You accept the arm suppliers help to start wars.........well this is not what we are told is the motivation for war on the tv.
Welcome to the ever growing side of the population that believes in conspiracy.
I'll admit we have a slight overlap in conspiracies, but it's very slight.
And I take commercial news very carefully, there's often a barrow to push.
"Tampa Bay has not been hit directly by a major hurricane since 1921, and authorities fear luck is about to run out."
Per my friends who live in Tampa, the city was largely spared. No flooding and main damage was blown over trees.
I would not be so sure...
I would like those 15 minutes of my life back please. That was idiotic.
In the old days normal people believed in and bought gold. When did gold become a monopoly of the CT/nutter crowd?
I would like the years of my life back that i sat in front of the tv which i now know should be renamed the indoctrination box.
Some folks never grow up emotionally.
Then we have Stockholm Syndrome.
arms suppliers helping them to start wars.
You accept the arm suppliers help to start wars.........well this is not what we are told is the motivation for war on the tv.
Welcome to the ever growing side of the population that believes in conspiracy.
I can accept that arms suppliers want people to buy weapons of war, plus the service packages, ammunition, training systems, transport and 24hr support (don't forget the extended warranty).
For that to happen, people either need to be actively engaged in making war or some sort of arms race.
Peace just isn't a good market environment for them.
But that is different to saying they are reason Israel and Russia have gone to war over the last couple of years.
Yes arms dealers were probably up to their eyebrows in dodgy practices all over Russia trying to pressure and leverage decision and policy makers.
But ultimately the decision to invade Ukraine was down to Putin. And he's not really known for doing what other people tell him to do.
There's a movie called "Charlie Wilson's War" based on a true story about an American arms dealer stirring up conflict with Russia to sell more weapons. I can't say with any certainty that's what happened in Ukraine but there is precedence. There's also precedence of Putin protecting expats during civil war which happened in South Assetia only years ago. All the pieces fit so there's no way of knowing what happened.
Then we have Stockholm Syndrome.
Stockholm Syndrome? Where did you learn about that? TV or somewhere else?
Maybe its time they started calling it American Redneck CTer Sydnrome?
I would like the years of my life back that i sat in front of the tv
They don't call it the idiot box for nothing!
I would like the years of my life back that i sat in front of the tv which i now know should be renamed the indoctrination box.
Some folks never grow up emotionally.
Then we have Stockholm Syndrome.
Where do you get your information from? I can't recall you recommending conferences, books or published journals.
arms suppliers helping them to start wars.
You accept the arm suppliers help to start wars.........well this is not what we are told is the motivation for war on the tv.
Welcome to the ever growing side of the population that believes in conspiracy.
I can accept that arms suppliers want people to buy weapons of war, plus the service packages, ammunition, training systems, transport and 24hr support (don't forget the extended warranty).
For that to happen, people either need to be actively engaged in making war or some sort of arms race.
Peace just isn't a good market environment for them.
But that is different to saying they are reason Israel and Russia have gone to war over the last couple of years.
Yes arms dealers were probably up to their eyebrows in dodgy practices all over Russia trying to pressure and leverage decision and policy makers.
But ultimately the decision to invade Ukraine was down to Putin. And he's not really known for doing what other people tell him to do.
I recall an episode of The UK Column News in 2014 where they were discussing Victoria Nuland's f***k the EU comment. The general consensus of opinion among the team was that this was another attempt to kick off a proxy war against Russia. I also recall thinking that Putin was far too smart to lead Russia down that path. They fell for that trick against Afghanistan way back when the US financed the Mujahadin in the 1980's. To give Putin his due it took eight years before Russia reacted militarily.
To date now the US alone has spent nearly 175 billion dollars propping up the Ukrainian war effort. And true to form the country is virtually trashed. Like every other proxy war the US gets involved in.
Of course they don't actually have this money they are spending. It is issued by the central bank on the understanding that the tax payer will foot the bill. Round and round we go.
The power of the propaganda machine is truly awesome!
For the last 2 months it seems Perth has been freezing.
May and June have average max temperatures of 22.3 and 19.5 yet nearly every day it seems the max has been around 17C.
No let up in sight for the next week also.
Global Warming it seems also causes significant cooling.
Forget about National Manager of Climate Services', Dr Karl Braganza, and the, highly publicized, "State of the Climate Report". This is the climate change metric people have been waiting for.
For the last 2 months it seems Perth has been freezing.
May and June have average max temperatures of 22.3 and 19.5 yet nearly every day it seems the max has been around 17C.
No let up in sight for the next week also.
Global Warming it seems also causes significant cooling.
Forget about National Manager of Climate Services', Dr Karl Braganza, and the, highly publicized, "State of the Climate Report". This is the climate change metric people have been waiting for.
Even if you believed the events are independent, the odds of getting 16 'red' results in a row due to random chance must be getting vanishingly small by now. But probability was never my strength.
At what point do you look at a graph like that and say, 'yep nothing to see here on my personally curated echo MSM YouTube chamber' with a clear conscience?
The best sceptical critical thinkers around have analysed the Climate Cult models and found that they are almost always wrong - as was shown by the arctic summer ice-free claim published in 2007 on the BBC.
When the data is analysed in detail it's been shown that the heat island effect in large cities causes the miraculous 1-3 degree increase, neatly explaining this catastrophic set of results that will surely be the death of all sandgropers sometime soon.
Since more and more remote towns don't actively measure temperature and are now part of a sophisticated automated temperature averaging system, when cities are publishing +1-3degC temps, naturally the average temp record show +1-3 and bingo, the climate cult has the numbers it needs.
When we subtract the data from large cities and use only regional temperature data the picture is quite different.
The best sceptical critical thinkers around have analysed the Climate Cult models and found that they are almost always wrong - as was shown by the arctic summer ice-free claim published in 2007 on the BBC.
When the data is analysed in detail it's been shown that the heat island effect in large cities causes the miraculous 1-3 degree increase, neatly explaining this catastrophic set of results that will surely be the death of all sandgropers sometime soon.
Since more and more remote towns don't actively measure temperature and are now part of a sophisticated automated temperature averaging system, when cities are publishing +1-3degC temps, naturally the average temp record show +1-3 and bingo, the climate cult has the numbers it needs.
When we subtract the data from large cities and use only regional temperature data the picture is quite different.
Yep all those cities in the ocean warms it up heaps. I guess that's why they call them heat islands.
to quote Gas Hazard. "Utter Bollocks"
Yes I am skeptical. Mind you, I am always happy to see some quality peer reviewed research that proves your Kremiln propaganda script is dinkum.
Here's the actual cover of time magazine, not the doctored one that so easily fooled you.
Its pretty amazing social media can make someone just spew fourth like my 2nd coffee spreading absolute heinous unconsolidated ****
I had a friend fall into the hardcore veganism thing with all theyre videos and docos and they eventually devolved into stickering and pasteing those white rose army things you would find stickered all around public toilets during covid etc etc
Its remarkable how just 4 years later and a new unexpected baby on the way with a very real threat of houseing that they suddenly arent that active in the vegan war and real things now matter.
Proveing brainwashed people wrong doesnt seem to work they almost dig theyre heels in further and sacrifice more of themselves to the cause.
What we need to do is to give them real problems and just watch them change.
So without doxing these madmen how can we do this over social media?
Do we just send south east asian women to theyre door and let nature take its course?
Maaaybe petes onto something after alll.... also ill be camping at post office square for ahwhile all my new mail should be sent there
Here's the actual cover of time magazine, not the doctored one that so easily fooled you.
Ahhhh, those sneaky zeroCredibility Bulgarian AI news aggragators must feed into the facebook alt-right algorithms.
Remery - one
peacenlove - zero
Jan 1977
Sept 1972
June 1974
Jan 1994
Hey remsey
Not to be pedantic but just thinkin' critically, where does that data come from ? Because BOM doesn't seem to have a single set of data for a station in Albany on the time scale displayed there.
From what I can see it has one set at station 009500 from 1907 to 1965, and a set for a different station 009741 from 1965 to 2014 and also then station 09999 from 2012 to present.
Interesting the set up to 1965 is from a station at elevation 3m on the waterfront, and then after 1965 the set is from a station at the airport, about 12km in land.
And to me, without the benefit of the raw data, the graph seems to show a steady spread up to about 1965, then a discontinuous jump but another steady (or perhaps declining ?) spread after 1965.
You sure your graph isn't just showing days >30 deg at the ocean and at 12km inland have no particular trend within each, but do have a fairly consistent difference between the two ?
Also is the red trend line just a straight line from first data point to last ? Seems a bit non-sciency doesn't it. If you took the scale 1920 to 2018 (presumably no more or less logical than any other start / finish points) and did the same red line it would be a significant declining grade ?
Jan 1977
Sept 1972
June 1974
Jan 1994
Spock was all over it.
Spock was all over it but in 1976, the year of the big Boston Freeze, Co2 was 330ppm, up from the pre-industrial base of 280 ppm. On Saturday at Mauna Loa it was 425.43ppm. That's probably enough to thwart further monumental cold snaps.
Hmmm, in light of new credible evidence.
Rango - four
Carantoc - three
Remery - one
peacenlove - two
Updates are coming so thick and fast now it is hard to keep up. Could you animate the progress like they do for the Sydney to Hobart sailing boat race so we can all keep track ?
I'm thinking monopoly tokens for each contributor and a donkey-kong style background scene.
Seems a no-brainer:
Rango - Racing Car
Carantoc - Lion (majestc and powerful version)
Remery - Wooden Spoon
peacenlove - House on Old Kent Road (just a picture of one, not an actual one)
FormulaNova - Snow Flake
myscreenname - Top Hat
Ok, yes it's a no brainer. So the ratings on this post are:
Rango - Racing Car (platinum plated)
Carantoc - Lion (silver plated)
Remery - Wooden Spoon
peacenlove - House on Old Kent Road (pixel representation - not real)
FormulaNova - Snow Flake (frozen water)
Ian K - old shoe (leather)
Hey remsey
Not to be pedantic but just thinkin' critically, where does that data come from ? Because BOM doesn't seem to have a single set of data for a station in Albany on the time scale displayed there.
From what I can see it has one set at station 009500 from 1907 to 1965, and a set for a different station 009741 from 1965 to 2014 and also then station 09999 from 2012 to present.
Interesting the set up to 1965 is from a station at elevation 3m on the waterfront, and then after 1965 the set is from a station at the airport, about 12km in land.
And to me, without the benefit of the raw data, the graph seems to show a steady spread up to about 1965, then a discontinuous jump but another steady (or perhaps declining ?) spread after 1965.
You sure your graph isn't just showing days >30 deg at the ocean and at 12km inland have no particular trend within each, but do have a fairly consistent difference between the two ?
Also is the red trend line just a straight line from first data point to last ? Seems a bit non-sciency doesn't it. If you took the scale 1920 to 2018 (presumably no more or less logical than any other start / finish points) and did the same red line it would be a significant declining grade ?
The trend line is a trend line calculated by Excel. Here's the equation for the line if you would like to check... Previously I have compared trend lines generated by Excel graphs with calculated regression lines, and they are the same, so you can relax.
To put the impact of climate change into windsurfing perspective I got to thinking about the graph above of days at or above 30 degrees in Perth. It occured to me that the change from when I started windsurfing in 1982, represented about 20 less sailing days over summer (days are hot in Perth generally because the seabreeze is weak).
I decided to increase the temperature threshold to >=32 degrees. The graph indicates that we are now missing out on about two weeks of sailing each summer.