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Created by bjw 7 months ago, 15 Jul 2024
QLD, 3664 posts
15 Jul 2024 5:51AM
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Why are pretty pretty much all assassination attempts conducted by Democrat's?

Are the left just generally more violent?

NSW, 1280 posts
15 Jul 2024 7:26AM
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How have you come to this conclusion bjw

It would appear that Thomas Matthew Crooks was a registered Republican

911 posts
15 Jul 2024 6:54AM
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Whilst democrats are generally more politically violent, I feel this is a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) taken to its inevitable end.

Many democrats and the few republicans that spew hatred for trump with wild unfounded prophecies of a trump presidency do not believe them themselves. They are just playing politics to empower themselves and enrich their oligarchy donors and mates. This has led to TDS.

TDS has infected the brain of too many. The TDS political violence is off to an early start to the election season. Antifa, socialist, blm, communist etc will start join in soon enough, with the help and support of the democrats and deep state.

This will not be their last attempt at Trump.

1964 posts
15 Jul 2024 7:25AM
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Unless there is some other bizarre twist still to come, we can assume Trump has pretty much secured the presidency.

WA, 6975 posts
15 Jul 2024 7:39AM
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Closer to home, what made me wonder this weekend was Albo saying

"Trade Unions exist to look after workers, to look after their wages and conditions and health and safety. They don't exist to engage in the sort of conduct that name redacted has clearly been engaged with. It should be condemned. It should be isolated. It should be stamped out."

This alleged conduct hardly comes as a surprise, yet Albo also recently abolished the BCC and ROC, primarily at the demand of the same unions.

So if such conduct should be condemned, isolated and stamped out, is that only by reactive response to journalists investigations in panicked press conferances from politicans and not by a proactive legislative, policing or judicial system ?

If you do seemingly nothing and thus allow these things to fester, I am not sure you can also complain when somebody else says something or does something, even when you don't like what they say or do.

QLD, 4025 posts
15 Jul 2024 9:40AM
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TonyAbbott said..
Whilst democrats are generally more politically violent, I feel this is a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) taken to its inevitable end.

Many democrats and the few republicans that spew hatred for trump with wild unfounded prophecies of a trump presidency do not believe them themselves. They are just playing politics to empower themselves and enrich their oligarchy donors and mates. This has led to TDS.

TDS has infected the brain of too many. The TDS political violence is off to an early start to the election season. Antifa, socialist, blm, communist etc will start join in soon enough, with the help and support of the democrats and deep state.

This will not be their last attempt at Trump.

I think IanR has predicted the end of democracy should Trump win, dictator I think was the term he used, TDS is not just restricted to America.

WA, 6975 posts
15 Jul 2024 8:11AM
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cammd said..
I think IanR has predicted the end of democracy should Trump win, dictator I think was the term he used, TDS is not just restricted to America.

The Romans are Trump presidency was all bastards,
they have bled us 'till we're white,
they've taken everything we've got
as if it was their right,
and we've got nothing in return
though they make so much fuss,

what have the Romans Trump Presidency ever done for us?

Well, apart from medicine, irrigation,
health, roads, cheese and education,
baths and the Circus Maximus,
what have the Romans Trump presidency ever done for us?

Brought peace.
Oh, shut up!

Mr Milk
NSW, 3062 posts
15 Jul 2024 10:29AM
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bjw said..
Why are pretty pretty much all assassination attempts conducted by Democrat's?

Are the left just generally more violent?

Abraham Lincoln? JFK? Robert Kennedy? Martin Luther King?
It can be argued that JFK got shot by somebody with leftist views, but the others were all by genuine RWNJs

WA, 6975 posts
15 Jul 2024 10:13AM
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...and back closer to home Sally McManus, ACTU leader, is now saying she is "shocked and horrified".
Horrified fair enough, but shocked ? Shocked somebody made her drag her head out of the sand maybe? Shocked that what everyone knew is hiding in plain sight is being pointed at.

Remember this is the same Sally McManus who, not so long ago, when asked whether the ACTU should distance itself from the CFMEU, which at the time had faced 118 separate legal proceedings in various courts, Ms McManus said "there's no way we'll be doing that". "I believe in the rule of law when the law is fair and the law is right, but when it's unjust I don't think there's a problem with breaking it".

QLD, 3664 posts
15 Jul 2024 12:57PM
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Mr Milk said..

bjw said..
Why are pretty pretty much all assassination attempts conducted by Democrat's?

Are the left just generally more violent?

Abraham Lincoln? JFK? Robert Kennedy? Martin Luther King?
It can be argued that JFK got shot by somebody with leftist views, but the others were all by genuine RWNJs

You missed a few republicans...

QLD, 3664 posts
15 Jul 2024 12:58PM
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"Revolution!", is not a catch phrase used by the right as it is the left.

QLD, 3664 posts
15 Jul 2024 1:08PM
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IanR said..
It would appear that Thomas Matthew Crooks was a registered Republican

Who donated money to the Biden campaign.

Mr Milk
NSW, 3062 posts
15 Jul 2024 1:39PM
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bjw said..

Mr Milk said..

bjw said..
Why are pretty pretty much all assassination attempts conducted by Democrat's?

Are the left just generally more violent?

Abraham Lincoln? JFK? Robert Kennedy? Martin Luther King?
It can be argued that JFK got shot by somebody with leftist views, but the others were all by genuine RWNJs

You missed a few republicans...

Lack of target practice, I guess. Time to get a licence

WA, 1399 posts
15 Jul 2024 11:56AM
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WA, 1605 posts
15 Jul 2024 6:14PM
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I wonder how many with TDS registered as Republicans so they could vote against trump in the primarys

Tequila !
WA, 995 posts
15 Jul 2024 6:49PM
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Libs and Labor are very concerned people are wising up, that the media here talks 10x more about US politics than what happens in Canberra.
They are all horrible and standards are very low.

WA, 3357 posts
15 Jul 2024 8:42PM
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The easiest way to understand RWNJs is to look at at Not the drivel Fox posts, look at the comments below each story.

1964 posts
16 Jul 2024 5:08AM
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It's happening again. On the abc news site there is no less than 10 different stories today about Donald Trump.

There won't be a day that goes by where we don't hear Donald Trump's name mentioned multiple times.

I thought over exposure was a thing. Is there an app or something that I can use to at least pretend he doesn't exist.

QLD, 3664 posts
16 Jul 2024 7:13AM
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RWNJ's such as Musk? He seems to be moderately successful and intelligent and endorsed Trump.

WA, 12429 posts
16 Jul 2024 7:48AM
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Musk has his own agenda, he'll endorse who ever he thinks will work best for him

911 posts
16 Jul 2024 9:15AM
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100 million furious republicans and not one riot, cities are not burning

Republican and democrats are not the same

QLD, 3664 posts
16 Jul 2024 11:26AM
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decrepit said..
Musk has his own agenda, he'll endorse who ever he thinks will work best for him

The mega rich are all corrupt and only self serving? Marxism is still strong.

What if I told you the mega rich still have a conscience and are human!!

1964 posts
16 Jul 2024 10:14AM
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TonyAbbott said..
100 million furious republicans and not one riot, cities are not burning

Republican and democrats are not the same

What makes you think there are 100 million furious Republicans? I'd assume they'd be pretty happy with themselves and celebrating.

Their guy cheated death and looks like he will be next president in November.

Would it take 100 million dead democrats to make 100 million republicans happy. Eye for an eye?

382 posts
16 Jul 2024 3:54PM
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bjw said..
"Revolution!", is not a catch phrase used by the right as it is the left.

Revolution, progress, yes lots of words like that. Civil War on the other hand comes from the right.

382 posts
16 Jul 2024 4:26PM
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bjw said..
Why are pretty pretty much all assassination attempts conducted by Democrat's?

Are the left just generally more violent?

Before Trump there was:
Ronald Reagan (R): Survived
Gerald Ford (R): Survived
John Kennedy (D): Died
Harry Truman (D): Survived
Franklin Roosevelt (D): Survived
Theodore Roosevelt (R): Survived
William Taft (R): Survived
William McKinley: Died
James Garfield: Died
Abraham Lincoln: Died
Andrew Jackson: Survived

Can't be bothered looking up the rest of the parties. In any case the Dems used to represent the old Southern slave owners and racists of that ilk. They changed character in the 60s when the Repubs won over the southern racists. More recently the Repubs have hoovered up the antivaxxer vote and the white supremacist and NAZI vote, and the Christian extremist vote.

POTUS is a dangerous job. They have a 27% chance of getting shot, and a 9% chance of being killed. Must be one of the most dangerous jobs in the world.

I don't think the Dems are more violent. Currently the Repubs have the weirdo vote sewn up and one would expect more crazy violence from them, just my impression.

1964 posts
16 Jul 2024 5:03PM
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GasHazard said..
POTUS is a dangerous job. They have a 27% chance of getting shot, and a 9% chance of being killed. Must be one of the most dangerous jobs in the world.

I never thought of it like that. Interesting statistics.

1964 posts
16 Jul 2024 9:22PM
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Has anybody watched Hillbilly Ellegy?

He sounds quite interesting and an ambitious person. The cynic in me wondered how long he will last working with Trump.

WA, 3357 posts
16 Jul 2024 9:36PM
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^depends on if he is loyal to America or loyal to Trump.

1964 posts
16 Jul 2024 9:51PM
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remery said..
^depends on if he is loyal to Americs or loyal to Trump.

Seems very obvious that he is only loyal to himself.

WA, 6975 posts
17 Jul 2024 8:10AM
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And back at home, BS has a now joined the denial camp, reportedly saying :

"The clear evidence emerging now is that there's a level of penetration in some parts of the construction sector by organised crime which is so far beyond acceptable," the NDIS minister (Former Labor leader Bill Shorten) told ABC radio on Tuesday.

Yep, it was only acceptable when everyone pretended it wasn't there. And the evidence is now clear because everyone isn't putting their finger in their ear and going nar-nar-nar can't hear you.

QLD, 4025 posts
17 Jul 2024 11:30AM
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Carantoc said..
And back at home, BS has a now joined the denial camp, reportedly saying :

"The clear evidence emerging now is that there's a level of penetration in some parts of the construction sector by organised crime which is so far beyond acceptable," the NDIS minister (Former Labor leader Bill Shorten) told ABC radio on Tuesday.

Yep, it was only acceptable when everyone pretended it wasn't there. And the evidence is now clear because everyone isn't putting their finger in their ear and going nar-nar-nar can't hear you.

Pretend it wasn't there? more like make sure it isn't exposed

The Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) was abolished on 6 February 2023


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Democrats" started by bjw