I've got several Ozone Edges spread across 2013, 2014 and the V8. So far 3 out of the 4 have needed leading edge and bladder repairs at exactly the same point. They all burst open about 1 inch from the bridle connection point closest to the centre strut?
Now one or two in the same spot is a coincidence but I'm up to five repairs on three different kites on either side of the centre strut. At this stage I'm assuming the V8 hasn't failed yet as it's only been on the water a handful of times?
Is anyone else having this problem? If so is it just the freeride guys or do the guys that race on them have this same problem?
I have a 19 m 2013 , a mate has a 9, 11 , 13 and 17 all 2013 , allso a lot of other guys use edges in our area ,****loads of use on all kites , never seen or heard of this issue , how much pressure do you put in your kites? I run minimum of 10 psi ( rock hard ) I find if they are under inflated they Bend and flare under load , this could cause a week point over time.
I have a quiver of 2013 edges (9, 11 & 13), also a 2013 Zephyr.
I usually inflate to minimum 8psi, never had any issues with any of them (*touchwood*).
Apart from them folding a bit (under certain conditions) when I really load them up..........110 kg dry btw
So no, don't have the same problem.
But 3 out 4 with the same tear at exactly the same point does seem strange.
I know there are others out there with the same problem, so I was just wondering how big a problem it is. It's got me stumped now others are saying they've never heard of it.
I know how they behave when under-inflated and that's not an issue, though I normally inflate to 6-7 psi - in as much as you can trust the gauges Ozone supply with the pumps. It seems be inflated enough, gives a nice ping and doesn't fold easily? It's interesting that the gauge goes into the red above 7psi but guys are running 10? I just checked the manual and it doesn't give a recommended psi that I can see, but it does have a photo of a gauge at 8 psi, again well into the red?
Maybe Ozone don't want us over-inflating their kites to reduce warranty claims and hassles from burst kites so the gauges have a pretty little colour guide to discourage suckers like me from going above 6-7 psi. I might not be under-inflating but a bit more might make this problem go away? I might make my 6m a test, it's only had a couple of sessions so I might pump to 8-9 from now on and see whether this problem still appears.
I have run many edges for the last 10 years - never have any major issues. Yes - some pin hole probs where there is pressure from the valve on the kite - but I never bother repairing and had no issues. I race and have hammered the kites and I don't repair holes or small tears. I have a V8 10m - would rate it one of the best kites for flat water gusty conditions I have ever ridden.
Add on - yes I find the ozones like high inflation pressures and I inflate 8-10 psi. Fly better and less issues.
Always had this issue Chris, apart from the 1st instinct edge, I've got my 7 and 10 in for repair as we speak,
If you talk to Neil at htl it's a very common issue, I've looked into those who generally don't have faults, they don't live where we do simple
I had a 9 that split 5 times, if you look inside it's where the white reinforcement material ends, IMHO it forms a weak link,
They need to make them a more freeride orientated build , they are finished as a race kite,
I'll suffer no more, it's a new brand for me after years on the ozones
I've dozens of photos to prove my point
Exactly the same point every single time
In this year , I had my 7 and 9 metre pop within 5 weeks of each other . The 9 had a very easy life with little use . I binned both of them . The small compensation patch at the bridle attachment point doesn't cover enough area creating high point loading over a small area leading to premature failure. That's what I think anyway. Here's a pic of my 9 . J
Bloody hell guys. Every now and then inspect your le for wear and damage. If the le is even slightly damaged it is likely to pop. Slap a bit of sticky sail take on all le wear and you will never have randomly poping le's again.
Yep mine went in the same spot. Same with my brothers. Must be one fckn big coincidence hey! (2013/2014...the years are important, D2 should hopefully stop this..or is Chris's D2?).
no issues with any of my edges 2013 and v7's . always pumped to 9psi . never had a rip in the canopy , self launch and land but use em for what they are supposed to be used for.
I have done many many repairs exactly the same as this and they have occurred on many different brands of kites. There is a lot of stress in the area of the Leading Edge bridle mount points and, of course, they should be properly re-enforced in manufacture. The LE will be constantly trying to flex around these points. I agree that pumping up harder is likely to reduce the chances of flexing but then will probably increase the chances of an explosion if you smack your kite on the water! I am surprised the Leading Edge would withstand 10psi although on smaller kites it may be just fine. The larger the diameter of the tube the less pressure should be required to keep it rigid. It seems plenty of fliers are doing ok with high pressures but I would think 8psi would be a better maximum.
Don't be too careful guys or I might be out of a job! :)