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Fluoride hazard - Pete's black swan?

Created by GasHazard 9 months ago, 7 May 2024
Mark _australia
WA, 22834 posts
28 Dec 2024 12:08PM
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peacenlove said..

Mark _australia said..
Nifty deflection

that's when peacenlove ignores what I wrote about his pic and starts talking about snake venom

Can't reply to every post, nor is anyone forced to.

my point about choice as to what medication goes into our body is valid.

moreover, since most countries including most of Europe don't fluoridate because they do have some sort of an ethical compass when it comes to mass medication, i think it's pretty clear that fluoride in drinking water is totally unnecessary, particularly when it's far more effective and ethical when administered as part of everyday tooth paste choice.

That's a good post
better than just a pic of poison written on a tin

but you did undo it a bit with the don't swallow toothpaste thing.
well that's a dosage thing.
all drugs are poisons but not all poisons are drugs is the first thing they teach in pharmacy and pharmacology degrees.

334 posts
28 Dec 2024 5:05PM
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Well shucks. I didn't know you were the examiner here. Glad i contributed something, anything, that pleases someone, while not drawing hatred or anger or politics out of our brothers and sisters.

( i could waste quite a lot of time examining everyone else's posts too, but I'm just here for a chat and sharing some ideas that promote peace, prosperity and community, so we may all thrive again one day)

There's just a little issue. Pure water isn't strictly a poison is it? Why not supply something as close to pure water as possible, with the minimum amount of anti bacterial agents such as chlorine dioxide or similar and leave it at that? No medications by default, like 70% of nations.

Then we can all pretend to be free men and women instead of citizen persons and decide what medication goes into our precious bodies?

WA, 3357 posts
28 Dec 2024 5:18PM
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If only an actual dentist and an actual scientist could contribute, someone... anyone?...

334 posts
28 Dec 2024 5:47PM
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remery said..
If only an actual dentist and an actual scientist could contribute, someone... anyone?...

Actual or real dentists and scientists? Acting dentists or honest to goodness real dentists?

Sure.either way, I'm pretty sure dentists do a fluoride treatment with a topical treatment in the mouth. They don't prescribe a pill or oral liquid right? Plus the mouth tissues absorb anything in the mouth too.

They did it to me several times before i re-educated myself about health and realised that most countries don't fluoridate drinking water supplies.

It also dawned on me a number of years ago, that before this fluoridation craze Mother Nature did all right with teeth of all descriptions, without the benevolent oversight of the nanny state. I don't know how She managed it, and, some would say it was nothing short of a miracle.

Now, we regard Her creation (man) as defective and requiring a tad topping up with industrial waste products from nuclear power plants, aluminium production, fertiliser production etc.

Mmm delicious!

WA, 1771 posts
29 Dec 2024 9:55AM
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Dentist do suggest the use of F rinses, tablets, chewables etc for those not connected to mains fluoridated supply.

Here is some recent research by an 'actual' sciencey type persons (who are not part of the Kremlin propaganda machine) on the Australian experience: Do LG, Spencer AJ, Sawyer A, et al. Early Childhood
Exposures to Fluorides and Child Behavioral Development
and Executive Function: A Population-Based Longitudinal
Study. Journal of Dental Research. 2022;0(0).

I am taking a wild guess that Mother Nature might not have allowed for the large increase in dietary sugars and acid in our diet when doing the design work for a tooth structure template that works pretty well for just about every other species that doesn't eat processed food. Your argument is akin to blaming bullet proof jackets for causing under arm chafing.
Your time would be better spent spreading the peace and love about personal hygiene, cleaning every surface of your teeth each time you feed the bugs in your gob or bathe them in acid. Oh, and stop eating drinking and inhaling rubbish.

Some actual sciency dentistry stuff to have a listen to if you don't want to both with words.

WA, 1771 posts
29 Dec 2024 10:05AM
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peacenlove said..

There's just a little issue. Pure water isn't strictly a poison is it?

Pure water will kill you, unless you take mineral supplements to replace those lost osmotically. Mother nature did not intend for your brothers and sisters to drink unnatural water. Don't do it.
If by pure water you meant water from springs, rainfall, or a lake, you are going to be annoyed at Mother Nature for contaminating it with all sorts of minerals and stuff. It's not pure at all.

And don't forget to not spare the sciency love about how the gut filters and alters F to do 'something' that you don't like. Especially the bit how it's different to topical fluorides, that you have noted also gets absorbed through the oral mucosa.

WA, 3357 posts
29 Dec 2024 11:33AM
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Do you realise that many countries don't fluoridate the water because there is plenty of naturally occurring fluoride already in the water.

WA, 12429 posts
29 Dec 2024 12:22PM
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remery said..
Do you realise that many countries don't fluoridate the water because there is plenty of naturally occurring fluoride already in the water.

It seems Mother nature had run out of fluoride by the time she got to Aus

334 posts
29 Dec 2024 1:38PM
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remery said..
Do you realise that many countries don't fluoridate the water because there is plenty of naturally occurring fluoride already in the water.

Yep, but that naturally occurring fluoride doesn't come with scores of other industrial waste products does it?

And it comes at a far lower dose - just like Mother Nature intended.

Still doesn't address the central issue that water supply has been hijacked for medication, leaving many with no viable choice but to drink and wash in it.

WA, 1771 posts
29 Dec 2024 5:17PM
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peacenlove said..

remery said..
Do you realise that many countries don't fluoridate the water because there is plenty of naturally occurring fluoride already in the water.

Yep, but that naturally occurring fluoride doesn't come with scores of other industrial waste products does it?

And it comes at a far lower dose - just like Mother Nature intended.

Still doesn't address the central issue that water supply has been hijacked for medication, leaving many with no viable choice but to drink and wash in it.

Who is writing your stuff? Can you provide any verifiable analysis of the compounds used to fluoridate your water supply?
What are the scores of industrial waste products?
I hope you are not just expecting us to take the word of your meme generator site in Bulgaria again.

Just a heads-up, there are a number of water supplies in regional Australia that have naturally fluoridated water at or above the optimum levels. Just like Mother Nature intended I guess.

And FYI, in Western Australia, the compound most commonly used to fluoridate the water supply is fluorosilicic acid (H?SiF?), this is the liquid form. Sodium fluorosilicate (Na?SiF?) is the powdered form of fluoride. Sodium fluoride (NaF) is less commonly used, because of ease of handling factors.

Mark _australia
WA, 22834 posts
29 Dec 2024 7:06PM
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Oh hang on are they all just as poisonous? Cos it's all just "fluoride" ... same as sodium chloride, potassium chloride and and barium chloride are all the same and stuff huh

dihydrogen oxide omg omg deadly it can dissolve many things and they put it in everything!!!!

WA, 3357 posts
29 Dec 2024 7:13PM
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Some common contaminants in water include:

Arsenic: A naturally occurring, toxic, tasteless, and odorless chemical that can cause a range of adverse effects, including cancer
Lead: A heavy metal that can contaminate drinking water from corroded plumbing systems and natural deposits
Pesticides: Toxic substances that can leak into water from the soil, rivers, lakes, and groundwater
Bacteria and viruses: Can be present in drinking water
Suspended impurities: Such as clay and sand particles, which can be present in river water
Mineral salts: Can be present in river water
Chloramine: A combination of chlorine and ammonia used to maintain water quality during distribution

Other contaminants include: nitrates and nitrites, disinfection byproducts, and solvents.

WA, 6975 posts
29 Dec 2024 7:17PM
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I think my water may be contaminated with scotch whiskey.

Although it doesn't seem to do me any harm.

WA, 3357 posts
29 Dec 2024 7:19PM
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fangman said..

Who is writing your stuff? Can you provide any verifiable analysis of the compounds used to fluoridate your water supply?
What are the scores of industrial waste products?
I hope you are not just expecting us to take the word of your meme generator site in Bulgaria again.

Just a heads-up, there are a number of water supplies in regional Australia that have naturally fluoridated water at or above the optimum levels. Just like Mother Nature intended I guess.

And FYI, in Western Australia, the compound most commonly used to fluoridate the water supply is fluorosilicic acid (H?SiF?), this is the liquid form. Sodium fluorosilicate (Na?SiF?) is the powdered form of fluoride. Sodium fluoride (NaF) is less commonly used, because of ease of handling factors.

You and your dang facts, data and information. Your just gonna confuze everyone.

WA, 3357 posts
29 Dec 2024 7:23PM
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Carantoc said..
I think my water may be contaminated with scotch whiskey.

Although it doesn't seem to do me any harm.

My Bruichladdich Port Charlotte whisky is full of peat. There could be anyting in it, DDT, fluoride, dead bodies...GAAAH.

WA, 6975 posts
29 Dec 2024 7:23PM
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remery said..
....You and your dang facts, data and information. Your just gonna confuze everyone.

You're just gonna...., not your just gonna.....

WA, 6975 posts
29 Dec 2024 7:32PM
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remery said..
My Bruichladdich Port Charlotte whisky is full of peat. There could be anyting in it, DDT, fluoride, dead bodies...GAAAH.

Is that why you dislike Pete so much ?

You do know there is a difference between Pete and peat ?

one comprises mainly half decomposed vegetable matter created by an environment lacking oxygen, and the other....oh yeah, I see your point.

WA, 585 posts
29 Dec 2024 8:47PM
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remery said..
If only an actual dentist and an actual scientist could contribute, someone... anyone?...

None of the above but did meet a young government dentist at Gascoyne Junction in the early 80's and asked the question concerning fluoride, yes it was a thing then as well.

Response was good dental health leads to good overall health and that he visited Aboriginal communities some with fluoride in the water some with out.

Anecdotally the communities with fluoride he rarely did any fillings those with out spend weeks filling cavities.

Overall health seemed better in those with good teeth.

In a totally randomized double blind test of three myself and two kids, I have a head full of amalgam (people worry about fluoride try sucking on mercury all your life) I had no fluoride, kids had (gasp) fluoride tablets not a single filling plus they are jumping out of their skin daughter completes in triathlons / marathons etc.

So by Facebook / social media standards absolute proof fluoride = good .

WA, 3357 posts
29 Dec 2024 9:27PM
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Carantoc said..

You're just gonna...., not your just gonna.....

Good one Captain Obvious. "Your" was Seabreeze Word of the Year in 2019.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Fluoride hazard - Pete's black swan?" started by GasHazard