I use an electric pump set at 10 psi , dial is locked at that setting , so all my kites always pump upto 10 psi.
Pump it up hard - I think where it has torn is where it would bend if under inflated
Don't know if this is true, but this is taken off this site
From D133ta
Guy in the shop told me they inflate the north kites up to 30 psi for integrity testing.
If that's true I'm guessing it'd be pretty hard to over inflate with a hand pump.
It will usually spit out at around 10 psi.
If that gives you 20+ psi spare to take a fold I guess that is pretty safe still as long as the containing fabric is in good nick.
My newest is the 6m is a V8 with the new fabric Cauncy, I've got nothing to lose by pumping it up a little harder but I'll let you know if I have any drams with this one.
Well ive been rolling edges since 2009. I'll admit my newest edge is a 2013.
What am i doing different to others not to get these failures? Is it just luck or are mine yet to fail.
Seems a bit strange that the certain FEW had issues
Anyway had a ride on a customers 9mt Edge V8 last saturday, HOLY CRAP, this new model is freaking awesome
Always thought the Edge was a beautiful kite but not my cup of tea, the V8 has changed that, anyway am ordering some for demo very soon as people really need to try this kite.
Ozone this year are a brand to be reckoned with, if you want the best performance get your hands on one !!
West Oz Boardsports
steve, cauncy,
you both know your **** so lets just stop calling cauncys kites ozone edges and figure this problem out. just pretend its a kite like any other.
now its blowing up same location year after year by same user.
that location is near a center bridal attachment point? (please correct me where wrong as id like to solve this)
now the type of damage does appear to be one from pressure.
exploding mid air during jump tranys etc meaning huge amounts of force.
small kites super big winds a decent 85kg rider (ozone makes there **** for 80kg riders)
so now we need to make those forces either lessened (not pulling that bar so damn hard/pendulemning the load etc)
cauncy one question..... are you locking off your center strut valve? if you leave it open (just close your end 2 struts (shortest ones) will allow more air pressure to be passed thru larger area.
also the way your resteering the kite is literally forcefully YANKING on that center bridal line. if its reasonably light or under tensioned then completely loaded and yanked on in a certain direction then i could see this damage occuring quite easily.
those kites are very high ar thus sit super forward in wind window and get some serious forces ripping thru the window then loaded in alternating directions.
cauncy if you think about this it would be nicer to have all those forces evened out a little over the attachment points... adding a tiny few cm knot adjustment so that the other attachment points on the same bridal relay are under tension more then just that center one should even out the load.... or simply changeing your jump technique so that both center bridal arrays become under load more evenly throughout the jump.
just a little thought anyways... let me know what you guys think, especially you cauncy as you have years experience blowing these things up so am i even in the ballpark with this?
Had a few Edges over the years. Never had a problem. Still flying a 2011 model. Used to be most were flying edges here a couple of years back. Never saw one self destruct.
When you jump are you pulling the kite back with slack rear lines? This can cause the kite to load up quickly and with a lot of force when it reaches the 12:00 o'clock position.
Had 15, 11 and 9m 2013 edges. All ripped same spot both sides. Did reinforce repair on all spots, no problem since. I've always accepted stuff breaks if you ride hard/crash hard.
4 Edges including one V8 plus several other Ozones and none with the sort of damage described or any damage for that matter. Have found them pretty durable really.