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Forums > Surfing Longboarding


Created by Cobra > 9 months ago, 26 Mar 2020
QLD, 21946 posts
20 Apr 2020 3:27PM
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laceys lane said..
Whatever you decide. Hit up mac for bored art

Flames are a new thing again

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
20 Apr 2020 3:35PM
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Macaha said..

laceys lane said..
Whatever you decide. Hit up mac for bored art

Flames are a new thing again

Again. I thought that was last year

Al G
NSW, 7677 posts
20 Apr 2020 4:13PM
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Macaha said..

laceys lane said..
Whatever you decide. Hit up mac for bored art

Flames are a new thing again

Love flames

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
20 Apr 2020 4:33PM
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9106 posts
20 Apr 2020 2:36PM
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Tux said..

Nozza said..

Be careful what you believe. Don't think I posted it at the time, but my daughter Louise sent me this picture of signs that went up at every beach access point on the Surf Coast prior to March 28.

Being in the graphic design industry, she picked that the Surf Coast Shire logo was a bit stretched.
Just an enterprising local getting out there - got to admire his initiative.

Those signs might be bull**** but the rozzers in teh carpark checking rego's and handing out fines aren't.....have seen them all over the place in the last few weeks...

Same up Here Tux, saw the water cops walking around checking boat trailer Regos last week.

9106 posts
20 Apr 2020 2:37PM
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laceys lane said..

Bhahahaha love it.

9106 posts
20 Apr 2020 2:39PM
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Macaha said..

laceys lane said..
Whatever you decide. Hit up mac for bored art

Flames are a new thing again

Mac your fibbing is out of control...prob a byproduct of Covid shutdown.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
20 Apr 2020 6:13PM
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QLD, 21946 posts
20 Apr 2020 6:15PM
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Cobra said..

Macaha said..

laceys lane said..
Whatever you decide. Hit up mac for bored art

Flames are a new thing again

Mac your fibbing is out of control...prob a byproduct of Covid shutdown.

Haha crazy times I agree

QLD, 21946 posts
20 Apr 2020 6:17PM
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laceys lane said..

In winter as I walk down to the water and piss in my wetsuit

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
20 Apr 2020 6:45PM
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Macaha said..

laceys lane said..

In winter as I walk down to the water and piss in my wetsuit

Problem with that is you dont wear wetsuits

QLD, 21946 posts
20 Apr 2020 6:52PM
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laceys lane said..

Macaha said..

laceys lane said..

In winter as I walk down to the water and piss in my wetsuit

Problem with that is you dont wear wetsuits

Ok in my pants

199 posts
20 Apr 2020 6:01PM
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Macaha said..

laceys lane said..

Macaha said..

laceys lane said..

In winter as I walk down to the water and piss in my wetsuit

Problem with that is you dont wear wetsuits

Ok in my pants

I think gentlemen of your vintage can wear nappies for this "issue" nowadays...... Not too sure how they go whilst duck diving tho

10980 posts
20 Apr 2020 8:24PM
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8266 posts
20 Apr 2020 8:48PM
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Wow really need to lay off the memes is the ultimate propaganda for stupid people

251 posts
20 Apr 2020 10:28PM
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There's no right or wrong.

QLD, 1332 posts
21 Apr 2020 6:31AM
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Rabbs said..

There's no right or wrong.

There does seem to be a White or Wong problem though!
Not with me btw...before anyone takes that the "wrong" way!

QLD, 1332 posts
21 Apr 2020 7:04AM
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Missing the beach?

The top 30 clips of 2020 will probably be just all empty waves rolling through.
Actually the 2018 one is a bit meatier. Haven't watched the other years yet.

10980 posts
21 Apr 2020 5:30AM
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laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
21 Apr 2020 7:57AM
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SP said..


9106 posts
21 Apr 2020 6:03AM
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So it's looking pretty good ATM to getting back to normal, not that much has changed for me. Just wondering what the government is going to do now the numbers are looking good, noticed Singapore had it under control to now out Of control, how quick it can turn.

QLD, 21946 posts
21 Apr 2020 9:24AM
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Cobra said..
So it's looking pretty good ATM to getting back to normal, not that much has changed for me. Just wondering what the government is going to do now the numbers are looking good, noticed Singapore had it under control to now out Of control, how quick it can turn.

A couple of our beaches were reopened yesterday,The Spit is still closed due to out of town visitors,some beach carparks are still closed also,give it another 4 weeks if only we continue to beat the numbers game. Nothing changed here as I was unemployed before this thing happened but home reno is keeping me sane.

QLD, 391 posts
21 Apr 2020 9:45AM
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Cobra said..
So it's looking pretty good ATM to getting back to normal, not that much has changed for me. Just wondering what the government is going to do now the numbers are looking good, noticed Singapore had it under control to now out Of control, how quick it can turn.

Yes it is going to be interesting how we get out of this.
It's one thing to open stuff up in the State, then Nationally but Internationally....
Can't see international travel opening up for a looong time and quite right really, bummer for tourism but can't let his thing back in once we have it cleared.
Maybe all those Chinese tourists need to spend 14 days in a disused mining camp before they hit Sydeny & the reef

10980 posts
21 Apr 2020 7:47AM
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QLD, 21946 posts
21 Apr 2020 9:55AM
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GWatto said..

Cobra said..
So it's looking pretty good ATM to getting back to normal, not that much has changed for me. Just wondering what the government is going to do now the numbers are looking good, noticed Singapore had it under control to now out Of control, how quick it can turn.

Yes it is going to be interesting how we get out of this.
It's one thing to open stuff up in the State, then Nationally but Internationally....
Can't see international travel opening up for a looong time and quite right really, bummer for tourism but can't let his thing back in once we have it cleared.
Maybe all those Chinese tourists need to spend 14 days in a disused mining camp before they hit Sydeny & the reef

I'm think no international travel until 2021, maybe NZ later this year.

10980 posts
21 Apr 2020 8:00AM
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MickPC said..
Wow really need to lay off the memes is the ultimate propaganda for stupid people

Only if your ****ing dumb enough to believe them.
But if your dumb enough to believe trump I guess your dumb enough to believe entertainment content on social media is fact.

9106 posts
21 Apr 2020 8:04AM
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GWatto said..

Cobra said..
So it's looking pretty good ATM to getting back to normal, not that much has changed for me. Just wondering what the government is going to do now the numbers are looking good, noticed Singapore had it under control to now out Of control, how quick it can turn.

Yes it is going to be interesting how we get out of this.
It's one thing to open stuff up in the State, then Nationally but Internationally....
Can't see international travel opening up for a looong time and quite right really, bummer for tourism but can't let his thing back in once we have it cleared.
Maybe all those Chinese tourists need to spend 14 days in a disused mining camp before they hit Sydeny & the reef

Same here mate, international travel or workers if allowed will need stricter enforcement of quarantine measures than our earlier past efforts.
then you have exposure to staff, its a no win really , then the country would go backwards into restrictions again.

VIC, 3829 posts
21 Apr 2020 11:49AM
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Cobra said..
So it's looking pretty good ATM to getting back to normal, not that much has changed for me. Just wondering what the government is going to do now the numbers are looking good, noticed Singapore had it under control to now out Of control, how quick it can turn.

Thats casue they started testing all the imported labour that lives in dorms

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
21 Apr 2020 11:55AM
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I think mac should get tested.
He saying crazy stuff and pissing in his pants.

Might as well test him for covid19 while they are at it

9106 posts
21 Apr 2020 10:49AM
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laceys lane said..
I think mac should get tested.
He saying crazy stuff and pissing in his pants.

Might as well test him for covid19 while they are at it

No he has mad cow, he's fine.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Lockdown" started by Cobra