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The board you are dying to try or buy..but coudnt..

Created by anchorpoint > 9 months ago, 22 Apr 2022
193 posts
22 Apr 2022 4:19AM
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Just curious ..the one board you wish to try or buy and why?
The catch is ...only one...
For me it is the wedge from is suposed to be their most performance board in the range...just curious to find out if im worthy....

Curious to know yours....dont have to be a recent board..

NSW, 749 posts
22 Apr 2022 8:30AM
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For me,the new Kalama's,and infinity New deal@ 9.0

QLD, 1535 posts
22 Apr 2022 9:25AM
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For me it's the JL 8'5 Destroyer. I want an all round board with performance but mainly beach break board and its time to step up from the Allwave. Since my heart attack and subsequent recovery I have lost about 15 kg to be about 80ish kg and it seems to be staying off so the 160L Allwave is a bit big these days.
I just wish I could try one to see it it lives up to the glowing reviews it seems to get.

WA, 713 posts
22 Apr 2022 1:50PM
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Infinity Speed 8/3

but no Australian importer anymore so I will have to go to Dana Point to demo one

430 posts
22 Apr 2022 5:54PM
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Infinity RNB but I think I'm in between the production sizes of 7-7 and 7-11. Or an L41 ST, have only tried a friend's that was too big for me.

VIC, 797 posts
22 Apr 2022 10:03PM
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JL Black and Blue - no other sup out there is like a traditional log. 50/50 rail. Spoon nose. 60's rocker.

491 posts
22 Apr 2022 8:29PM
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Hoppo3228 said..
JL Black and Blue - no other sup out there is like a traditional log. 50/50 rail. Spoon nose. 60's rocker.

We'll have to catch-up next time I'm back in Vic so you can try my 10'1 BnB
If you like...

VIC, 797 posts
22 Apr 2022 11:50PM
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Bighugg said..

Hoppo3228 said..
JL Black and Blue - no other sup out there is like a traditional log. 50/50 rail. Spoon nose. 60's rocker.

We'll have to catch-up next time I'm back in Vic so you can try my 10'1 BnB
If you like...

Good man!!! thankyou!

2189 posts
23 Apr 2022 8:52AM
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I'd like to try the 2022 Hypernut 4-in-1 to see if it's worth upgrading from my 2018.

491 posts
24 Apr 2022 6:49AM
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The Shrooom is on my wish list

VIC, 369 posts
24 Apr 2022 10:26AM
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Atlantis venom ! Im glad to have the mistress tho

184 posts
25 Apr 2022 8:01PM
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Sunova search 14'

NSW, 48 posts
26 Apr 2022 4:56PM
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Creek sold me on the 'Kanga', but a bit out of my range.

159 posts
26 Apr 2022 10:45PM
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SIC Atlantis 14 x 24 and 14 x 22

NSW, 57 posts
27 Apr 2022 12:19PM
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bobajob said..
For me it's the JL 8'5 Destroyer. I want an all round board with performance but mainly beach break board and its time to step up from the Allwave. Since my heart attack and subsequent recovery I have lost about 15 kg to be about 80ish kg and it seems to be staying off so the 160L Allwave is a bit big these days.
I just wish I could try one to see it it lives up to the glowing reviews it seems to get.

I had one in that size, sold it to a mate. Now i'm on a 7'7. A mate has an allwave, probably 160L, he commented the destroyer was night and day once riding the wave compared to the allwave. Little trickier to balance, but you would expect that going from 160L to 130L.

WA, 1262 posts
28 Apr 2022 9:36AM
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This bad boy for sure:

430 posts
29 Apr 2022 11:25AM
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I wanna try that 8' one, sounds fun

25 posts
30 Apr 2022 7:49AM
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Easy! No brainer!

A big Sunova Kanga!

Maybe when my wife finally has a lottery win.

Saw my first Kanga close up yesterday. The owner bought it through Surf FX at Southport. Long wait but worth it.

Absolutely sweet board. Best finish I've ever seen on a Sunova board. Just beautiful!

205 posts
3 May 2022 3:44AM
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basically need to try any and all boards. Northeast US has virtually no board dealers with demo products, except for Rick and Sunova. And his boards tend to be high on the volume range.

Really want to try the Starboard pro, blurr v2, and RNB, Sunova Flash and Placid in the 115-125 liter range. Friend has the GENR SP25, so that I tried.

QLD, 617 posts
3 May 2022 6:59PM
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supsean said..
basically need to try any and all boards. Northeast US has virtually no board dealers with demo products, except for Rick and Sunova. And his boards tend to be high on the volume range.

Really want to try the Starboard pro, blurr v2, and RNB, Sunova Flash and Placid in the 115-125 liter range. Friend has the GENR SP25, so that I tried.

I can only speak from my time on the 8'6 Sunova Flash which is now nearly 3 years old. I'm 90kg and love it for when the surf gets a bit bigger and you can just take off on the steep ones and it accelerates so quickly and can be pushed hard through your turns without any unpredictability.

Good build quality and mine is the xxx construction with the black strip running down the stringer underneath. Had a delam blister on the carbon strip from the sun but fixed it and all good. I think mine is 112litres.

Good luck and keep trying anyones board until one clicks with you.

2680 posts
3 May 2022 10:43PM
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supsean said..
basically need to try any and all boards. Northeast US has virtually no board dealers with demo products, except for Rick and Sunova. And his boards tend to be high on the volume range.

Really want to try the Starboard pro, blurr v2, and RNB, Sunova Flash and Placid in the 115-125 liter range. Friend has the GENR SP25, so that I tried.

I'm losing weight, so maybe my next series of boards will be smaller ??
I do have a 125 liter Placid that I have been riding a lot. I try every board I can.. people are pretty open to swapping for a few waves, so I pretty much ask everyone! It's a great way to compare boards!

VIC, 407 posts
4 May 2022 7:56AM
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supthecreek said..

supsean said..
basically need to try any and all boards. Northeast US has virtually no board dealers with demo products, except for Rick and Sunova. And his boards tend to be high on the volume range.

Really want to try the Starboard pro, blurr v2, and RNB, Sunova Flash and Placid in the 115-125 liter range. Friend has the GENR SP25, so that I tried.

I'm losing weight, so maybe my next series of boards will be smaller ??
I do have a 125 liter Placid that I have been riding a lot. I try every board I can.. people are pretty open to swapping for a few waves, so I pretty much ask everyone! It's a great way to compare boards!

Can't wait for your big comparo of the current sunova line up of boards Mr Creek... ???

113 posts
5 May 2022 5:54AM
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want to try a JL Destroyer 7'10

29 posts
5 May 2022 11:07AM
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toolate said..
want to try a JL Destroyer 7'10

me too! you catch this latest town swell.

113 posts
6 May 2022 8:27AM
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sup808 said..

toolate said..
want to try a JL Destroyer 7'10

me too! you catch this latest town swell.

oh yeah

205 posts
8 May 2022 12:29AM
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supthecreek said..

supsean said..
basically need to try any and all boards. Northeast US has virtually no board dealers with demo products, except for Rick and Sunova. And his boards tend to be high on the volume range.

Really want to try the Starboard pro, blurr v2, and RNB, Sunova Flash and Placid in the 115-125 liter range. Friend has the GENR SP25, so that I tried.

I'm losing weight, so maybe my next series of boards will be smaller ??
I do have a 125 liter Placid that I have been riding a lot. I try every board I can.. people are pretty open to swapping for a few waves, so I pretty much ask everyone! It's a great way to compare boards!

Ah Creek. I try any board I can too! Its just that I am a bit lonely here in the Rockaways. Almost the only SUP-per amongst the proners. NJ and Gloucester has more SUP-pers, but its been difficult to get there this year. Tried out the 8'3" SP25 (custom I think) that a friend has, and loved it. But too expensive for me right now.

27 posts
13 May 2022 4:32AM
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bobajob said..
For me it's the JL 8'5 Destroyer. I want an all round board with performance but mainly beach break board and its time to step up from the Allwave. Since my heart attack and subsequent recovery I have lost about 15 kg to be about 80ish kg and it seems to be staying off so the 160L Allwave is a bit big these days.
I just wish I could try one to see it it lives up to the glowing reviews it seems to get.

What are you eating differently to keep the weight off?

wind driven
NSW, 81 posts
14 May 2022 6:10PM
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toolate said..
want to try a JL Destroyer 7'10

Should this be the 7'7" or is there also a 7'10" ?
Question to anyone who has tried the 7'7"; would this handle larger, more powerful waves better than an 8'5" Striker? I have the Striker and really like it but reckon i could go a bit smaller for more control on bigger waves. Welcome anyone's thoughts and sorry if i have taken the thread off on a tangent!

VIC, 797 posts
15 May 2022 12:20AM
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The rounded pin tail and the extra rocker on the Destroyer will definitely help compared to a Striker. Pretty clear cut really.

wind driven
NSW, 81 posts
15 May 2022 2:44AM
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Hoppo3228 said..
The rounded pin tail and the extra rocker on the Destroyer will definitely help compared to a Striker. Pretty clear cut really.

Thanks for the feedback. How do you think the 7'7" destroyer would handle a fast, hollow reef break (eg Fiji reefs)?

VIC, 797 posts
15 May 2022 9:17AM
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That's a pretty specific reason...

if OH, purchase a stun gun instead. The soft tail rail lets it hold on a big face, late drop... among other things...

Destroyers are an all round wave board... not a tube riding board.

Too much volume in nose and rail on a destroyer for that imo, although i'm sure it could be done - it's not ideal.

Here's Kealii riding a Stun Gun in Tahiti


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"The board you are dying to try or buy..but coudnt.." started by anchorpoint