've had a few sessions on them - looking forward to seeing how they feel compared to last years, because I loved those. Sorry my pics don't do them justice, they look sick in person, colours are awesome

Here's a pic rigged in min 2 setting and least amount of outhaul, so deepest profile it will have - it rigs a lot flatter in other settings. Still waiting on 1 or 2 more sessions before posting a review, but so far loving the new sails!!!

NSW, 323 posts
14 Sep 2021 8:56AM
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I've just posted a review on the 2021 Ezzy Wave sails, if your interested here is the link


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Ezzy Wave 2021" started by frankfinn