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beached56 said..
as a kiter (and SUSer), i've tried many surfboards and so far my favorite is the Vanguard. I normally use something like a 5'7" standard surfboard to a 6' kite-specific surfboard, but when i got on a 5'2" Vanguard, it was fast, turned on a dime, and supported my size/weight easily. I think the aesthetics of the board have some crying foul, but I don't care about that. I'd use a garbage can top if it surfed well. My Simmons-shaped SUP boards can slide when turning, but it's all a matter of foot placement. If I'm riding it correctly, it can snap a turn. If this is a fad to some, so be it. I just enjoy the options and hope we start seeing more of these Tomo-inspired SUPs here in the states.
I am with u on this one

I don't wont to sup on a surf board, give me something different. I even think thay could use the same shape for all round boards