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Skepticism and critical thinking

Created by remery 8 months ago, 3 Jul 2024
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QLD, 4025 posts
4 Dec 2024 2:57PM
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Brent in Qld said..

Carantoc said..

Brent in Qld said..
Self righteous and willfully ignorant, it's the new black.

Self-righteous, hypocritical and willfully deceitful, it's the new Green, Blue or Red (depending which great democracy we are talking about)

Nothing to do with politics. Everything to do with the reducing levels of education and rise of populism.

Whats the difference between populism and democracy, it seems to be a term the left use to describe democracy when it doesn't go their way.

WA, 12429 posts
4 Dec 2024 1:06PM
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I'm no expert, but I assume populism is democracy dependent on personality

Brent in Qld
WA, 1162 posts
4 Dec 2024 1:35PM
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cammd said..

Brent in Qld said..

Carantoc said..

Brent in Qld said..
Self righteous and willfully ignorant, it's the new black.

Self-righteous, hypocritical and willfully deceitful, it's the new Green, Blue or Red (depending which great democracy we are talking about)

Nothing to do with politics. Everything to do with the reducing levels of education and rise of populism.

Whats the difference between populism and democracy, it seems to be a term the left use to describe democracy when it doesn't go their way.

Democracy is a system of electing governments/leadership with all citizens having the capacity to vote. Not all a bed of roses, Russia has elections regularly where most people vote but it could barely be called a democratic system.

Populism is an approach that appears to target everyday people and their issues. The term has been around a lot longer than the current left Vs right culture war in the west.

The two terms have become somewhat self-referential. Unfortunately what is popular does not mean it is right/factual and populism can lead to disaster. Think Huxley's Brave New World or Nazi Germany.

If you're interested in this stuff I'd highly recommend that book I've just finished. Digs deep on humanities capacity to rely on, understand and disseminate information.

WA, 3357 posts
4 Dec 2024 7:26PM
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cammd said..

Whats the difference between populism and democracy, it seems to be a term the left use to describe democracy when it doesn't go their way.

This might be a good time to read a book.

WA, 3357 posts
16 Dec 2024 7:01PM
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What would have happened if everyone in the United Kingdom had worn high-grade masks during the COVID-19 pandemic? A modelling study has estimated just how sharply transmission might have dropped.

Determining the effect of masks on viral transmission is difficult, and most studies so far have been affected by limitations such as small sample sizes. To overcome this issue, Richard Sear at the University of Surrey in Guildford, UK, developed a model of transmission using data from the UK National Health Service COVID-19 app. The app, which ran on mobile phones between 2020 and 2023, logged information about infections and the length of time users came into contact with each other.

Sear built on a previously published analysis of 240,000 positive COVID-19tests and 7 million contacts -instances in which app users were notified that they had been exposed to the virus. He estimated that if everyone in the United Kingdom had wornN95 or FFP2 masks - both highly effective at filtering particles - the rate of COVID-19 transmission would have dropped by a factor of nine.

Phys. Rev. E 110, 064302 (2024)[my emphasis]

WA, 14905 posts
17 Dec 2024 6:05AM
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remery said..

What would have happened if everyone in the United Kingdom had worn high-grade masks during the COVID-19 pandemic? A modelling study has estimated just how sharply transmission might have dropped.

Determining the effect of masks on viral transmission is difficult, and most studies so far have been affected by limitations such as small sample sizes. To overcome this issue, Richard Sear at the University of Surrey in Guildford, UK, developed a model of transmission using data from the UK National Health Service COVID-19 app. The app, which ran on mobile phones between 2020 and 2023, logged information about infections and the length of time users came into contact with each other.

Sear built on a previously published analysis of 240,000 positive COVID-19tests and 7 million contacts -instances in which app users were notified that they had been exposed to the virus. He estimated that if everyone in the United Kingdom had wornN95 or FFP2 masks - both highly effective at filtering particles - the rate of COVID-19 transmission would have dropped by a factor of nine.

Phys. Rev. E 110, 064302 (2024)[my emphasis]

Wearing masks could have curbed the spread of Covid? That's heresy for the 'informed'!

I think I might join the tribe of social media users everywhere that know that this was just a stunt by the government to put us all into slavery. Just like we are now. Which strangely enough feels just like before the pandemic. It feels the same only because the government also want us to feel like we are not enslaved when we really are.

Who's with me? I am going to avoid getting the covid booster from now on...

WA, 6975 posts
17 Dec 2024 6:25AM
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FormulaNova said..
Who's with me? I am going to avoid getting the covid booster from now on...

Sounds like a great idea FN.

Avoid a booster and wear a mask.

You do always wear a mask don't you ?

WA, 6975 posts
17 Dec 2024 6:38AM
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remery said..
Richard Sear at the University of Surrey in Guildford, UK

Argh, the same Rchard Sear who has been highly critical of the political response to covid from the start, and claims so many decisions were not based on science and that anyone who dared to question them was sidelined and silenced ???

That Richard Sears, or a totally different one ?

To paraphase (for brevity in this forum) one of his opnions.... :

..... watched testimony of Dr Barry Jones, Chair of the Covid Airborne Transmission Alliance (CATA). He is was impressive, and is clearly very very unhappy with the IPC Cell (IPC=Infection Prevention and Control), and I agree he has reason to be. The IPC cell was set up at the start of the pandemic and is somehow part of the then Public Health England (PHE) (now renamed as Health Security Agency) and the NHS. It issued "guidance" on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19, that went to PHE who seemed to rubber stamp it and send it to hospitals who all obeyed it. .....
......Jones, on behalf of CATA, made attempts during the pandemic to question both IPC Cell "guidance" and the basis on which it was made, .....
......It seems he was rebuffed with "we're following the science", when both he and I would say that IPC Cell was not following the science......

QLD, 4025 posts
17 Dec 2024 8:39AM
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Brent in Qld said..

cammd said..

Brent in Qld said..

Carantoc said..

Brent in Qld said..
Self righteous and willfully ignorant, it's the new black.

Self-righteous, hypocritical and willfully deceitful, it's the new Green, Blue or Red (depending which great democracy we are talking about)

Nothing to do with politics. Everything to do with the reducing levels of education and rise of populism.

Whats the difference between populism and democracy, it seems to be a term the left use to describe democracy when it doesn't go their way.

Democracy is a system of electing governments/leadership with all citizens having the capacity to vote. Not all a bed of roses, Russia has elections regularly where most people vote but it could barely be called a democratic system.

Populism is an approach that appears to target everyday people and their issues. The term has been around a lot longer than the current left Vs right culture war in the west.

The two terms have become somewhat self-referential. Unfortunately what is popular does not mean it is right/factual and populism can lead to disaster. Think Huxley's Brave New World or Nazi Germany.

If you're interested in this stuff I'd highly recommend that book I've just finished. Digs deep on humanities capacity to rely on, understand and disseminate information.

I don't think the above has defined a real distinction, its just saying populism is a poor democratic outcome. No argument democracy can get it wrong but that doesn't mean its no longer democracy.

I stand by the proposition that it is a term now used by the left to describe democracy that doesn't go their way. Many might say Trump has exploited populism to get elected, I wager most who say that didn't get what they voted for.

BTW as a side issue you mentioned above the falling levels of education in the same sentence as populism. That's interesting coming from a left lean perspective because is clear the left has been very successful at influencing if not out right controlling the educational institutions.
Education levels are falling in your own words, that's a clear result of leftist control. Does that not give you a wake up call that leftist policies and ideology doesn't work.

Flying Dutchman
WA, 1578 posts
20 Dec 2024 12:39PM
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After reading through all the comments on this thread I've had some time to rethink my position on the Covid jabs and want to acknowledge I might have been misguided. It's good to be man enough to acknowledge when you've made a mistake and take responsibility. I hope you'll accept my apology.

The final straw was this video and getting informed of the latest findings.

Brent in Qld
WA, 1162 posts
22 Dec 2024 8:32AM
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I too may have been turned Paul.

When this supremely researched, peer reviewed release came out putting forward irrefutable evidence of vaccination coercion between the CCP, animals and big farm, it really made me think about things and stuff. I then stopped thinking because it was windy.

Merry Xmas and happy New Year mate.


WA, 3357 posts
23 Dec 2024 5:49PM
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"Dr. Angela (Angie) Rasmussen, PhD is a virologist at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) at the University of Saskatchewan. Her research focuses on the role of the host response in viral pathogenesis, with a particular interest in emerging viruses that are or have the potential to be major threats to global health, such as avian influenza, dengue virus, Ebola virus, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2. Her work combines classical experimental virology and animal models with systems biology approaches to study the global response to infection and how that contributes to pathogenesis or protection from emerging pathogens.

Dr. Rasmussen graduated from Smith College with a BA in Biological Sciences (2000) and received a MA (2005), MPhil (2006), and PhD (2009) in Microbiology and Immunology from Columbia University. She did her postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Washington and previously held faculty positions at the University of Washington and the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health. In addition to her primary appointment at VIDO, Angie is also affiliated with the Georgetown Center for Global Health Science and Security. She is a member of the Verena Consortium, a multi-disciplinary, international effort to predict and study emerging viral pathogens, as well as the Communications Director for the CoVaRR-Net research consortium. She is also a member of the WHO Ad Hoc Expert Committee for Preclinical Models of COVID-19 and sits on the Editorial Boards at Vaccine, mSphere, and Cell Reports."

Mark _australia
WA, 22834 posts
23 Dec 2024 6:43PM
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^^ Unfortunately those with zero critical thinking skills or any grasp of basic science, will revert to "she is just working for big Pharma" or some other crap like " ohhh look what I saw on youtube" and dismiss it

WA, 8769 posts
23 Dec 2024 8:21PM
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Flying Dutchman
WA, 1578 posts
23 Dec 2024 9:49PM
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Mark _australia said..
^^ Unfortunately those with zero critical thinking skills or any grasp of basic science, will revert to "she is just working for big Pharma" or some other crap like " ohhh look what I saw on youtube" and dismiss it

Dr. Angela Rasmussen basically dismissed Lab Leak back in 2022.

"Have you ruled out that a lab leak caused the pandemic?
I don't think you could ever completely rule it out, but we have demonstrated pretty conclusively that it came from the market."

And yet here we have another 'scientist' claiming otherwise in 2024.

Which one can we trust?

WA, 3357 posts
23 Dec 2024 10:14PM
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Trust the science. Science is not a belief system. Science is about looking for answers.

Flying Dutchman
WA, 1578 posts
23 Dec 2024 11:07PM
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remery said..
Trust the science. Science is not a belief system. Science is about looking for answers.

And when covid science gives us 2 opposing answers?

WA, 3357 posts
23 Dec 2024 11:27PM
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Go back and look at the first post in this thread. Science is self correcting.

Flying Dutchman
WA, 1578 posts
24 Dec 2024 12:14AM
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remery said..
Go back and look at the first post in this thread. Science is self correcting.

How do we self correct after a jab side effect.

1964 posts
24 Dec 2024 2:34AM
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Flying Dutchman said..
How do we self correct after a jab side effect.

No one is twisting your arm to get the jab, it's voluntary. When was your last one?

This topic on vaccines is so 2020, yawn, get with the times, WW3 is about to kick off.

334 posts
24 Dec 2024 5:29PM
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remery said..

"Dr. Angela (Angie) Rasmussen, PhD is a virologist at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) at the University of Saskatchewan. Her research focuses on the role of the host response in viral pathogenesis, with a particular interest in emerging viruses that are or have the potential to be major threats to global health, such as avian influenza, dengue virus, Ebola virus, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2. Her work combines classical experimental virology and animal models with systems biology approaches to study the global response to infection and how that contributes to pathogenesis or protection from emerging pathogens.

Dr. Rasmussen graduated from Smith College with a BA in Biological Sciences (2000) and received a MA (2005), MPhil (2006), and PhD (2009) in Microbiology and Immunology from Columbia University. She did her postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Washington and previously held faculty positions at the University of Washington and the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health. In addition to her primary appointment at VIDO, Angie is also affiliated with the Georgetown Center for Global Health Science and Security. She is a member of the Verena Consortium, a multi-disciplinary, international effort to predict and study emerging viral pathogens, as well as the Communications Director for the CoVaRR-Net research consortium. She is also a member of the WHO Ad Hoc Expert Committee for Preclinical Models of COVID-19 and sits on the Editorial Boards at Vaccine, mSphere, and Cell Reports."

Only problem with this claim is, even the US Congress now admits the vaccine mandates were not supported by science, since the vaccines did not prevent infection nor spread of the pathogen. So, how can she claim to achieve "immunity" with a mRNA nano-tech jab?

.with apologies for the poor resolution. One can always download the full report for all the juicy findings.

Flying Dutchman
WA, 1578 posts
24 Dec 2024 5:33PM
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peacenlove said..

remery said..

"Dr. Angela (Angie) Rasmussen, PhD is a virologist at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) at the University of Saskatchewan. Her research focuses on the role of the host response in viral pathogenesis, with a particular interest in emerging viruses that are or have the potential to be major threats to global health, such as avian influenza, dengue virus, Ebola virus, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2. Her work combines classical experimental virology and animal models with systems biology approaches to study the global response to infection and how that contributes to pathogenesis or protection from emerging pathogens.

Dr. Rasmussen graduated from Smith College with a BA in Biological Sciences (2000) and received a MA (2005), MPhil (2006), and PhD (2009) in Microbiology and Immunology from Columbia University. She did her postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Washington and previously held faculty positions at the University of Washington and the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health. In addition to her primary appointment at VIDO, Angie is also affiliated with the Georgetown Center for Global Health Science and Security. She is a member of the Verena Consortium, a multi-disciplinary, international effort to predict and study emerging viral pathogens, as well as the Communications Director for the CoVaRR-Net research consortium. She is also a member of the WHO Ad Hoc Expert Committee for Preclinical Models of COVID-19 and sits on the Editorial Boards at Vaccine, mSphere, and Cell Reports."

Only problem with this claim is, even the US Congress now admits the vaccine mandates were not supported by science, since the vaccines did not prevent infection nor spread of the pathogen. So, how can she claim to achieve "immunity" with a mRNA nano-tech jab?

Because she 'believed' it would work like Remery.

334 posts
24 Dec 2024 5:36PM
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Flying Dutchman said..

peacenlove said..

remery said..

"Dr. Angela (Angie) Rasmussen, PhD is a virologist at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) at the University of Saskatchewan. Her research focuses on the role of the host response in viral pathogenesis, with a particular interest in emerging viruses that are or have the potential to be major threats to global health, such as avian influenza, dengue virus, Ebola virus, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2. Her work combines classical experimental virology and animal models with systems biology approaches to study the global response to infection and how that contributes to pathogenesis or protection from emerging pathogens.

Dr. Rasmussen graduated from Smith College with a BA in Biological Sciences (2000) and received a MA (2005), MPhil (2006), and PhD (2009) in Microbiology and Immunology from Columbia University. She did her postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Washington and previously held faculty positions at the University of Washington and the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health. In addition to her primary appointment at VIDO, Angie is also affiliated with the Georgetown Center for Global Health Science and Security. She is a member of the Verena Consortium, a multi-disciplinary, international effort to predict and study emerging viral pathogens, as well as the Communications Director for the CoVaRR-Net research consortium. She is also a member of the WHO Ad Hoc Expert Committee for Preclinical Models of COVID-19 and sits on the Editorial Boards at Vaccine, mSphere, and Cell Reports."

Only problem with this claim is, even the US Congress now admits the vaccine mandates were not supported by science, since the vaccines did not prevent infection nor spread of the pathogen. So, how can she claim to achieve "immunity" with a mRNA nano-tech jab?

Because she 'believed' it would work like Remery.

Hence the reason i refer to the phenomenon as the Covid Cult, which relies upon belief. Six jabs ought to do it.

Oh wait, have a seventh.

Flying Dutchman
WA, 1578 posts
24 Dec 2024 5:37PM
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myscreenname said..
No one is twisting your arm to get the jab, it's voluntary. When was your last one?

To say no one was twisting anyone's arm to get jabbed during the last 3-4 years is completely false.

334 posts
24 Dec 2024 5:43PM
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Flying Dutchman said.To say no one was twisting anyone's arm to get jabbed during the last 3-4 years is completely false.

myscreenname said..
No one is twisting your arm to get the jab, it's voluntary. When was your last one?

Gosh yes how weird some beliefs are. I know plenty of folks who were threatened with losing their jobs if they didn't get jabbed. Many walked out of their own accord. Sounds like arm twisting to me and coercive manipulation.

1964 posts
24 Dec 2024 6:50PM
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You are living in the past. The jab was never mandatory you had a choice. And you chose not to have it and four years later you are still whinging and whining, the world has moved on to new issues.

WA, 782 posts
24 Dec 2024 7:00PM
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I know many that had to leave my workplace ,it was never a good policy just based on nothing but ego.

WA, 3357 posts
24 Dec 2024 8:39PM
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This thread is about Critical Thinking and Scepticism. I see little of that in the last few posts.

334 posts
25 Dec 2024 4:18AM
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myscreenname said..
You are living in the past. The jab was never mandatory you had a choice. And you chose not to have it and four years later you are still whinging and whining, the world has moved on to new issues.

Bro, people make all sorts of excuses to not speak about these crimes now. Some of us happen to think otherwise. Those who are living with vaccine injuries and lost loved ones are still living with the fallout from these policies and cannot "move on" (BTW i know of two definite CV-19 vaxx deaths: one, a healthy 17 year old boy who died four days after his third Pfizering and a healthy 54 year old man who's "turbo cancer" death was certified by his oncologist as a vaccine injury death and, several people who had serious side effects). Before the mRNA and clot shots, in my 52 years I'd never heard of any vaccine injuries or deaths.

Using your logic, looking for a murderer on the loose is "living in the past" since those who perpetrated these abuses upon us are yet to face justice.

Fraus et celare fraudum which is the law maxim that fraud has no sunset clause. There never was any evidence that the jabs stopped transmission nor prevented illness and that has been borne out in numerous studies, the manufacturer's clinical trials and now the US Congress Report that found:

"Covid-19 vaccine mandates were not supported by science".

So it was fraud to make something of that nature mandatory or lose your job or be mostly confined to the home for months. That's a form of public abuse.

It's insulting to those who lived through all that pressure and coercive manipulation it to claim that it wasn't mandatory. The 54 year old i refer to above ran a large caravan park for about 35 years and didn't want the jab because he was concerned about its safety. His choice was get the whole family jabbed or shut down his business. If that's not coercive manipulation, threats and compulsion i don't know what is. His GP, who signed a Stat. Dec. that the jab's were "safe and effective" is now being sued by his grieving family. Over 700 people attended his funeral.

Those who are truly sceptical and critical thinkers would do well to read this:

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Skepticism and critical thinking" started by remery