^How's this little belter ?, occasionally someone jams the eagles through roland space echo and finds ecstacy.. green puffpuff and quality headphones essential.... skip to 20min and 30seconds for bliss
Alright. Theres some nice music on here I may be 20 but I love music that's older than me. Love Cold Chiesel, Jimi Hendrix, R.E.M, Creedence, Hunters and collectors, etc. My all time favourites have gotta be the 90s Grunge though. Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in chains. Time to scare everyone away with my music
Chicken Picken'!
Merle makes it look easy, thanks for the tute link!
This bloke was at the Bellingen Winter Festival on Saturday. Awesome juggler. Juggles at the same time as playing:
This bloke was at the Bellingen Winter Festival on Saturday. Awesome juggler. Juggles at the same time as playing:
Heaps clever- , every small town should have this kind of festival
my partner said the Magic Bus driver looks like he would be great in bed..Now every time I get munted and lose her I have to race outside and make sure she's not in the bus, doesn't help that he has Hop On and Hop Off on his windscreen either
Miss Max might have been posted before, but anyway....
the students at school keep digging this new 80's style stuff up. i like the homage to the video game music in the daytona song
thanks DJ. I had a listen to them over a few nights, bought their CD. told my daughter I'n melbourne , she told me they were coming for a couple of concerts, Bought her some tickets for her birthday, then wifey got me some cheep airfares so Im off to see them too, up front in one of the mosh pit thingies
I would have picked Big Bad Bustling Barry Hall to take the points on that rugby league bloke. Boxing hasn't inspired many songs. Wonder why?