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Creeking Portugal - a winter of surf and exploration

Created by supthecreek > 9 months ago, 11 Jan 2019
2680 posts
11 Jan 2019 3:41AM
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Hi Ozoids.... I have been so busy settling into life in the Algarve, that I haven't been Breezing
I Hope your summer is totally awesome and the surf is good!

I chose to winter in the southwestern tip of Portugal because its very sparsely populated, takes every swell direction and any wind direction can offer up some good options.
It's warm enough during the day and chilly at night.
I surf comfortably in trunks and a 2 mm top.

I am feeling my way around, and liking how active I stay here.
I bought a mountain bike the first day.... best decision ever, I only use my car for food shopping and surf sessions.
So much empty land, dirt roads and rugged cliff trails, that you can ride all day and never be more than 10 minutes from home.

I am the only SUPster in town at the moment.... I haven't even seen one on a car yet.
Waves every day so far

I made a vid of my first few sessions, but I'm going to redo it, so
Here's a look at yesterday.

VIC, 1469 posts
11 Jan 2019 7:50AM
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onya creek

495 posts
11 Jan 2019 5:11AM
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Thanks for the beautiful video! You are an inspiration for so many of us aging supsters! I will think of you when I am next out in my 5.5/4 full wetsuit, boots and gloves, frost on the ground and wicked shore pound.....and yet still I count myself as being so incredibly fortunate to be out in the waves.



3939 posts
11 Jan 2019 6:19AM
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Friend of mine is moving to SW Spain, east of Tarifa, this Sunday. He's a windsurfer and SUP (novice at SUP), but will need a couple weeks to settle in.
Boon is his name and I'll get his email or phone before he leaves.

VIC, 407 posts
11 Jan 2019 9:25AM
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Geology lessons too... STC the legend grows

VIC, 2870 posts
11 Jan 2019 10:38AM
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Great stuff Creek

66 posts
11 Jan 2019 12:40PM
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Nice VID you should try the FatBoy Bike they used big tires and you can ride without problems in the beach, also are really fun and easy to ride...


1566 posts
11 Jan 2019 12:53PM
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Thanks, STW, you confirm me where to spend the next winter. I like geology too

NSW, 1314 posts
11 Jan 2019 4:14PM
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Awesome Creek

5169 posts
11 Jan 2019 2:53PM
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Nice trip & video, Creek!

Sorry to read elsewhere that you sprained your ankle. I can relate, I sprained it very slightly in September and it has not gotten away since. Basically it was healing slowly and then each SUP session re-stressed it, even after 2 weeks without sessions (winter storms...)

I finally realized that I re-strained it mainly on frontside bottom turns, so as a new year resolution I decided to only surf backside (I am regular so lefts) and using my stablest board... and it worked! In just some sessions the pain is practically gone, it seems more efficient than simply resting.

Your injury is most probably different from mine, so it may not apply, but I am just sharing my experience that it may be worthwhile to find ways to avoid any pain on the water, it can make a huge difference in recovery time...

VIC, 369 posts
11 Jan 2019 9:58PM
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colas said..
Nice trip & video, Creek!

Sorry to read elsewhere that you sprained your ankle. I can relate, I sprained it very slightly in September and it has not gotten away since. Basically it was healing slowly and then each SUP session re-stressed it, even after 2 weeks without sessions (winter storms...)

I finally realized that I re-strained it mainly on frontside bottom turns, so as a new year resolution I decided to only surf backside (I am regular so lefts) and using my stablest board... and it worked! In just some sessions the pain is practically gone, it seems more efficient than simply resting.

Your injury is most probably different from mine, so it may not apply, but I am just sharing my experience that it may be worthwhile to find ways to avoid any pain on the water, it can make a huge difference in recovery time...

Whicn foot is injured Colas ? Back or front? Love your thinken ??

5169 posts
11 Jan 2019 10:33PM
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Back foot, strained by going over foam and being lazy and keeping the feet too close together: the board tilted violently backwards and streched the back of my ankle. It then hurt to push on my toes in a frontside turn to dig the inside rail. But on backside turns you do not use your ankle, just the position of the heel.

2680 posts
11 Jan 2019 10:46PM
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CAPWP said..
Nice VID you should try the FatBoy Bike they used big tires and you can ride without problems in the beach, also are really fun and easy to ride...


Fatboys are great, but this whole place is a 250' high plateau with sheer cliffs and tiny beaches.
The beach in the video is the only one I can ride to around here, and it's only 1 K long.

Some pics of beach access.... and my one attempt at "not Fat enough bike"

2680 posts
11 Jan 2019 10:58PM
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Kami said..
Thanks, STW, you confirm me where to spend the next winter. I like geology too

If you like geology, you'll love this place!

2680 posts
11 Jan 2019 11:13PM
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colas said..
Nice trip & video, Creek!

Sorry to read elsewhere that you sprained your ankle. I can relate, I sprained it very slightly in September and it has not gotten away since. Basically it was healing slowly and then each SUP session re-stressed it, even after 2 weeks without sessions (winter storms...)

I finally realized that I re-strained it mainly on frontside bottom turns, so as a new year resolution I decided to only surf backside (I am regular so lefts) and using my stablest board... and it worked! In just some sessions the pain is practically gone, it seems more efficient than simply resting.

Your injury is most probably different from mine, so it may not apply, but I am just sharing my experience that it may be worthwhile to find ways to avoid any pain on the water, it can make a huge difference in recovery time...

Thanks colas!

and I agree....
I sprained my right ankle, which is my back/strong foot.
Waves I surf are mainly lefts, so on my backhand, the ankle was ok

in the last wave of this vid, I got a rare right and when I went to kick out...
you heard me cry out, then "expletive deleted" I fell over.
so backside it is for a while... and I'm going to wrap it as well.

I ride my bike a lot, walk the beach.... ice & stretch
Hard not to surf... but I know how bad a sprain can be to heal and easy to damage more seriously.

Oops.... gotta go, the neighbors are going surfing, I'm gonna walk down the valley of bones and film them from the cliff!
I'll "Kook Hat Cam" the valley... it's pretty cool!

15 posts
12 Jan 2019 12:13AM
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Good to be you Creek - keep the details coming and take care of the ankle!

264 posts
12 Jan 2019 2:51AM
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Get well fast, Creek. Waves are still good!

NSW, 3768 posts
14 Jan 2019 9:08PM
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Looks awesome. Shame about the ankle. Get well soon buddy.

954 posts
14 Jan 2019 9:25PM
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Don't worry about your ankle what happened to your toes!!!
You are an inspiration, living the endless search.

954 posts
14 Jan 2019 9:30PM
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Don't worry about your ankle what happened to your toes!!!
You are an inspiration, living the endless search.

5169 posts
15 Jan 2019 2:57PM
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Ah, and do not hesitate to see a doctor. This is not the US, the price of a visit to the doctor and drugs is quite cheap... Some creams help a lot.

2680 posts
15 Jan 2019 5:58PM
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tarquin1 said..
Don't worry about your ankle what happened to your toes!!!
You are an inspiration, living the endless search.

ha ha... too much knee-paddling in the 60's

ok.... waves have been amazing every single day since my toes folded into the front of my shin. (yeah... interesting feeling)

I have been hiking to stretch out the muscles/ligaments

Have been riding my mountain bike on the flats too keep from going crazy!
Great sunrise surf check rides

Yesterday, it was flat, no one out, so I decided to test my leg strength for a session.
by the way... when it's "flat" here, if you wait long enough, a set will roll through.
I waited out the back.... every time a good one rolled through I fell over, or was back paddling out.

Since the beach was empty, I set up my SoloShot3 and made a short vid of how it went: (hint....I am still super wobbly)
Sorry it's not the kick ass waves I watched all week

here is a wave a day since I got here:

QLD, 2 posts
15 Jan 2019 8:18PM
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Thanks for sharing, it's nice to know that these places still exist

90 posts
15 Jan 2019 8:18PM
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How's out some pics of hot Portagee ladies!!!!

2680 posts
17 Jan 2019 8:04PM
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RbGar said..
How's out some pics of hot Portagee ladies!!!!

ha ha.... I wish!
Where I end up every day, I never see anyone.

Exploration is a blast.
I ride my mountain bike a lot, as low impact re-hab.... but always end up doing some pretty rustic adventures.
Today I had every intention of a nice easy roadside ride.... but it got boring.

So I followed some tracks off road...... and ended up in Mexico

There were some interesting potholes that went straight down 250' into ocean caves.
Don't think I'll walk around here at night

I earned my lunch on a nice harbor bench

NT, 891 posts
17 Jan 2019 9:46PM
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Yr a legend and an inspiration Creeky!!!
Get that foot better soon mate so we can all keep enjoying the endless summer with ya!!!

3939 posts
18 Jan 2019 4:37AM
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If you really get bored, my bud is living at Goya's house in Tarifa for the next 3 months.

1566 posts
19 Jan 2019 3:21PM
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Thank's for the pictures and report and have a quicker recovery as possible, Creek.

2680 posts
21 Jan 2019 3:57AM
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Thanks LeeD,
Tarifa looks interesting, does he SUP surf or paddle?
is that THE Goya's house?!?

Thanks Kami and MangoDingo it's almost recovered, now that the wind has gone bad

I have been hiking and biking to keep my ankle loose and strong
Plus I am using the time to explore some breaks around the region.

I am sure to you Aussies, walkabout in the outback is everyday stuff
so Old man lost, is nothing new.
I don't use the GPS away from my wifi,
so I have to memorize the directions.
Goole map routing tried to kill me the other day

3939 posts
21 Jan 2019 6:33AM
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Hi Creek..
Yes, Francisco Goya's house in Tarifa.
Boon doesn't have his gear in Spain yet, but is a good windsurfer and budding strong paddler. He's in Tarifa for the next couple months.

9 posts
23 Jan 2019 6:57PM
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You should go up to Arrifana:

It should be aprox. 40 to 50 klms north from sagres.

It is a protected bay from the northerly winds you will see in the next couple of days.
You can have a look at:


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Creeking Portugal - a winter of surf and exploration" started by supthecreek