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Forums > Surfing Longboarding


Created by Cobra > 9 months ago, 26 Mar 2020
9106 posts
17 Apr 2020 5:33PM
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Nozza said..

Ricardo1709 said..
We will all be paying the massive debt with extra taxes, slugs to super and increased conditions and taxes to lump sum withdrawals, increase in GST will be first cab off the rank and America will go to war with China.Start getting off the grid and being more self sufficient, grow your own food,if you don't have a big yard containers and sprouts, get chooks,solar power, slowly stock up to negate all the inevitable price hikes across the board.

But who do I send my $6 grand to?

Me I need toilet paper should get me a 32 pack

VIC, 2869 posts
17 Apr 2020 7:42PM
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Cobra said..

Nozza said..

Ricardo1709 said..
We will all be paying the massive debt with extra taxes, slugs to super and increased conditions and taxes to lump sum withdrawals, increase in GST will be first cab off the rank and America will go to war with China.Start getting off the grid and being more self sufficient, grow your own food,if you don't have a big yard containers and sprouts, get chooks,solar power, slowly stock up to negate all the inevitable price hikes across the board.

But who do I send my $6 grand to?

Me I need toilet paper should get me a 32 pack

Only if you lend me some.....
Funny thing, or not funny.
I am at my house on Phillip Island, where we have a local general store / bottleshop / caravan park place.
I go there once a day to get the paper, whatever I need.
I haven't been to a supermarket in maybe 4 weeks.
The shop has had single roll packs of toilet paper the whole time, limit one per customer per visit.
Shop still has plenty, and try as I might, I can't poo enough to use more than one roll per day.

8266 posts
17 Apr 2020 5:43PM
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Nozza said..

MickPC said..

Nozza said..
What I don't understand, or one of the many things I don't understand, is with the world economy tanking they say the governments are going to be in debt.
Australia they are talking a generation to pay it off.
If all the world economy is going negative, and all the governments are going in to debt, who are everyone borrowing from?
I've got about $6,000 in the bank, but that's not going to go far when spread across the world.
Are we borrowing from aliens?, dolphins?, the bloke up the road with the Porsche Boxter and the Tesla (I bet he hasn't got $6 grand)
I actually understand very little when I think about it.
Maybe taking my life advice from a surfing forum isn't a good thing.

That would be the IMF m8..."internaional monetary fund". Basically what they do is provide financial support to failing economies to pay their debts. When the countries continue to experience financial difficulty the IMF says ok righto, well you have those assets, we'll take those. Some say it ties into C19, but there's no way conspiracy theories could be true is there

I could understand if Australia was going bad, America good, we say "Don, we need some cash""
If this relies on ?nstitutional Investors buying government bonds at 1% interest over 10 years, I think we might find the institutional investors have just got smashed on the stock market, and my $6 grand is looking about the best option.
Did anyone see the last sketch on Mad As Hell on Wednesday? Much funnier than anything else around

The US was in an incredible amount of debt prior to C19. Post C19 they will be in an incredible amount of bebt x (times) a sh1tload more...thats not so much our concern, they operate very differently to us & the value of their pieces of paper ($'s) are propped up because they are the worlds ummm how do you say it...they're like the backbone, everythings like priced in US dollars...that is why Russia China & Brazil of all countries were looking at an alternative prior to all the BS. A new Crypto currency unrelated to the US.

Australia on the other hand can bounce back from this ok if we get back to work soon. We just need to ease back on restrictions to allow people to get back to work wilst continuing to be careful. The sooner restrictions are eased the better we will be.

VIC, 2869 posts
17 Apr 2020 7:51PM
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But again I ask, Debt to who?
Is it the aliens or the dolphins?
I can sort of understand the local situation, but if it is all just pieces of paper, what props it up?
If currency was backed up by gold or something, it might make sense, but then I wonder why is gold valuable?
Is the debt just an imaginary vacuum that the government needs to fill?
Might go back to George's shark encounters now

10980 posts
17 Apr 2020 5:54PM
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Locally a lot is owned by super funds.

It's backed by the governments credit rating. Gov don't usually default on debt.

Previously there used to a gold standard and it was backed by stores of gold. This no longer exists.

8266 posts
17 Apr 2020 6:00PM
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Ricardo1709 said..
We will all be paying the massive debt with extra taxes, slugs to super and increased conditions and taxes to lump sum withdrawals, increase in GST will be first cab off the rank and America will go to war with China.Start getting off the grid and being more self sufficient, grow your own food,if you don't have a big yard containers and sprouts, get chooks,solar power, slowly stock up to negate all the inevitable price hikes across the board.

I'd be going crazy too if I lived in NSW/Vic...hang in there bro, it won't be that bad. Although your recommendations sound pretty cool. I'd do it in another stste. It was only the NSW wanker that was suggesting increasing GST, Scomo already ruled that out. There are some things state gov are responsible for, like bushfire prevention & there are some things federal are responsible for, like deciding on increasing GST.

VIC, 2869 posts
17 Apr 2020 8:03PM
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8266 posts
17 Apr 2020 6:03PM
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Nozza said..
But again I ask, Debt to who?
Is it the aliens or the dolphins?
I can sort of understand the local situation, but if it is all just pieces of paper, what props it up?
If currency was backed up by gold or something, it might make sense, but then I wonder why is gold valuable?
Is the debt just an imaginary vacuum that the government needs to fill?
Might go back to George's shark encounters now

The IMF is basically, the "globalists"...Rockefellers mob. If you have time on your hands hava look at how WW2 was financed.

US monetary policy was changed...1972 if I remember allowed the US to print money without the backing of gold.

9106 posts
17 Apr 2020 6:32PM
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Nozza said..

Cobra said..

Nozza said..

Ricardo1709 said..
We will all be paying the massive debt with extra taxes, slugs to super and increased conditions and taxes to lump sum withdrawals, increase in GST will be first cab off the rank and America will go to war with China.Start getting off the grid and being more self sufficient, grow your own food,if you don't have a big yard containers and sprouts, get chooks,solar power, slowly stock up to negate all the inevitable price hikes across the board.

But who do I send my $6 grand to?

Me I need toilet paper should get me a 32 pack

Only if you lend me some.....
Funny thing, or not funny.
I am at my house on Phillip Island, where we have a local general store / bottleshop / caravan park place.
I go there once a day to get the paper, whatever I need.
I haven't been to a supermarket in maybe 4 weeks.
The shop has had single roll packs of toilet paper the whole time, limit one per customer per visit.
Shop still has plenty, and try as I might, I can't poo enough to use more than one roll per day.

Love the island mate, had some of my best surfs there. Woolly was my go to spot as it always had a wave mostly big stuff but cat bay and summers was good. Where are you on the island? I see a bit of flat water in your pics. Rhyll or san remo.

Going for a Rum now, need to get that thought of you pooing out of my head

9106 posts
17 Apr 2020 6:40PM
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SP said..

Nozza said..
But again I ask, Debt to who?
Is it the aliens or the dolphins?
I can sort of understand the local situation, but if it is all just pieces of paper, what props it up?
If currency was backed up by gold or something, it might make sense, but then I wonder why is gold valuable?
Is the debt just an imaginary vacuum that the government needs to fill?
Might go back to George's shark encounters now

This is a bit old but shows who buys our bonds.

Who buys our debt.

By country.


I nearly got it at school once SP ,
well I thought I did until the teacher asked to give my spin.
I could tell by his look I total flopped. And never tried again.
the brilliant thing is I've never needed to know agin until
lacey brought it up.

VIC, 2869 posts
17 Apr 2020 8:43PM
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Cobra said..

Nozza said..

Cobra said..

Nozza said..

Ricardo1709 said..
We will all be paying the massive debt with extra taxes, slugs to super and increased conditions and taxes to lump sum withdrawals, increase in GST will be first cab off the rank and America will go to war with China.Start getting off the grid and being more self sufficient, grow your own food,if you don't have a big yard containers and sprouts, get chooks,solar power, slowly stock up to negate all the inevitable price hikes across the board.

But who do I send my $6 grand to?

Me I need toilet paper should get me a 32 pack

Only if you lend me some.....
Funny thing, or not funny.
I am at my house on Phillip Island, where we have a local general store / bottleshop / caravan park place.
I go there once a day to get the paper, whatever I need.
I haven't been to a supermarket in maybe 4 weeks.
The shop has had single roll packs of toilet paper the whole time, limit one per customer per visit.
Shop still has plenty, and try as I might, I can't poo enough to use more than one roll per day.

Love the island mate, had some of my best surfs there. Woolly was my go to spot as it always had a wave mostly big stuff but cat bay and summers was good. Where are you on the island? I see a bit of flat water in your pics. Rhyll or san remo.

Going for a Rum now, need to get that thought of you pooing out of my head

Ventnor, about half way from Cowes to Cat Bay.
Swell doesn't really make it here, and I'm too lazy to drive anywhere else.
Off to poo my best.......

VIC, 2869 posts
17 Apr 2020 8:45PM
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Woolly constantly scares the poo out of me!

VIC, 2869 posts
17 Apr 2020 8:59PM
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Cobra said..

SP said..

Nozza said..
But again I ask, Debt to who?
Is it the aliens or the dolphins?
I can sort of understand the local situation, but if it is all just pieces of paper, what props it up?
If currency was backed up by gold or something, it might make sense, but then I wonder why is gold valuable?
Is the debt just an imaginary vacuum that the government needs to fill?
Might go back to George's shark encounters now

This is a bit old but shows who buys our bonds.

Who buys our debt.

By country.


I nearly got it at school once SP ,
well I thought I did until the teacher asked to give my spin.
I could tell by his look I total flopped. And never tried again.
the brilliant thing is I've never needed to know agin until
lacey brought it up.

I just looked at that stuff, figures, graphs etc and tried to understand.
Probably explains why I was maths / science all the way through school

QLD, 21946 posts
18 Apr 2020 7:23AM
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What day is it?

QLD, 3570 posts
18 Apr 2020 7:57AM
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Mac its surfless Saturday for everyone , glassy and flat ... for those on the Goldy.....

QLD, 21946 posts
18 Apr 2020 8:16AM
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bazz61 said..
Mac its surfless Saturday for everyone , glassy and flat ... for those on the Goldy.....

Ha thanks Bazz just loosing track here thats all apart from loosing my mind but some will say that happened years ago
I guess heres to happy Saturday everyone

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 Apr 2020 8:44AM
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laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 Apr 2020 9:15AM
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TAS, 2249 posts
18 Apr 2020 10:49AM
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These signs went up at all the beaches here 2 days ago . Police are cruising regular surf spots checking regos and sending home those that aren't in the local council or have a home address more then 5 kms away .

NSW, 249 posts
18 Apr 2020 11:22AM
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Signs like this are appearing at many beaches. What is local?
Local council area? Regulars to a particular beach? Where is the line that determines local.
'If I can walk there am I local? Some surfers used to be able to walk to beach but bad knees and other age related ailments mean it's a going to be a better surf if I drive. '. Then...if I'm 6 km not 5 do I miss out?
If I've surfed a spot since mid 70's when it was a goat track in but the area has been developed into mega estate with car park and picnic facilities are the people in the McMansions now more local than me?

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 Apr 2020 11:35AM
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8266 posts
18 Apr 2020 9:56AM
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TAS, 2249 posts
18 Apr 2020 1:22PM
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pete53 said..
Signs like this are appearing at many beaches. What is local?
Local council area? Regulars to a particular beach? Where is the line that determines local.
'If I can walk there am I local? Some surfers used to be able to walk to beach but bad knees and other age related ailments mean it's a going to be a better surf if I drive. '. Then...if I'm 6 km not 5 do I miss out?
If I've surfed a spot since mid 70's when it was a goat track in but the area has been developed into mega estate with car park and picnic facilities are the people in the McMansions now more local than me?

In this area ( Northwest Tasmania ) if your primary address is not within 5 km of that beach you are considered not local by the police and sent on your way

TAS, 1108 posts
18 Apr 2020 2:23PM
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Tassiedevel said..

pete53 said..
Signs like this are appearing at many beaches. What is local?
Local council area? Regulars to a particular beach? Where is the line that determines local.
'If I can walk there am I local? Some surfers used to be able to walk to beach but bad knees and other age related ailments mean it's a going to be a better surf if I drive. '. Then...if I'm 6 km not 5 do I miss out?
If I've surfed a spot since mid 70's when it was a goat track in but the area has been developed into mega estate with car park and picnic facilities are the people in the McMansions now more local than me?

In this area ( Northwest Tasmania ) if your primary address is not within 5 km of that beach you are considered not local by the police and sent on your way

Who put the signs up TD, no logo on them ?

VIC, 2869 posts
18 Apr 2020 2:41PM
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Tassiedevel said..
These signs went up at all the beaches here 2 days ago . Police are cruising regular surf spots checking regos and sending home those that aren't in the local council or have a home address more then 5 kms away .

Be careful what you believe. Don't think I posted it at the time, but my daughter Louise sent me this picture of signs that went up at every beach access point on the Surf Coast prior to March 28.

Being in the graphic design industry, she picked that the Surf Coast Shire logo was a bit stretched.
Just an enterprising local getting out there - got to admire his initiative.

9106 posts
18 Apr 2020 1:01PM
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Nozza said..

Tassiedevel said..
These signs went up at all the beaches here 2 days ago . Police are cruising regular surf spots checking regos and sending home those that aren't in the local council or have a home address more then 5 kms away .

Be careful what you believe. Don't think I posted it at the time, but my daughter Louise sent me this picture of signs that went up at every beach access point on the Surf Coast prior to March 28.

Being in the graphic design industry, she picked that the Surf Coast Shire logo was a bit stretched.
Just an enterprising local getting out there - got to admire his initiative.

top one is from who? that's sus.

that bottom one looks sus..

I'm calling BS, for one council shouldn't post signs over other signs.
as it states off limits ,,unless a resident , but the sign blocks fire and water safety information.
big no no.

looks like alot of effort for for maybe a temporary sign.

VIC, 2869 posts
18 Apr 2020 3:02PM
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Cobra said..

Nozza said..

Tassiedevel said..
These signs went up at all the beaches here 2 days ago . Police are cruising regular surf spots checking regos and sending home those that aren't in the local council or have a home address more then 5 kms away .

Be careful what you believe. Don't think I posted it at the time, but my daughter Louise sent me this picture of signs that went up at every beach access point on the Surf Coast prior to March 28.

Being in the graphic design industry, she picked that the Surf Coast Shire logo was a bit stretched.
Just an enterprising local getting out there - got to admire his initiative.

top one is from who? that's sus.

that bottom one looks sus..

I'm calling BS, for one council shouldn't post signs over other signs.
looks like alot of effort for for maybe a temporary sign.

Bottom one was BS, but not a bad effort

TAS, 2249 posts
18 Apr 2020 4:36PM
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riverider said..

Tassiedevel said..

pete53 said..
Signs like this are appearing at many beaches. What is local?
Local council area? Regulars to a particular beach? Where is the line that determines local.
'If I can walk there am I local? Some surfers used to be able to walk to beach but bad knees and other age related ailments mean it's a going to be a better surf if I drive. '. Then...if I'm 6 km not 5 do I miss out?
If I've surfed a spot since mid 70's when it was a goat track in but the area has been developed into mega estate with car park and picnic facilities are the people in the McMansions now more local than me?

In this area ( Northwest Tasmania ) if your primary address is not within 5 km of that beach you are considered not local by the police and sent on your way

Who put the signs up TD, no logo on them ?

got a feeling it was the boardriders club that posted the signs - going by the facebook post that went up yesterday which was pretty similar in wording. But police are definitely cruising the beaches - not to mention the choppers flying overhead , bit like a war zone here at the moment . Been no decent surf since the signs went up but fair swell forecast next week - be interesting to watch what happens .
We have 3 spots to pick from within 5 kms so not going to worry me - might be a good thing

NSW, 412 posts
18 Apr 2020 5:23PM
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Who's downloading the government tracking app.

TAS, 2249 posts
18 Apr 2020 5:30PM
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Job for the day - final polish on this little board - amazing how much better a job you can do when you have nothing else to do


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Lockdown" started by Cobra