Going by the forecast sunday would have to be the go! surely.And a lot more fair for average sailor who doesn't own the expensive light wind technical race gear.At the very least we would give the kiters a run for the money and being the first time they have been allowed in this comp side by side,run it on the Sunday
agreed - especially as they are running kites and WS together so there is no issue with having a reserve day now
We shan't be attending.
Chin up and tally ho old boy, you can do it.
Just saw the website - thought I'd look to see if any mention.
All I can see is it appears to be sponsored by JP / NP and will be run with wavesailing on the opposite tack.
Didn't they get any good south passage pics in the last few years?
Just saw the website - thought I'd look to see if any mention.
All I can see is it appears to be sponsored by JP / NP and will be run with wavesailing on the opposite tack.
Didn't they get any good south passage pics in the last few years?
Na because Col's stopped doing them!
The history of racing in W.A in recent years is to get the thing over as quickly as possible.
Running events at the first opportunity of a planing seabreeze from around 1pm is ridiculous.
No events should start less than 2-30pm in my opinion.
Till this obvious problem is addressed I see less and less sailors entering events.
If it's Sunday, I'm in!! Saturday forecast seems to be getting worse so there might be a chance. Hope there's a call soon.
Virtually impossible to do race Saturday. WNW 8-10 knots!!!
Sunday ballistic
Sunday IT IS. Let's get it ON
The history of racing in W.A in recent years is to get the thing over as quickly as possible.
Running events at the first opportunity of a planing seabreeze from around 1pm is ridiculous.
No events should start less than 2-30pm in my opinion.
Till this obvious problem is addressed I see less and less sailors entering events.
How many LOCs have you done Pete??
Just saw the website - thought I'd look to see if any mention.
All I can see is it appears to be sponsored by JP / NP and will be run with wavesailing on the opposite tack.
Didn't they get any good south passage pics in the last few years?
Na because Col's stopped doing them!
+1. The last few photographers have been very colour blind.
bring back Col!
Many years ago they use to have a 12kn min wind speed to start the race.
So my tip to those poor souls without the light wind gear ask three important questions
At the start
1. Ask your self do I have enough sail. (You know your in trouble when standing on the start line with a 6.4/100l board and the guy next to has a 10.0/ 120l board.)
At the Boat Marks
2. Are you going to Lano after the race? (you don't want to be stuck a Ledge after everyone has left)
3. Do you have beer on board?
Good luck to all
Don't know whose in the committee but it almost sounds like a government department responsible for the race with no idea of windsurfing ? No offence but you've gotto go with the forecast 25 to 30 knots is a lot better than a shifty 8 to 12 kn
If we do the race Saturday, I'm keen to run slalom on Sunday! high wind slalom in front of the tavern. Who wants to help? oh and we need a small boat to set course
Don't know whose in the committee but it almost sounds like a government department responsible for the race with no idea of windsurfing ? No offence but you've gotto go with the forecast 25 to 30 knots is a lot better than a shifty 8 to 12 kn
NOT that I am involved in the decision, just my take on it - obviously you can't get the same 10 crayboats, 10 rescue boats, 5 or so beach crews, Fisheries, DPI, cops, volunteer ambos blah blah the next day. Especially after a big p!ssup lol and the crayfishermen have to work. I am still in awe of the commitment to putting their expensive boats out just for us every year and it is a big enough ask already. That is before you think about the planning commitment and cleanup after etc. The whole town who are not windsurfers/kiters do all this for us.
On the other hand, what weather-dependent event does NOT have a reserve day!!???? The lack of it may be a symptom of event managers and TourismWA and Eventscorp and all the bigwigs like that taking over - and maybe the humble beginnings were a bit more guided by actual windsurfers and passionate people at CCI. Bit like my sook above about how most of the pics on the homepage are clearly overseas derived so whoever is doing the web lately is not even a windsurfer's 3rd cousin....
Dunno the solution..... maybe have a reserve day and if reserve day is needed all the boat crews get paid handsomely. Would only happen maybe 1 year in 3 and the kitty will cover it...?
as an aside - What was also disappointing the last couple of years is lack of results on the web, and also when there was good wind for the waves and fk-all for the race, the waves then became the main event. But there was no media coverage ........ and we had 4 pics of the men's open, and 2 pics of the womens open wave event online, unless you really hunted for the media only link that lasted a few days. That's really sad, the LOC page should have had heaps of pics of all divisions. . The wave comp that looks spectacular was not pushed out to the media to sell the event. If we get a good wave comp and no race, push the bloody waves footage to the media!!
Regardless, it is the longest running event and we need to keep it - come hell or highwater.
Can anyone tell me when the cut off is for online registration and when the cut off is for registering on the day!!When do you think the organisers will let us know if the marathon will be on the sunday!
I believe online rego cut off is tonight and rego on beach will be the hsual about 11am.
Gut feel is no call will be made until Saturday once there had not been a start by 230pm as per race instructions.
They may Sunday on Saturday morning if forecast is awful to save boats setting up. Either way it will be last minute.
Given current forecast tonite, Sunday is the only sensible option with 20 knots from the South from 10am. I'm sure they will cancel Saturday and reschedule if the present forecast stays the same. If the kite waves has been changed to Sunday it makes sense that the marathon should also be moved IMHO.