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Global Warming has hit Perth

Created by Pcdefender > 9 months ago, 24 Jun 2023
WA, 3158 posts
9 Jul 2023 5:22PM
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In self proclaimed "critical thinker with expertise in the scientific method" Jennifer Marohasy's latest blog ( she notes:

- "To be clear, the Bureau of Meteorology, and everyone else who claims Australia is overheating is speaking nonsense"
- "Long continuous temperature records for anywhere along the East Coast of Australia - unadjusted/unhomogenised, that is before remodelling - tend to show a cooling trend from about 1920 through to about 1950 (though there were every hot summers from 1938 through 1941) - but overall the trend is cooling and then warming. Until the last few years. At places like Gympie, about halfway down the East Coast of Australia, annual average maximum temperatures were about as hot a few years ago, back in 2018, as they were back in 1919, but over the last few years they have been falling - again."
- "Before they deleted the minimum temperature as recorded at the air force base in Richmond (western Sydney), it got down to minus 6.4 C on 19th June, which would have been a new record cold day. But. Alas. The officials here in Australia do not want to know about cold days. As a nation we have already officially committed to overheating."

Marohasy uses Weatherzone data to replace missing BoM data for Richmond RAAF for her -6.4 claim, but the lowest 10 minute value the 19th is -2.1 at 06:50 (

Marohasy's favoured Weatherzone has an interesting take on Queensland temperatures:
"Seems like the Queensland weather gods are in a record-breaking kind of mood right now. On Monday afternoon, we told you that parts of outback Queensland had broken their monthly rainfall records within a day or two of July starting, with 10 to 15 times their monthly average rainfall in 24 hours. That came right after a month of extraordinarily high average temperatures, with Queensland experiencing its warmest June on record this year. Across the state, June was:
- 3.13?C above average in Queensland, which is an unusually large anomaly
- That broke the old Qld June anomaly of 2.49?C above average (1996) by more than half a degree
- The nation as a whole was 1.25?C above average in June, which made it the 10th-warmest June on record
- Only the southern and western half of Western Australia had any significant areas of below-average temps in June.
- Indeed WA as a whole was -0.38?C down on the June average and as we wrote on Monday, Perth had its coldest June in 50 years
- Every other state was significantly warmer than the long-term average for June
While some states were up there in near record-breaking territory (for example the NT had its 3rd-warmest June on record), Queensland's anomaly was a long way in front of the other states."

WA, 1557 posts
9 Jul 2023 8:40PM
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Ya still gotta love all those warmists still out there.

Watching their reality box nightly at 6pm for all the daily updates on how coastal towns are going to be soon underwater

Real life reality comedy is far funnier than comedy on the tv.

If you still can't work out after what has gone on after the last three and half years that THEIR DATA and projections mean JACK then sorry to say you are never going to wake up.

Not your fault.

Trusty souls from my experience will die as trusting souls - its just the way life is really.

WA, 6844 posts
10 Jul 2023 8:42AM
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remery said..
.... for her -6.4 claim, but the lowest 10 minute value the 19th is -2.1 at 06:50 (

..maybe she was using the 1 second peak like BOM does, not a 10 minute average ?

Maybe she interpolated the minimum reading from the 10 minute averages using a third order polynomial to get a 1 second peak to achieve a like-for-like with BoM ??

..just saying

891 posts
11 Jul 2023 6:02AM
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904 posts
11 Jul 2023 6:08AM
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If Perth is so bloody cold, please come and take some of our temperatures (Celsius not Fahrenheit):

WA, 14845 posts
11 Jul 2023 8:04AM
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philn said..
If Perth is so bloody cold, please come and take some of our temperatures (Celsius not Fahrenheit):

47 degrees? You are so lucky

With thunderstorms as well? That's sure to make it nice and humid as well...

Is 47 very different to your normal temps?

WA, 12315 posts
11 Jul 2023 8:08AM
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A humid heat wave? Don't want much of that thanks!
The dry ones we get here are bad enough.

WA, 3158 posts
11 Jul 2023 12:12PM
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decrepit said..
A humid heat wave? Don't want much of that thanks!
The dry ones we get here are bad enough.

"Even moderate heat strains the heart

A person can experience cardiovascular strain - a progressive increase in heart rate - in air temperatures as low as 34 ?, before their internal temperature starts to rise. Researchers spotted the warning sign in 51 healthy volunteers who engaged in light physical activity in humid conditions inside an environmental chamber. For older people or those with a heart condition, the effect can be lethal. "If all of a sudden you notice your heart rate going up quickly and progressively, then that might mean that your core temperature will start to rise," says exercise physiology researcher and study co-author Rachel Cottle. "That's when you need to take precautionary measures."

Nature | 4 min read
Reference: Journal of Applied Physiology paper

891 posts
12 Jul 2023 5:03PM
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WA, 3158 posts
13 Jul 2023 8:31AM
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443 posts
13 Jul 2023 3:47PM
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remery said..

...and yet the planet is still a couple of degrees cooler than it has been for most of the last 8000+ years.

Mr Milk
NSW, 3049 posts
13 Jul 2023 7:58PM
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Specifically, the team demonstrated "that late Holocene cooling as reconstructed by proxies is a seasonal signal," Bova told To do this, the team developed a new method that allowed them to "use seasonal temperatures to come up with annual averages. Using our new method, we demonstrate that Holocene mean annual temperatures have been steadily rising," Bova added. The scientists analyzed previously published sea surface temperature data, which used information about the fossils of foraminifera - single-celled organisms that live on the surface of the ocean -and other biomarkers from marine algae. This allowed them to reconstruct temperatures through history. With this data, "we show that the post-industrial increase in global temperature rose from the warmest mean annual temperature recorded over the past 12,000 years," Bova said, adding that this is contrary to recent research. "Earth's global temperatures have therefore reached uncharted territory that has not been observed over at least the past 12,000 and perhaps the past 128,000 years."

WA, 585 posts
13 Jul 2023 10:39PM
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Another century or two and we will know what's going on.

WA, 3158 posts
13 Jul 2023 10:41PM
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"We demonstrate that global average annual temperature has been rising over the last 12,000 years, contrary to previous results," said Samantha Bova, at Rutgers University-New Brunswick in the US, who led the research. "This means that the modern, human-caused global warming period is accelerating a long-term increase in global temperatures, making today completely uncharted territory. It changes the baseline and emphasises just how critical it is to take our situation seriously."

WA, 1557 posts
14 Jul 2023 12:41AM
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Remery, you are not by any chance on the payroll of the World Economic Forum

Word for word on every topic you seem to agree with their narrative.

We get bombarded by it 24/7 on the TV so no more need for it here.

443 posts
14 Jul 2023 2:21AM
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remery said..
"We demonstrate that global average annual temperature has been rising over the last 12,000 years, contrary to previous results," said Samantha Bova, at Rutgers University-New Brunswick in the US, who led the research. "This means that the modern, human-caused global warming period is accelerating a long-term increase in global temperatures, making today completely uncharted territory. It changes the baseline and emphasises just how critical it is to take our situation seriously."

WA, 14845 posts
14 Jul 2023 8:04AM
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Pcdefender said..
Remery, you are not by any chance on the payroll of the World Economic Forum

Word for word on every topic you seem to agree with their narrative.

We get bombarded by it 24/7 on the TV so no more need for it here.

Yeah, you are "in on it"!

Remery, if you start quoting stuff from henry makow, you will be in the club, so just go ahead and join in. You know you want to.

Also, too much quoted information ruins everything. More memes please, less information.

I am watching TV 24/7 so no need for it here.

WA, 3158 posts
14 Jul 2023 12:00PM
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"The premise of this book is very simple. These false conspiracy theories are a problem. They hurt individuals by affecting their life choices, in terms of money, health, and social interactions. They hurt society by distracting from the very real problems of corruption and decreasing citizens' democracy. False conspiracy theories are real problems and we can and should do something about them. This book discusses the nature of the problem, why people get sucked in, how they get out, and what pragmatic things can be done to help individuals escape the conspiracy theory rabbit hole."

WA, 12315 posts
14 Jul 2023 12:57PM
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Yes indeed, one of the biggest problems in the World is the misinformation and spin, getting spread by all sorts of people, conspiracy theorist amongst them.

QLD, 3647 posts
14 Jul 2023 4:39PM
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According to the ABC there is only 3 issues Australia faces:
Climate Change
First Nation

Mr Milk
NSW, 3049 posts
14 Jul 2023 6:03PM
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You don't watch, listen to, or read ABC, do you?

WA, 3158 posts
14 Jul 2023 4:34PM
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decrepit said..
Yes indeed, one of the biggest problems in the World is the misinformation and spin, getting spread by all sorts of people, conspiracy theorist amongst them.

Social media had the potential to bring socially isolated people together. Instead it has given willfully ignorant conspiracy theorists a platform to engage with millions of gullible conspiracy theorists resulting in negative impacts on... "life choices, in terms of money, health, and social interactions. They hurt society by distracting from the very real problems of corruption and decreasing citizens' democracy". Its pretty sad for people who have spent much of their lives developing their own understanding through research and who have tried to educate others. They don't trust the government, the media, the doctors, the scientists, the educators... all they trust are other attention-seeking conspiracy theorists and often religious leaders. Its a bit sad, I've been a member of Australian Skeptics since the early 1980's. I thought things would have got better by the time I approached retirement, but instead, social media has given willfully ignorant attention-seekers a digital megaphone and made things worse.

WA, 3158 posts
14 Jul 2023 8:16PM
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"The World Meteorological Organization reported last week that sea ice is at record low levels around Antarctica, 17 percent below the average for this time of year. Sea ice expands and shrinks with the seasons and the ice around Antarctica is still growing, but at the slowest pace seen since satellite observation began in the 1970s."

WA, 1557 posts
15 Jul 2023 1:22AM
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A few years back it was considered to be a conspiracy theory that the covid jab was anything but safe and effective.........

Another CT held by some is the WEF and Klaus Schwab even exist and if they do have no influence on world politics lol.

WA, 14845 posts
15 Jul 2023 6:23AM
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Pcdefender said..
A few years back it was considered to be a conspiracy theory that the covid jab was anything but safe and effective.........

Another CT held by some is the WEF and Klaus Schwab even exist and if they do have no influence on world politics lol.

Stop reinventing the past! Nobody thought the safety of the covid vaccines was related to a conspiracy theory.

For your memory, the conspiracy whacko theories were about microchips being in the vaccines and linked to 5G towers. Not about the safety of a brand new vaccine.

Don't lie to yourself. Now, no one seems to have been controlled by the microchips and the 5G towers, so I think we can assume that these whacko theories were just dumb.

The safety on the other hand appears to be like anything new.

Why is it that conspiracy theorists seem to be so focused on USA based politics? Is it that your information gets spoon fed to you from other people in the USA and its all you have to go on?

WA, 14845 posts
15 Jul 2023 6:24AM
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Is this the pivot point where PM33 turns this thread into another anti vax thread?

WA, 14845 posts
15 Jul 2023 6:26AM
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remery said..
Social media had the potential to bring socially isolated people together. Instead it has given willfully ignorant conspiracy theorists a platform to engage with millions of gullible conspiracy theorists resulting in negative impacts on... "life choices, in terms of money, health, and social interactions. They hurt society by distracting from the very real problems of corruption and decreasing citizens' democracy". Its pretty sad for people who have spent much of their lives developing their own understanding through research and who have tried to educate others. They don't trust the government, the media, the doctors, the scientists, the educators... all they trust are other attention-seeking conspiracy theorists and often religious leaders. Its a bit sad, I've been a member of Australian Skeptics since the early 1980's. I thought things would have got better by the time I approached retirement, but instead, social media has given willfully ignorant attention-seekers a digital megaphone and made things worse.

Ahh, very clever. Hiding information in text instead of memes! The CTers will never read that. Too many words.

Eureka! I think I have just discovered how to have a real conspiracy and stop the CTers from finding out. Just write out more than a sentence and they lose focus and stop reading. Maybe follow up with a picture of some ducks or a clever meme about politics, and you can hide anything.

WA, 3158 posts
15 Jul 2023 8:56AM
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Pcdefender said..
A few years back it was considered to be a conspiracy theory that the covid jab was anything but safe and effective.........

Another CT held by some is the WEF and Klaus Schwab even exist and if they do have no influence on world politics lol.

The COVID vaccine has been proven to be safe and effective.

Klaus Schwab's comments are about pre-existing geopolitical concerns.

WA, 3158 posts
15 Jul 2023 9:00AM
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FormulaNova said.

Ahh, very clever. Hiding information in text instead of memes! The CTers will never read that. Too many words.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Global Warming has hit Perth" started by Pcdefender