Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

An Idiot In Peru - A Wave Sailing Adventure

Created by jh2703 > 9 months ago, 14 Jul 2017
NSW, 762 posts
29 Aug 2017 8:11PM
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If I where him I'd say Phuck you seabreeze Karnts too and not post. Now we are all missing out on the info of what's going on over there

WA, 1121 posts
29 Aug 2017 7:39PM
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whyner said..
If I where him I'd say Phuck you seabreeze Karnts too and not post. Now we are all missing out on the info of what's going on over there

Fair point, but I think he has taken the criticism/jokes with his own equal sense of humour. He probably just can't post due to blisters and too much tequila.

WA, 3483 posts
30 Aug 2017 9:29AM
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Sparky said..

He probably just can't post due to blisters and too much tequila.

Wrong country...

WA, 3483 posts
30 Aug 2017 9:34AM
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albers said..
Is this the place you are heading for?

Same country but different spot... Chicama is about 20kms south of Pacasmayo.

WA, 1121 posts
30 Aug 2017 1:19PM
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stehsegler said..

Sparky said..

He probably just can't post due to blisters and too much tequila.

Wrong country...

You can get blisters in Peru

QLD, 3242 posts
30 Aug 2017 3:21PM
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Sparky said..

whyner said..
If I where him I'd say Phuck you seabreeze Karnts too and not post. Now we are all missing out on the info of what's going on over there

Fair point, but I think he has taken the criticism/jokes with his own equal sense of humour.

The self deprecating topic title 'An Idiot In Peru' gives a good indication of his ability to absorb criticism/jokes with good humour.

Jason, I hope you have a great trip and keep up the posts.

NSW, 1222 posts
2 Sep 2017 4:51AM
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I'm here and having a really amazing time, It was quite smooth with the travel and nothing went wrong but that said there were a few moments of concern but luckily I did have somewhat of an idea of what was needed.

Sadly there probably won't be as much posting as I'd planned as the access to internet is a little challenging, I'll leave you with a taste of what we've had so far and I'll try to do something a little more in-depth over the next few days as conditions are expected to be a little flat.

...And yes I do have a good sense of humour...And no guinea pig yet.

NSW, 1222 posts
4 Sep 2017 2:39AM
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This is quite an amazing place to visit from the surf to the food and hospitality and 3 awesome days on the water to kick off my stay, Conditions did drop off but we've been on the water everyday since arrival.

The town itself is quite run down with crumbling buildings all around and stray dogs wandering the streets in search of food, It's been difficult with my lack of Spanish to communicate outside of the resort but I've managed. The surrounding area around the resort is very bare.Resembling scenes from the movie Mad Max 2 it was quite a shock to my system.

The food has been quite good, The quality at the resort is very nice and reasonably priced and large portions.You won't go hungry. The food has a very asian influence to a lot of dishes but I've eaten everything from a pub style chicken schnitzel, Traditional Italian Pizza and spaghetti bolognese to a 1kg lobster in garlic sauce.All washed down with the local cerveza. Most dishes are served with potatoes of some sort be it chips or baked, Rice and salad. The drink is cold and plenty, As an Aussie I though we liked a drink but we've meet our match here. The Pisco Sour seems to be the local celebratory drink, Most sessions ending with jugs of Pisco being shared amongst friends.Pisco shots have also been passed around by the Hotel owner to welcome us.

The first few days I was very careful about what I was eating but that has passed and I'm trying a lot of different cooked foods but still staying away from things like salad that may have been washed in the local water.That said the Pisco we've been having each night is made with crushed ice.I'm assuming the alcohol content is sterilising the water.Maybe?

The town is only short walk from the resort and feels quite safe while your walking in groups, We've had many late night dinners in town and walked home well past midnight with now problems. Tuk Tuks are available to catch a ride into town for around 5 SOL but it's a nice walk along the cliff looking out to sea, Generally we walk most of the time and have only taken Tuk Tuks when taking a trip to the local supermarket for supplies.

Getting money is quite easy and the ATMs at the banks have guards so you feel quite safe, I did bring US currency with me and apart from paying the hotel bill I've required SOL for everything else so I exchanged the rest of my US funds at the bank for the local currency. It's advisable to collet lots of coins to pay for the Tuk Tuks as trips are rarely more then 5 SOL and If you hand over 10 or 20 SOL you may see no change.

The forecast is on the improve for the week and we expect to sail most days in ok waves but with triple overhead conditions forecast for next Monday we could be in for a real treat.

1972 posts
4 Sep 2017 12:28PM
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It's cool that you're there during the IWT, you get to see some talent out on the water, as well as in town.

QLD, 3242 posts
4 Sep 2017 5:23PM
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Great photos Jason, but who is going to take a photo of you sailing?

WA, 1463 posts
4 Sep 2017 8:25PM
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More posts please ?

NSW, 218 posts
4 Sep 2017 10:44PM
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Love the thread Jason, it sounds like the trip of a lifetime. Can you get someone to take a few pics of you sailing. You are always very generous taking others pics, but we want to see some of you having a good time!
chat soon

WA, 14911 posts
2 Dec 2017 5:39AM
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Any chance on a detailed run down on what it was like?


Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

"An Idiot In Peru - A Wave Sailing Adventure" started by jh2703