I just love every time I log onto this page..... for some reason I find myself scrolling back to the top of the page everytime
Leggie , you did'nt get the white VS bogged Friday arvo did you???? word on the streets is some dude in a hilux skull dragged it from its "resting place"
Well I dont know about you guys but I cant paddle anymore , the wetsuit rash has kicked right in nicely and my face and eyes are burning and the bundy tastes oh so sweeet . What a brilliant 3 days of waves! Cheers Hughie - You da man
Regular beachbreak, pretty small. I persevered for almost 3 hours but it wasn't very good. Very rippy where I was, and a constant stink of burnt 2 stroke fuel in the air. No banks to speak of. I've already said it, but I'm disappointed with the state of the banks. It's getting late and we need storms to stir them up. More than 1 day storms, a decent 3+ day NW moving to SW 50kt+.
Looks like I'll sit tomorrow out unless the forecast changes. Few days later in the week looking promising though.
Damn, looks like I should've gone out today. This morning looked alright, this arvo too. Winds were never strong enough to spoil it (yet).
Tuesdays I can't go. Wed/Thu/Fri look promising.
There is a search going on at the moment for a stray doggie on the gold coast
I looked all day but I could not sight him
doggie's really missing out. All day offshore or glassy yesterday, today, and up until next Monday. And a bit of swell around too.
Today would've been good. I'll report again after tomorrow.
Kearnsy's backyard for 2.5hrs. It was great. 10+ guys 100m away but for 3/4 of the time I was alone and when others were there I tried to share but they were sitting too far on the shoulder so I really had the peak to myself. I got tricked by the shallow reef into staying too tight in the pocket and had a few sections shut down and I couldn't get around. On the bigger ones I got a few nice turns and I was happy. It was trying hard to be 3', and there was even a very occasional 4' bomb. Will be there tomorrow most likely.
Kearnsy's backyard. 2', onshore. Got a few OK ones but it was kind of tricky with the wind. Not a total waste of a drive.
Kearnsy's. Strong crossshore kind of spoiled it. I did get a sweet 2s headdip, which made me feel rad. When I left there were 16 at the popular break, and 2 just paddled out where I left (I was alone for 2.5hrs). Bit small, 2' sets maybe. It didn't pan out like forecast unfortunately.
Yeah, no doubt. I wish I was heading up your way or further though. It's a bit small around here. Conditions are pretty good though. Midwest and further north looks great. Down south too.
Back to closeout central today. It's just not happening banks-wise. Small too. Next two days off, maybe back in the water Tuesday/Wednesday.
Kearnsy's again. Macking sets today, but macking crowds too. Carpark overflowed, cars down the track and the second carpark also full. I sat by myself at the usual spot south of the main location, which had about 30+ people out. Beachbreak to the north was looking good too. Shame the swell's going to disappear but I'll see what happens tomorrow. Oh yeah, it was maybe 4', maybe even 5' on some of the sets. Sort of offshore. A bit messy where I was, cleaner further north.
I just got some photos of down south yesterday including a solid 8'er at a well-known heavy right. Lots of other photos of fun looking 4-6' waves. Busy though.
Swell's holding up today. Back to K-land shortly.
Not mine to post. Well, maybe one.
Today at K-land the swell disappeared. Still a few but long waits. Weed is back with a vengeance. It was a bit crowded where I was (up to 6) but they all left eventually and there was just me. I got a few really nice waves although it was only 2'. A few right down the line to the inside section of the main location. Conditions got better and better. I got worn out but should've stayed in the water. When I left a few followed me in and there were only 5 left in the water. 2 went south so only 3 at the main location.
I certainly hope so. It looks promising at this stage. Wind direction wrong around here when I've got the time to go, but it could be light enough to not matter.