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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Import surfboard section

Created by Macaha > 9 months ago, 4 Apr 2019
QLD, 21946 posts
1 Mar 2020 2:10PM
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thedrip said..
And it's a shame this thread is so about SBW bashing.

It seems a lot of good boards get bagged by the forum police because they come from SBW, yet if they are imported but have....ooooo....something like a Takyama logo on them then they are okay.

What other imported brands are deemed acceptable by the forum police?

This is where you get it wrong drip.

Now ,you can't compare say a Takyama v SBW.
Takyama are not ****** the Australian board manufactures,its the cheap imports not the like for like priced imports.
Any board say from the US which is rich in history is acceptable.

When you get guys coming in here with FA knowledge and smash Australian made boards and pimp the arse off imported boards well I'm not going to sit back and but up with reading crap,put that in your police report china

10980 posts
1 Mar 2020 12:25PM
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Macaha said..

thedrip said..
And it's a shame this thread is so about SBW bashing.

It seems a lot of good boards get bagged by the forum police because they come from SBW, yet if they are imported but have....ooooo....something like a Takyama logo on them then they are okay.

What other imported brands are deemed acceptable by the forum police?

This is where you get it wrong drip.

Now ,you can't compare say a Takyama v SBW.
Takyama are not ****** the Australian board manufactures,its the cheap imports not the like for like priced imports.
Any board say from the US which is rich in history is acceptable.

When you get guys coming in here with FA knowledge and smash Australian made boards and pimp the arse off imported boards well I'm not going to sit back and but up with reading crap,put that in your police report china

Australian taks are about the best made boards in Oz. Made by Australians in Australia.

Comparing them to a SBW is a joke. It's like comparing a BMW to a great wall.

NSW, 746 posts
1 Mar 2020 3:26PM
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SP said..

Hydromann said..
You guys have all missed the point of what SBWH brings to the market.

Choice and opportunity.

And here is what I find interesting.

You all bang on about kooks in the lineup on their SBWH boards, you all get pissy about them being out their having a crack at it on sub standard, environmentally unfriendly, race to the bottom POS boards stealing waves.

And you all bang on about them and other similar marketing models and brands killing the local industry.

You want all the waves to yourselves and whinge about the influx of new kooks but then whine about them not buying Aussie made.

When you should embrace them in the lineup, encourage them to progress and improve, to discern what they need to improve and to steer them towards opportunity for local shapers.

These boards are an untapped gold mine for local shapers, they are entry level priced with reasonable performance or bang for their buck. They engage people who otherwise might not enter the sport to do so by being so cost effective, it provides that opportunity to them.

This expands the upcoming market of surfers who once they have defined their style and taste will then demand better boards, and guess what? If pop out boards are as bad as you all claim and not up to the demands of the users then they will shop for something that will specifically meet their needs.

You can't have it all, you can't whine about all the kooks but then demand all the business, you can't demand all the waves and have a ****e attitude in the lineup because that will reflect on the "brands" that you ride.

People are gonna see a a bunch of crusty old grumpy turds on their shiny locally made bling boards hogging all the waves, and they are gonna see packs of kooks on their pop outs in the lineups having a blast.

Who do you think they will look at? Who's branding will they see most?

Embrace the kook, ask him or her questions about their ride, share your knowledge and wisdom and educate them in the lineup, inspire and encourage them to look to the amazing benefits of a custom board or one that is Aussie made.

I do that every surf, I make sure I strike up a convo about someones ride, what they are riding, size guessing, hows it ride? Where did they get it? Why that style or brand? How does it ride for them? etc... Never once has anyone told me to shut the hell up and F off when it comes to talking about their ride, everyone who know anything loves to talk rides. And if you hit a kook who basically says "dunno it was cheap", bam gold mine. Give them some tips, show them your ride, compare it to theirs etc.

Do that and it will have a greater effect on the Oz board making scene than any whining, word of mouth and genuine references will beat any slick marketing campaign by any board maker. Otherwise why would so much emphasis be placed on testimonials?

Because surfing and board performance is subjective, and if so and so is riding one and says they are great then it must be true.

Opportunities guys, opportunities.

Half their range is a direct knock off of reputable shapers board. Notice the fountain of youth looks like a tak scorpion. They even half pinched his logo.

Don't see how undermining lifelong dedicated shapers by copying their hard work using, cheap material, cheap labour and lax environmental laws helps anyone but someones hip pocket.

They will be giving them away soon,with a free face mask ! Waterproof I hope

QLD, 1332 posts
1 Mar 2020 2:54PM
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SP said..

Macaha said..

thedrip said..
And it's a shame this thread is so about SBW bashing.

It seems a lot of good boards get bagged by the forum police because they come from SBW, yet if they are imported but have....ooooo....something like a Takyama logo on them then they are okay.

What other imported brands are deemed acceptable by the forum police?

This is where you get it wrong drip.

Now ,you can't compare say a Takyama v SBW.
Takyama are not ****** the Australian board manufactures,its the cheap imports not the like for like priced imports.
Any board say from the US which is rich in history is acceptable.

When you get guys coming in here with FA knowledge and smash Australian made boards and pimp the arse off imported boards well I'm not going to sit back and but up with reading crap,put that in your police report china

Australian taks are about the best made boards in Oz. Made by Australians in Australia.

Comparing them to a SBW is a joke. It's like comparing a BMW to a great wall.

I've mentioned this before but One fin bought a Tak 5'8" scorpion from the SBW at Miami probably 5 yrs ago. May have seen it on Gumtree. There was only one there. Obviously they straight up copied it. Making boards os for Mctavish, MR, McCoy, Rusty, Channel islands, Free flight, Diverse, DVS and so on and so on is one thing. Straight out ripping a shape/shapes off unacknowledged is another.

QLD, 5544 posts
1 Mar 2020 3:54PM
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A ripper

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 Mar 2020 4:29PM
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SP said..
A pictures worth a thousand words and a stringer that is joined says more about the quality than any post will.

That photo get better every year

QLD, 21946 posts
1 Mar 2020 4:39PM
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asea said..
A ripper

Beautiful mate a board like that is not damaging the oz made guys.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 Mar 2020 5:41PM
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Amercian boards suck and are worse for the austalian industry then pop outs.

F ### the Americans taking over our aussie surfboard industry.

WA, 9675 posts
1 Mar 2020 3:58PM
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laceys lane said..
Amercian boards suck and are worse for the austalian industry then pop outs.

F ### the Americans taking over our aussie surfboard industry.

Which American brands are doing that Lacey?

QLD, 21946 posts
1 Mar 2020 6:01PM
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laceys lane said..
Amercian boards suck and are worse for the austalian industry then pop outs.

F ### the Americans taking over our aussie surfboard industry.

Are you OK?

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 Mar 2020 6:07PM
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Macaha said..

laceys lane said..
Amercian boards suck and are worse for the austalian industry then pop outs.

F ### the Americans taking over our aussie surfboard industry.

Are you OK?

Are you ok?

QLD, 21946 posts
1 Mar 2020 6:07PM
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laceys lane said..

Macaha said..

laceys lane said..
Amercian boards suck and are worse for the austalian industry then pop outs.

F ### the Americans taking over our aussie surfboard industry.

Are you OK?

Are you ok?


QLD, 1332 posts
1 Mar 2020 6:26PM
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Macaha said..

asea said..
A ripper

Beautiful mate a board like that is not damaging the oz made guys.

Why does Tolhurst get a hall pass?

QLD, 21946 posts
1 Mar 2020 6:32PM
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Cuttlefish said..

Macaha said..

asea said..
A ripper

Beautiful mate a board like that is not damaging the oz made guys.

Why does Tolhurst get a hall pass?

Because of price point

10980 posts
1 Mar 2020 4:39PM
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For me it's completely different. He isn't just trying to produce a cheap product. He is a shaper that is trying to offer a better or offer a different product through technology and that technology is manufactured os.

Imports aren't bad, setting up a business that is solely trying to win business by undercutting the existing participants through using cheap materials, labour etc is different to using tech that is available os or using os manufacturing to produce your product

There are many levels to this debate. You can't say all imports are bad cause there are many different kinds of boards imported.

Os production can be a way for a shaper to access customers they never could have reached or serviced before. Like a Channel islands model, local shaper producing there designs locally, technically not imported but is an os brand.

The all imports are bad statement is wrong.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 Mar 2020 7:30PM
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Nothing wrong with the good old fashioned australia white import policy

WA, 9675 posts
1 Mar 2020 5:43PM
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laceys lane said..
Nothing wrong with the good old fashioned australia white import policy

Which is what,besides a

Please share what this white import policy is that offends you
Also still waiting to hear what US brands are taking over Australia that you were talking about

WA, 2355 posts
1 Mar 2020 6:48PM
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Macaha said..

Cuttlefish said..

Macaha said..

asea said..
A ripper

Beautiful mate a board like that is not damaging the oz made guys.

Why does Tolhurst get a hall pass?

Because of price point

Aaah got it...It is all about the money. I've never really thought of Surfboards as status symbols.

QLD, 21946 posts
2 Mar 2020 4:29AM
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thedrip said..

Macaha said..

Cuttlefish said..

Macaha said..

asea said..
A ripper

Beautiful mate a board like that is not damaging the oz made guys.

Why does Tolhurst get a hall pass?

Because of price point

Aaah got it...It is all about the money. I've never really thought of Surfboards as status symbols.

No you still don't get it.
Boards like the Tolhurst,Bing,Tyler, Almond ect are a similar price point to Australian made brands. Like for like pricing.
No status involved from my side,so lets not get all judgemental.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
2 Mar 2020 5:24AM
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Its all about the rich dudes with their $2000 plus boards who then want to stop us ordinary folk from having surfboards

QLD, 21946 posts
2 Mar 2020 5:29AM
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laceys lane said..
Its all about the rich dudes with their $2000 plus boards who then want to stop us ordinary folk from having surfboards

Really coming from a guy who pays 3k for a sup very often haha

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
2 Mar 2020 5:33AM
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Macaha said..

laceys lane said..
Its all about the rich dudes with their $2000 plus boards who then want to stop us ordinary folk from having surfboards

Really coming from a guy who pays 3k for a sup very often haha

Dont bring sups into the longboard room matey boy!!!!
Its got nothing to do with it.
Bloody label wankers

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
2 Mar 2020 6:45AM
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Ok. Seeing as we are at it. Here are 3 boards i paid $2000 each. 2 /17.11 and a 14 fter. Very technical layups . Full carbon. Vaccum sealed etc etc. Something Rod the typical aussie glasser wouldnt even know were start.

If you think im paying $2000 plus for red black and white painted long board youve got rocks in your head

QLD, 21946 posts
2 Mar 2020 7:13AM
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laceys lane said..
Ok. Seeing as we are at it. Here are 3 boards i paid $2000 each. 2 /17.11 and a 14 fter. Very technical layups . Full carbon. Vaccum sealed etc etc. Something Rod the typical aussie glasser wouldnt even know were start.

If you thing im paying $2000 plus for red black and white painted long board youve got rocks in your head

What happened to the

I'm sure there are others, label boy

just to name a few,let me know if I left any off the list and I won't start on your surfboard purchases over the years,some don't even see wax before they are gone but the ones that know you don't judge because we know how much joy you get out of them, so one must not bring money into it buddy
Man you have owned some sup's in your day

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
2 Mar 2020 7:21AM
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Macaha said..

laceys lane said..
Ok. Seeing as we are at it. Here are 3 boards i paid $2000 each. 2 /17.11 and a 14 fter. Very technical layups . Full carbon. Vaccum sealed etc etc. Something Rod the typical aussie glasser wouldnt even know were start.

If you thing im paying $2000 plus for red black and white painted long board youve got rocks in your head

What happened to the

I'm sure there are others, label boy

just to name a few,let me know if I left any off the list and I won't start on your surfboard purchases over the years,some don't even see wax before they are gone but the ones that know you don't judge because we know how much joy you get out of them, so one must not bring money into it buddy
Man you have owned some sup's in your day

I had one rush of blood on a shortboard i told you about and all of a sudden its heaps if un waxed boards.
Your funny.
In sups. There are no other labels. Doh!!!!

I enjoy their performance.
Im not art orientated. I dont sell them because they don't look good or i got bored with the art.

My point is you buy what you want at what price you want.
But dont go bearing down in people who don't want to pay the 50 to 100% mark up for a name.

Your entire point of this thread was to make people feel bad.

QLD, 21946 posts
2 Mar 2020 8:10AM
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That's total BS, I have never judged people like others do in here. My only point is what some imports are doing to the industry end of story. Phew I'm glad I didn't forget any sup brands

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
2 Mar 2020 8:14AM
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Well. Thats got the day started

SA, 1739 posts
2 Mar 2020 9:51AM
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I think people will pay what they want to pay. If they want to pay $2000 for al ongboard then they will, all good.

If they want to pay $1200 for a longboard then they will, all good.

If they want to get a SBW at a cheap price then they can as the market and legislation allows it. IF they want to get a import board at a run of the mill market proce then they will.

I try not to judge. IF a cheap board gets them into the market to get them out there and then they grow and develop their quiver from there happy days.

Lets just try and keep it positive peeps, its only Monday morning.

QLD, 5544 posts
2 Mar 2020 9:35AM
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Yes get off the net and go surfing go for a paddle and get wet

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
2 Mar 2020 10:26AM
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McHenry said..
I think people will pay what they want to pay. If they want to pay $2000 for al ongboard then they will, all good.

If they want to pay $1200 for a longboard then they will, all good.

If they want to get a SBW at a cheap price then they can as the market and legislation allows it. IF they want to get a import board at a run of the mill market proce then they will.

I try not to judge. IF a cheap board gets them into the market to get them out there and then they grow and develop their quiver from there happy days.

Lets just try and keep it positive peeps, its only Monday morning.



Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Import surfboard section" started by Macaha