It's finally made it home, just need to adjust the foot straps now.
Here it is getting excess sugar washed off.
I'll be happy to try it in 10kts to see how it grovels. Next thing is to test the planing threshold, I'm hoping for 13-14kts
Now the exciting part. I bet the wind won't blow for a month. Or too much wind for the board.
Thankfully you're bet is wrong. Had the ideal conditions to test it's extreme bottom and mid range today. 5 to 18kts.
Performed flawlessly, it handles very light conditions well, nose is very close to the water, but doesn't go under like the old 55 did.
Jumps on the plan easily, no sign of being sticky, trims up nicely once powered. Carves well, should be good for alphas in consistent wind. Just felt comfortable, didn't have to get used to it, felt right at home straight away.
Sailed by myself the whole session, can't remember the last time that happened, but I didn't miss company, was enjoying myself too much
The more sessions I've had on it, the more I like it. I'm sailing and enjoying, conditions this year, I wouldn't have bothered about last year.
Do I want to add cutouts???? There's nothing wrong with the way it trims, but maybe eliminating a bit of drag would result in a bit more speed. Is it worth the effort? At the moment I don't want to put the board off the water. Maybe when the doldrums arrive I'll reassess