Amercian boards suck and are worse for the austalian industry then pop outs.
F ### the Americans taking over our aussie surfboard industry.
For me it's completely different. He isn't just trying to produce a cheap product. He is a shaper that is trying to offer a better or offer a different product through technology and that technology is manufactured os.
Imports aren't bad, setting up a business that is solely trying to win business by undercutting the existing participants through using cheap materials, labour etc is different to using tech that is available os or using os manufacturing to produce your product
There are many levels to this debate. You can't say all imports are bad cause there are many different kinds of boards imported.
Os production can be a way for a shaper to access customers they never could have reached or serviced before. Like a Channel islands model, local shaper producing there designs locally, technically not imported but is an os brand.
The all imports are bad statement is wrong.
Its all about the rich dudes with their $2000 plus boards who then want to stop us ordinary folk from having surfboards
Ok. Seeing as we are at it. Here are 3 boards i paid $2000 each. 2 /17.11 and a 14 fter. Very technical layups . Full carbon. Vaccum sealed etc etc. Something Rod the typical aussie glasser wouldnt even know were start.
If you think im paying $2000 plus for red black and white painted long board youve got rocks in your head
That's total BS, I have never judged people like others do in here. My only point is what some imports are doing to the industry end of story. Phew I'm glad I didn't forget any sup brands
I think people will pay what they want to pay. If they want to pay $2000 for al ongboard then they will, all good.
If they want to pay $1200 for a longboard then they will, all good.
If they want to get a SBW at a cheap price then they can as the market and legislation allows it. IF they want to get a import board at a run of the mill market proce then they will.
I try not to judge. IF a cheap board gets them into the market to get them out there and then they grow and develop their quiver from there happy days.
Lets just try and keep it positive peeps, its only Monday morning.